The doctor asked,"yes.Do you want to tell me something?".Her mother said,"yes-".
Her father stopped her and showed a sign indicating no.The doctor take in breath and took out breath.He was hopeless.He thought he will get some more information about the case ( the patient's case not the police case of a thief or a culprit😜).The doctor was a little worried that if the line on her neck will turn out to be something dangerous.He had this feeling when he saw the line also but he did not want to worry her parents too much but he was thinking that,'why did they stop?.What were they going to say?.Is it really something helpful related to this?".He just turned back to go out of the room because his shift had finished and the next doctor will be coming in 10 minutes.The doctor again thought of saying something so he turned towards them.He said in a polite manner,"if you want to say something please don't be shy or scared.Please tell me.A good person is never scared or shy to do something.I know your truthful.He should tell everything".The doctor was an old person.He patted on his back but her parents did not say anything.The doctor was about to leave when they called out to him.He turned again.Her father said,"actually Maya is not our real child.We have adopted her.She belongs to a very rich family.I would like to tell you everything but not now.One minute".The doctor was surprised.He did not expect that the secret they are hesitating to tell will be this much secretful to keep as a secret.He thought it would be something about the case but no , it was not.He took a card out of his pocket.He gave it to the doctor.He said,"this is my card.Here is my number.I request you to call me.I will tell everything about her life history.You could record the call and lock it with a easy password.When you need to know something you could open it and listen to it".The doctor nodded.He waved his hand and said,"good bye".Maya was in the room.Her parents saw her and left.