From the last chapter
After Zakku battled out all of the demons with his all, and so he also destroyed the battlefield with his amazing skills. The battlefield has collapsed right before the two, and the leader in who Zakku plans to attack. He was standing on rubble in which had was created when he broke the battlefield, the ground below had an endless pit. He avoided falling into the hole, but in a flash. The leader had blinked, rewinding time before the hole in the ground was made.
"Interesting, kid." The leader had complimented Zakku.
Zakku's character profile
Name: Zakku『Adventurer』Seiji
Age: 18 (Currently)
Date of Birth: March 18th (Unknown year)
Species: Human (Unknown) Demon (Unknown) Light and Dark bloodline descendant (Known, but not specified)
Height: 7'1
Weight: 164 lbs
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship status: Single (???)
Occupation: Dungeon Adventurer
Dungeon slot - an inherent ability manifested by certain dungeon adventurers, requiring an amount of completed expeditions of dungeons which unlock another slot.
Current location/from: Japan
Personality: Zakku is the only person whose personality is unspecified in this world, in which he acts as different. So far, he acts protective to his friends, and a determined, brave person during in combat/battle. In the battle of wits, he immediately thinks as his intelligence is above human iq, despite living a life in the village, reading and educating himself. In anytime, he never lets his guard down, rarely does.
Likes: Sandwiches, training, dungeons.
Dislikes: Unspecified, but showing his actions in the story, he dislikes anyone breaking his family's and bloodline history. (Excludes the dark bloodline). He also shows a great dislike of people saying that they are not on equal footing as him, or better than him-- he does not want to be looked down on for no certain reason, this rages him greatly, he can kick ass hard in this state of his.
Destructive power - 4/5 (A)
Speed - 5/5 (A+)
Durability (Physical strength) - 3/5 (B)
Precision - 3.5/5 (B+)
Emotion control - 2/5 (C)
Potential - 4/5 (A)
Back to story
Zakku was very exhausted, but he still had tons of mana to fight. He panted, as the leader just looked at Zakku. He awaited for the next move, but both were distanced and none moved for an attack.
"Kid, I find you surprisingly and utterly strong. You have great potential and speed, no wonder..."
Another compliment came out of the leader's mouth, and yet more words did. Looks like it's the time the leader now reveals his true identity, hence, name.
"And by that, I shall reveal to you my real name... Yume Ishi. (Dreamer's will - his name, and named him this due to the early inherit of "Dark Bloodline's special art, dream" and 『His will』) Now, I shall tell you what my will does... It makes me control any dreams by will, it goes perfectly with my special art."
Zakku just scoffed, though, he was listening to the explanation of the power for him to create solutions.
*The will huh... goes just perfectly with special art, dream...* -The thoughts in his mind.
~He can't evade aura, even if time rewind.~ Zakku's aura shadow appeared behind him, the demon aura. It was taking shape of wings, and then it overwhelmed Zakku with great power within him.
Yume looked confused, he suddenly felt a drastic change in Zakku's aura. What is this... The aura wings then turned into a form of a sword in a sheath, the aura was so strong that it was visible to Yume, or if normal people were here, they would see it too.
He glared at lazy king sitting on the throne right above, even if the aura was in itss sword form, Zakku looked like a demon, due to his eyes corrupting to yellow to red, red to black, then black to yellow repeating.
Yume was greatly scared but it wasn't visible on his face, ~What's with this kid...~ he smiled and got up from his throne,
"I AM IMPRESSED! You were able to beat those demons without even a second thought. You interest me. and I am grateful."
He jumped down, landing just perfect and walked up to Zakku. He was shaking, his body twitched as he had struggled to move somehow. He has many of magic power, but his stamina was running low. He isn't able to resort to the tongue biting trick, due to it excessively bleeding.
"Now then, Zakku Seiji, the real battle starts now."
Both's aura and presence were incredibly strong. Zakku jumped away, pulled his sleeve and had tidied up his clothes into battle. Both held their sword's handle and sheath, drawing it from their sheaths and then the great battle had started.
