Emmaline : Oof..wait..let's search in Instagram...
Melanie : What is instagram?
Emmaline : You know everything about modern times...and you don't know what is instagram?Like seriously...every 7 year old kids and above know about it..and you..study.. in college..don't know about it!
Felicia: I know I know...
Emmaline : Explain it to her then..
Felicia : It's a place where we make accounts and play games with others by cheating/making others fool and hacking-
Emmaline : What happened to you both?
Melanie : Why?Are we looking like donkeys?
Emmaline : You aren't looking like donkeys.
Melanie : Phew.
Melanie's mind : I knew it.I look like a model...I'm meant to be a model...hahaha
Emmaline : You both are donkeys..why to look like when your one?Pfft..my friends are donkeys.. donkey friends..