Chereads / This Is Not A Drill / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2- Panic & Chaos Pt.1

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2- Panic & Chaos Pt.1

~No ones POV~

Kiyoshi got out his house, it was Saturday and he wanted to hang out with Haruki. He walked over to his house and knocked on the door. Waiting patiently, the door opened to find Haruki looking...drowsy..?

"Hey man..! What's up?" He asked Kiyoshi trying to sound energetic but he's failing terribly right now.

"Heyyy dude.." Kiyoshi replied to him, trying to act normal. "Come in!" He said opening the door more, enough for Kiyoshi to come in. "Thanks.." he thanked him and walked inside. "Hey where are your parents?"

"Work as usual, business trip or something.." his voice wandered of when he finished his sentence. Kiyoshi gave an understanding nod at him, and ran to the living room. He immediately dropped himself on a nearby beanbag and got cosy. "I swear you're so lucky to have this!" He said closing his eyes. Haruki laughed at him. "Maybe I could buy you one?"

Kiyoshi immediately opened his eyes and stood up, looking at the mess in front of him. "You're joking right?!" He asked Haruki. He sat down on the couch and shrugged. "Maybe." He simply replied, he looked as if he is trying to stay awake.

"Ok stop it, what's wrong with you?" Kiyoshi asked his friend with concern in his voice. Haruki looked at him, then at the floor. "Nothing." He said playing with his fingers. This angered Kiyoshi, he walked up to him and sat down beside him. "You can tell me anything you know that." Kiyoshi stared at him, looking at the ground.

Haruki looked at him. " got me.." he said sadly. Kiyoshi glanced at him, he stared directly at the eyes. Ready to listen to whatever he wants to say. Haruki glanced at him, scared to even look at those eyes!

~Harukis POV~

Oooookk those eyes can be no no Haru! You gotta tell him! I took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm scared." I told him, weird right? I mean who wouldn't?! Zombies lurking around trying to eat you it scares me! It scares me-

"I know, and I know the reason. But we're in this together ok?" He answered putting his hand on my shoulder. I turned to where his hand is and back to him. " know when to say the right thing..Koro-chan." I said, hugging him. Hopefully this hug will make him forget I even said his childhood nickname! "Fine you'll get away with this just this once.." he sighed disappointed. He hugged me back and it was a comfortable silence.

"Hey what time did you sleep?" He asked me, still hugging me. "Mmmmmmmmm..." I didn't want to reply, he'll kill me if I say it!!

"Haruki..." he threatened, hugging me a bit tighter than before.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm....." was all I said. For his height and size he's really scary...really. He's my saviour to this day actually! If I get injured by accident, he'll go for a full on lecture to the person who hit me by accident, even threatening them! He doesn't do it anymore because they know what he'll do but I can be scary as well..?

He pushed me and I fell on the floor. I groaned in pain and rubbed my back. I look up to find a angry looking murderer. "What. Time. Did. You. Sleep. At." He asked, trying to sound calm but I know he's trying to contain his anger.




"7am..." I reluctantly said to him. I glanced at his face...oh no..I'm doomed. Kiyoshi is like my second mom...a scary one. Though he doesn't know how to cook, he struggles at that. But I'm a professional at it!! "Sorry what time?" He asked trying to sound clueless.







~10 minutes later~

Let's say..I'm currently sitting in the corner traumatised. I heard Kiyoshi sigh and hear him walking to me. Please don't hit me please don't-

"Sorry.." he apologised patting my shoulder. I looked at him, he really means it! I gave a reassuring smile that I forgive him and he happily nodded. "Annnnd since you don't really forgive me!" He said looking at me. I gave a questionable look at him, but I do forgive him..?

"I'm gonna make some cookies!!" He chirped walking towards the kitchen. It gave me a few minutes to even process what he just said.

"W-wait Kiyoshi!" I ran to the kitchen to find a mess. He really doesn't know how to bake does he? I mentally face palmed and started cleaning up, putting back all the ingredients and throwing away unnecessary stuff. Kiyoshi stood there, silent and watching me clean up. He looked upset and disappointed at himself. I sighed, washed my hands and dragged him to the living room. Still not responding, I decided to do something that I hate and he loves....