"Here we go then."
Both immediately got near each other in a flash, Zakku pointed his blade at Yume's neck and Yume pointing at Zakku's forehead. Both are sent into a corner, if one attacks, the other attacks, then both will blow fatal attacks. They both decided to jump back, after a few second, jumped back into each other and their blades cross. The sword of one reflected the other's. Both continue to attack each other, their blades continue to cross. None hasn't dealt a blow to the other, not yet that is.
Zakku decided to slash the blade in a different style for the next attack, grazed the cheek of his enemy. Both changed sides, the dream was yet just changed again, the both yet again swapped places.
Zakku now had 3 injuries due to the troublesome dream. Yume jumped near to Zakku, slashing the air a thousand times for an attack, then the dream again changed and passed by him. He looked around for a gap, the thousand air slash attack was no deal, he found only a small gap and squeezed through it and managed to easily get through the attack.
The scenery changed again, both appeared in a room, a dream remained in this world. Both continue attacking each other, but blades still cross, but now their crossing had created a pleasant sound and created fire on both of their blades. Again, appeared on the battlefield. Yume slashed to the side, Zakku dodged.
Both cross blades again, the scenery changed into a forest with a big branch, massive and bigger than them. Zakku went into his dashing sword stance on the branch, clapped and flashed right before human eyes and landed a hit on him. They now appear in a foggy forest, both weren't able to see and yet they still continued to attack and didn't get hit.
Zakku went to his defense mode, Yume attacked two times before the scenery changes into an outskirts. Both were distanced and immediately jumped to each other and slashed with intense speed, their arm movement wasn't seen due to the speed. Appearances changed again, inside in a cave and slashed each other two times.
With their consecutive attacks, their attacks were packed with a punch of magic such as lightning, fire, and water. Again, they now appear in space, the void. Both floated by the 0 gravity. Zakku was pissed off, he pointed the sword in mid-air as the battle paused for a few moments.
And then, Zakku shouted out loud, "THIS IS ITTTT!!!!!!!"
He lunged towards Yume and in the speed on light, slashed him as his body was sliced into half (Yume's). Rewind time, they were in now in a clock tower. Zakku kneed his gut, threw him into the air with that impact. He appears in the air, above the badly hurt Yume and kicked him down to the ground and came crashing down to the clock tower's first floor.
With the lightning packed sword, he immediately flashed into the first floor and stomped on Yume's back with his all-out stomp. Then did a flash with a six-fold and he was thrown into the air.
He was still alive, even if he was thrown into the air and was beaten up a lot of times, he still had magic power and to prove that he slashed to the direction where Zakku was, to the ground, down, the slash created a dark cut capable of cutting Zakku into half. Zakku then used the same attack but now used a light cut to be on par with the attack.
Then they appear in an alleyway, Zakku looked around but then once you know it, Yume cut him into half by doing a wall run. Then time rewind, they appear in a land of magma.
Yume in the air and like before, did thousand air slashes but now, 10,000 and no ordinary air slahses-- once the slashes hit the ground, magma came out. Zakku was able to dodge most, or all of it. he jumped to where Yume was and dealt a solid cut on him.
Then changed the scenery, into a room but they were upside-down when seen. Yume dashed towards Zakku and did the flash attack, but then he was able to evade the attack, slashed Yume into half and chopped up the body parts in an instant.
Time changed, there was a crowd, and one of them was Yume in it. He immediately felt his aura and attacked him without the crowd noticing.
They both appear in front of a boulder, both were in different sides and knew the only way to attack the other was to break the boulder, the boulder was broken but none hurt the other.
They now appear in the battlefield again, Zakku kicked his head to the ground. Again, like the crowd part, Zakku was tied up and was in his knees while his enemy pointed a gun at him.
They both appear the time the battlefield was destroyed, both fall into the pit and disappeared. In the forest, Yume spun his sword around the forest immediately getting destructed.
Then in a boxing match, they both didn't have their swords and Zakku immediately went to offense and attacked him, but Yume was in defense mode. Then they both went to offense, included kicking in the attacks. Zakku punched him in the gut multiple times.
