Soma replied,"oh yeah...wowwww...we are both from India.Paris is far better than India.The roads,streets,hotels and everything else-".Maneesha was listening to her for some time and listening how she complained and disliked the country in which she was born.Maneesha was a little angry.She said,"Soma...".Soma said,"so...where was I?.Oh yes,I was talking about the dirt in India.Especially Modi-".Maneesha replied,"first of all..India is a very good state.Second , you have no rights to talk about it's things.It also has many good things you dont know about.Actually you dont know anything about it.Third , you cant talk about the prime minister like that.Your a citizen who is living there not a complainer.You understand?".Soma replied,"how dare you shout at me?.I'm your elder.Give me respect!.India is a waste.And that old man is not anything to me".She sounded very angry.