Watching anime. Pray for me..

~1 season later of Attack on Titan~

"What?! Come on!! I can't wait for season 4!" Kiyoshi pouted at me. I looked at him then at the T.V, I sometimes wonder why he loves this kind of stuff, I respect him though. "Hey let's go outside for a bit, for a walk or to town!" I suggested to him. "Sure! I'll put back my shoes hold on." He ran to where the door is and immediately started putting back his shoes. He finished and hopped to his feet. "Ready?!"

"I sometimes wonder why and how you have so much energy but yes I am." I opened the door and walked out.

We walked to town, not far from where we live and the place didn't seem to it's full glory.. less people and if there was people, they look paranoid. "Wonder why this is happening.." I whispered to Kiyoshi walking pass a few people. "I think something is gonna happen.." Kiyoshi replied. I nodded at him and continued walking. What might happen?

~1 hour later~

"We should probably go now yeah?" I asked Kiyoshi. He nodded at me and walked our way home..though I heard shattering of glass? I stopped midway, Kiyoshi did also when we heard it. "Be careful ok..?" I asked hesitantly to him. "Yeah.."

We continued walking only more cautiously. We heard occasional screams, shouts and glass shattering. I got even more scared on ever step I took. We arrived at the looked like a ghost town.. glass broken, shops and stores empty and...bodies?!!! I stood in hotter when I saw a person lying on the ground..he can't be dead right?! Kiyoshi immediately walked up to the body and looked at it closely. I stared at him shocked, he has the guts to even do that?!!

He walked back to me, looking a little sad. "He's dead.." he sadly said to me. Did I even ask?!! I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the house, I ignored everything and focused on going back home. I don't want any of us to get injured. Just then a drunk man came up, just my luck.

"Hehe, ya boyysss got moneyyy..?" He asked quite sickly. I pushed my glasses up and continued walking, bringing Kiyoshi with me and ignoring him. I felt someone grab Kiyoshi and I looked behind, the drunk guy just grabbed him and started going through his pockets?!!! This obviously made me angry, I kicked the man in the shins and walked quicker to the house, still bring Kiyoshi with me.

After what felt forever we arrived at me house. I opened the door and left Kiyoshi in the living room, letting go of his arm. I examined the arm the drunk guy grabbed, just some scratches. I went upstairs to get the med-kit and got it. When I arrived at the living room, I found Kiyoshi listening to music. The song that was playing was Hetakuso. Of course...

I sighed and opened the med-kit and picked up the bandage. I walked over to Kiyoshi. "Can you show me your arm please?" I asked calmly, trying to reassure him. He glanced at me then at his phone. He reached out his arm, showing me the scratch. I gently put the bandage on his arm. "I swear if I see him again I'll give him the beating of his life..." I muttered under my breath. Kiyoshi looked at me then smiled. "You can be so cool you know that right..?" Kiyoshi told me. I smiled proudly at him. "You finally noticed!"

"Wow ok mr.confidence." He scoffed at me.

He reached for the remote and turned on the T.V. What popped up was the news, again.

At the bottom what read was, 'Raids Happening in the World.'

"May you tell us where you are?" The interviewer asked the person, the person is from Ireland.

"Here in Ireland, there are a lot of raids and destruction mostly in the malls and shops. The police are trying to stop this but the people are overpowering them." The person in Ireland said.

"Hmmm ok mind telling your name?"

"Niamh Moore."

"Ok Niamh, what shops have been raised or stolen from and what are the conditions?"

"It's like a ghost town, mostly destruction. The shops that have been raided from is them huge place, Swords. All of the supplies, clothes and many important things have been stolen."

"Thank you for telling me and-"

I turned off the T.V after looking at Kiyoshis face, he looked petrified. "Hey, you ok..?" I asked him worried.

He looked as if he was about to cry. "H-Haruki...why does this have to happen?!"