Back to Zakku getting tied up part, he was kneed in the face and then got decapitated.
Scenery changes, Yume attacked with a dagger and Zakku dodged the ambushes. Both were on equal footing, or so they thought. Zakku was in a middle of a room, multiple gunshooters shot him.
They were now corrupted, the universe (Dream) I meant. It changes into multiple sceneries, but none of them seemed to hurt them... Zakku had pulled off a trick that caused this, unknown.
He screamed out loud, "DIE!!!" The beast, the aura behind him became a beast. It was visible and touchable, hence, it was able to hurt anybody.
It was a giant beast. Enough to make Yume shiver in fear. Zakku now had a scythe in hand, no matter what the scenery was, he attacks Yume, and Yume was unable to control the dream scenery, corrupted.
The scythe became a sword, and slashes him with water-packed impact. The both crash into a wall. Yume appears in front of Zakku covered with a big barrier. Zakku pointed a gun, the scenery had changed for temporary and shot him.
He kicked the bullet, easily avoided getting hurt. He smacked Zakku into the air. Scenery changed again, there was a fast hole in the wall which was seemed to be controlled by Yume. Underneath was the smallest gap and Zakku slide and squeezed into it.
Scenery change, Zakku got up and jumped into a door and kicked it, which actually after the next scenery change was a window breaking and kicked Yume right in the face. Zakku was in the air with wings, Yume's sphere ball attacks flew at him at chased him but Zakku managed.
The spheres change into a rainbow-flashing kind and he deflected the spheres back to the person who made it. They appear in the battleground again, both getting attacked by pillars as the both got hit by the sudden attack. A magical circle appeared beneath Zakku, it struck lightning upon him and charged him with lightning energy.
He looked at his body and looked at his lightning aura, it made him move in the speed of light and smacked Yume. His eyes turn glow lightning, Yume's aura and eyes were fire. Then the final scenery changed, in the middle of winter, Zakku and Yume dash into each other and passed each other. Dealing a great blow to the other.
They both fall down, exhausted, hurt, and much more had effected them. The dream stopped changing, now that the both are badly hurt, and mana running low on both of them. Both struggled to stand up as their sight blurred.
"We can't just give up here..." both stood up, though their senses were weakened...
"We can't..."
Suddenly, the egg in Yume's pocket flew up so immediately. It immediately hatched, a great explosion was heard and Zakku was blown away by it. Yume's appearance changed, he felt more powerful, overwhelmed with power.
He laughed like a maniac and looked at Zakku, who is on their feet and weak.
"Kid, you are not so bad after all. But this battle has came to a conclusion once and for all." He was about to stab Zakku with a sword, then suddenly Zakku kicked the sword away and looked at him.
"Don't look down on me, you bastard!" The lightning charged his magic power, and stamina more...
Both are now on equal footing, but Yume becoming a slightly stronger enemy.
"The real battle just started..."
Meanwhile... somewhere... near the battlefield in the dream?
Near the battlefield, there had been a person in shining knight-like armor. He had two balls, in which they used to be a weapon electric-charged to drastically improve Zakku's power, accidentally somehow.
"I wonder who I struck this lightning down upon on... I hope it's no one that will become my enemy soon. But I'd be surprised if it struck down someone that wouldn't be an enemy."
A generic, dumbass, but nice bonehead he was, he's wholesome. But... his true appearance wasn't shown yet and so does the name of this person. He sure does seem to be quite the powerful lad, and doesn't seem to be an enemy. Not revealing the true intention of this person yet, though.
~Insert Lenny face~ Anyways, this person felt disturbed, seeing the scenery in the dream changing somehow so suddenly. He was confused, since he was a dumbass of course. "What is happening here... scenery change? Is someone taking over the world?"
No dumbass. It's only a battle happening in that battlefield, why would it be someone taking over the world?-- and a note, Zakku, Taiko, and this person are in a dream, and so is Yume who controls this dream by 『His will』.
Correct, Yume is controlling both the dream and moving consciously in the reality world. This is the true power of『His will』. Being able to control the dream world's scenery and able to consciously move in the reality world.
"Well whatever it is, I should see what is going right now." He flew up to the air by his wings unlocked by his God form.
he flew to the battlefield, saw a person in which he used his charging power on accidentally and another person, overflowing with magic power and stronger than the other one, speaking of who, the one with many magic power is Yume.
"A battle? This is interesting..." From above the air, the lightning god just spectated the battle.
No worry, he won't get hurt by such simplicity attacks.
"A person overflowing with magic power, and one person who was powered up by my weapon... I wonder..."
Still being a dumbass he was, just continued watching the battle without analyzing it.
In the battlefield, the battle continues between the two, insanely strong people.
And now, they are in space. And now... a more intense battle, a single scenery with more attacks. Zakku was hovering on a board, hovered around. In a flash, 10 missiles, 15 vines, 15 red glowing unknown substances, Multiple bullets, pillars, and stars chased after him in mid-space.
He had two swords in hand, the aura sword and... "Second slot, modified enhanced first blood, light sword!" The tremendous light sword appears in his hand. He chose this since it glows in space, and its better in terms of fighting in darkness. He now wielded two swords... or maybe an additional.
"Second slot, modified enhanced second blood, Dark sword." Seems like the battle is going to go crazy, as it already is so! The dark sword appears above him, and use his teeth to hold the handle and use a third-wield sword.
Crazy enough to wield three at once but this is not a big trouble for experienced sword wielders; first off, he managed to dice the pillars into rubble. Then the next, not knowing that there was a scenery change but noticed right after the bullets and glowing unknown substances get to his range, the bullets were behind him. The world was upside down, in a parallel world.
He used the aura sword, it became a humanoid aura and caught the bullet with immense speed and turned into wings that got him into defense and blocked the substances. He knew there was something fishy with the unknown material, explosives which also release more unknown substance.
The aura turns into a sword, granting him a head-start, an explosive beam with fire had shot upon the explosives along with the vines. And now... the remaining were missiles and the stars. The scenery changes, a massive house in the sky as Zakku was on top of the roof.
He swept the missiles away to space with the cheek of the swords, managing to deflect all those following missiles away. He felt something create a big hole in his stomach, a missile, but time rewinds to the time before he deflected the missiles away, deflecting them like what he just did and then he made his aura concentrate on being defense in the back.
He then was on the moon, all the stars surrounding and chucked off at him. He looked at the space, seeing missing stars in constellations and then kicked the stars back to their constellations though it might burn him due to heat. He managed since he felt something was protecting him from the star's heat. Attacking and destroying the star would be something that isn't in Zakku's style, if he did, constellations would collapse into ruins.
They appear back in the battlefield, Zakku and Yume in front of each other, they fist bumped, jumped back as shotguns appear. They catch the guns, they cock it. They hit their own chests, grip their clothes and ripped it off then threw them away. Strings appeared above the two, pulled it as the strings forced to close the gate.
Both of their heads had blood running over them. Both of their aura had on defense, they jump to each other, both dealing a punch to the other. The scenery changed, they both suddenly punched and broke a mirror instead of punching the enemy. They went back to the battlefield, but now, it was very dark and there was only a single candle, in the middle.
It was pitch black, but both can sense the other, they aimed their guns, Zakku's shotgun packed with lightning and Yume's with fire-packed power. They shot their bullets, but their bullets clashed to each other. And then in another alleyway, something large shot at Zakku and stabbed him. The rewinds by a few seconds, right before Zakku got stabbed.
It was a large gun, whilst Zakku had a normal shotgun. Though they might be in a tight alleyway, the both had used their guns as swords. Zakku kicked down the large gun, jumped and landed on the gun, like a tightrope and ran towards Yume and kicked his face.
Yume punched his face, but he was on defense so the punches weren't dealing too much damage on him. They appear in a Japanese, beautiful garden. Zakky punched the air, barrage of punches. As the air punches dealt impact to Yume, dealing a fatal blow.
Time changes, they both had their swords, Zakku still having the three-wield and attacked with the three blades, but his enemy was able to deflect the three-fold blade with a single sword.
Now in a royal room, Yume pointed a gun at Zakku's head, but he was able to duck a nanosecond after the gunshot. He gets up, both shooting many bullets, an intense gunfight.
Yume now had a shotgun; tried shooting him but Zakku slapped the gun away, the shotgun missing its target. Zakku returned the attack, shot him with a glock but then he blocked the glock gunshot with the shotgun.
Now in a jewelry store, Zakku tried to shoot him, but the attack was deflected, he did the same to blondy Zakky but missed too. They now moved in light speed, using their guns to shoot, and to fight in hand-to-hand combat.
So they did, they started to spar each other with their hands but guns in hand, Yume deals the first punch, Zakku then blocks it and aimed his gun at him and shot his head, creating a hole.
Lightning suddenly struck, as a figure appears right before them.
The mysterious god figure started to fight alongside Zakku. He was confused who this god is, or who he is. But he didn't mind, as he let the god help him.
"I wanted to join battle with you, but I don't like you personally, Blondie, since you are a smartass. I'm Akira Niijima, lightning god."
"Zakku Seiji, now is not the time for a chit-chat."
Akira used his two balls to create dual swords, Zakku's team has now used 5 swords against Yume's one sword. Zakku's and Niijima's swords were packed with lightning, making it strong against Yume's fire-packed sword. Yume was still on high magic power, but it was not a big threat against two enemies.
All they have to do is... DEAL A LIGHTNING BLOW ON YUME SO HE COULD STOP CONTROLLING THE DREAM, LETTING ZAKKU AND AKIRA ESCAPE THE DREAM. Akira did just what he had done, he struck lightning at Yume. Yume still stood, conscious, but the senses had been blurry.
Akira and Zakku both struck lightning on Yume, but he still stood.
"Get ready for it, this is the final blow. Demon leader."
Once you know it, Zakku's and Akira's swords combined into one, large sword that soared through the skies. He crushed Yume with lightning, and then with the sword, squishing him as blood splattered all around.
The battle was then finished... with a sudden new person, of course, Akira Niijima, not knowing who he actually is. But Zakku didn't care, he went to his knees. Finally glad the battle was done, it was "a battle to the death" finally wagered.
Akira was a dumbass, not knowing what the situation was since he was not using his balls or his brain to assume what the situation was. Whatever it was, he just acted like a generic nice bonehead he was.
"So Zakku... you have been sent into this dream too along with me, since you fell asleep too in the normal world?"
"Maybe, but there was someone sent here too... I don't really know if she's in the reality world..."
"Sounds like a special someone."
"Not really."
They both waited for a little more, Zakku was mourning the demon's death. He had wished this demon to be his ally, and wanted the demon to stop doing all this nasty business.
"I feel sorry for this demon... I hope he lives a great afterlif-" he was cut off, hearing Yume's voice from afar.
"Zakku, don't worry. I will live one... I've got what I wanted, a battle to the death. You sure are one formidable enemy, if someone opposes you, you are sure to beat them easily. In the next life, I'll become your ally. Now... you may leave the dream."
A portal to the exit of the dream appears... Zakku looked around for Yume, but... he wasn't there.
"This dream is my home... that's why I have fun here sometimes. I wish you good luck on your journey, buddy."
An egg descended from the sky, it was hatching. And so it did, Zakku felt something change within him... but nothing really happened to him. Was it a power unknown, not yet unlocked, or became stronger?
He smiled at whatever the change was. Akira and Zakku then exit the portal, returning to the reality world and saw two people fighting to death, and demon corpses near...
It was Taiko and another person, the face concealed with a mask, and the clothing was black. The aura seemed familiar, Kansuke Okinawa's. She seemed very hurt, while this secret person had no injuries.
Stay tuned for the 3rd part of Demon Raid arc with Akira Niijima.