Chereads / The Blue Dragons / Chapter 34 - I. Plan A

Chapter 34 - I. Plan A

The next day, the gang was in the living room, surrounding a flat-screen T.V., the news discussing the Blue Dragons and a young girl who claims to have been forcefully affiliated with them. The remaining members were either on the couches, chairs, on the floor. The taller individuals (Red, Spike, Leech, Fox, Hawks, and a few others) stood behind the couches, silently waiting for what the reporter had to say.

"A young girl named Viper Lehmann claims to be an orphan who has been in and out of foster care her whole life. She and her best friend, Ivory McKay, escaped to Manhattan, where they apparently saw two teenage boys steal from a tourist. They were kidnapped by the two, who work for the most notorious gang in America — The Blue Dragons."

Ivory glanced at Blue, whose eyes narrowed quietly. Everyone quietly stared at the screen.

"The young girl had told the authorities that one of the gang's main prostitutes, Roxie, helped her to the police station. After she left, one of the members, named Hawks —" everyone turned to look at him, "which authorities theorize is the boy's gang name. The boy confronted her and apparently, shot her with a silent gun, and missed her by a centimeter. She is being held at a hospital right now to rest; she will follow up in a few days."

Harley turned off the T.V. with the remote, and everyone sat there, looking at Hawks, Ivory, and Blue. No one said anything as Blue slowly got up from his place on the white couch. Ivory felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned to see it was Lucky, but he ignored her glance.

Everyone but Blue, Red, Fox, and Leech quickly left the room. Blue instructed Lucky to lock Ivory in her room, and he did what he was told. As Ivory sat in her room, beige and white staring back at her, she found herself on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. She wished that she never left the foster home, if only she had stayed. She wouldn't be tied with the scariest gang in America; Ivory was forced to rob and kill people, watch people tortured, threatened to be tortured, and was warned that she'd be killed herself if she didn't oblige to Blue and his torturous tests.

Ivory wished that she could go away; she envisioned herself dying in frightening ways. She thought about driving one of the cars and crashing into a tree, the tree splitting her head open as she lay dead, her brain hanging out, blood seeping through. The thought replayed over and over again.

She sat up and felt the sudden urge to scratch her arm, and so she did. Her left fingernails violently cut her right arm, the feeling was satisfying. What felt like hours was only a minute, and her arm had scratch marks on it. It looked like a cat viciously attacked her as small dots of blood appeared.

Ivory went into the bathroom to wash her arm off, concealing it with her long sleeve top. She felt her throat go from tight to normal. Emotions overwhelmed the young lady, but she showed no trace of them. Tears refused to come down as she kept them in. No one could know what Ivory just did; no one would understand.

Ivory felt that no one would care because she never knew anyone that did.


In the living room, Blue summoned Leech and the two prostitutes. They had to prove their worth, and they were going to do that with Plan A.

"I have Plan A for you," Blue said to Leech as he summoned Swindle H and Birdie.

"What would that be?" Leech asked.

"Hold on," Blue said. "What did you two do with the other prostitutes?"

"We have a few people babysitting them," Swindle winked.

"Okay, that's good," Blue said. "Here's what you three will do: Oak will meet with you to create a fake file for Viper. What it will contain is her mental health and the hospital that she stayed at. Oak will put false information in there and give it to the police. You three will go on over to tell the police about her, and how you are employees of Oak."

"What exactly do we say?"

"I don't care. Make shit up, sound believable," Blue said. "If Viper wants to play games, I'll play greater."

"Okay, but what's plan b?" Birdie asked.

Blue smirked, "Don't worry about that."

The three quietly left and drove to the hospital, where Oak was waiting for them. As they entered, she led them to her office, where a photo of Viper and her personal file appeared on the computer. The four sat down and got to work, talking about what to falsely diagnose her with so that they were safe.

"We could say that she's Schizophrenic," Birdie said.

"And why would anyone believe that?" Leech raised an eyebrow.

"You do realize that base was cleaned out, right? If she ever shows them base, there won't be any trace of us there," Birdie said.

"Yes, but the foster home will denounce her mental health report," Leech said.

"Not exactly," Swindle smirked, "You really don't know, Blue. If he's had Viper and Ivory this whole time, the place's owner would have said something about them disappearing. The only reason is that Blue's made sure that Ms. Campbell, the owner, won't say anything."

"And how has he done that?"

"No idea. That's why Viper's story has holes in it. She's telling the truth but hasn't figured out that the Blue Dragons have more alibies than she realizes. She'll pay the price."

"How do we make this believable?"

"Well, we'll read her foster home file and base a mental illness off of her records and her temperament," Oak said, staring at the computer, typing away. "Then, we'll give them the wrong number," she smirked.

After, they decided to put Viper as a Schizophrenic, who makes up imaginary people and names, has delusions, and makes up false stories. When they named all of the medication that she's been given and her primary caretaker, Ms. Campbell, they printed it out and put it in a beige folder before setting out to the police station.

"Are you sure that the police will buy this?" Leech asked. "Everyone knows about the Blue Dragons."

"Yes, but they don't know of our whereabouts," Oak said. "You'll explain how she saw something on the news, freaked out, and ran away."

"They're not going to buy it."

"You'll apologize for that later. When there's a mental health file in front of anybody, they'll believe everything inside of it. People don't care enough to understand mental health issues. If anything, they'll lock her up in a mental hospital and sentence her to a certain amount of years'. Even nurses taking care of patients with mental health problems think most of their patients are faking their symptoms."

"It's our word over hers," Swindle said. "Oak is a licensed nurse, they'll believe her over any patient. We've done this a couple of other times. It's worked. After, Blue's taken those people back, and their whereabouts are unknown."

"Before we go," Oak opened the closet and threw white uniforms at them, "put these on," she handed them fake name tags, "and wear these. We'll look and sound more believable."

The three quickly got dressed and drove off. After a while of driving, the gang members reached their destination and walked over to the front desk. Oak instructed the three to have whoever they speak to call her about Viper and that Oak would wait outside. They told the officer present that they know Viper Lehmann and have information regarding her. After waiting for about ten minutes, the four were called into an interrogation room.

"Hello," a young man said. He has dark hair and light brown eyes. "I'm Detective Justin. I will be asking you questions regarding Viper Lehmann," he sat down, the file in his hand. "So, you take care of Viper Lehmann," he said, scanning the paper pieces.

"She's a patient of mine," Swindle H said.

"And you are…"

"Nurse Hannah," she smiled. "I've been taking care of Viper for the last couple of years."

Detective Justin took a long look at the file given to him. He looked up. "How does she know about the Blue Dragons?"

"Well," Swindle H began, "one time, about a couple of years' ago when the gang peaked, she heard them mentioned on the news. Since then, she's been paranoid about the gang finding her and started to believe that they were after her."

"She once accused me of working for them when I didn't give her medication on time," Birdie said. "That was when I first started working. She scared me a little."

"What about after?"

"Well, Schizophrenics, depending on how extreme they are, can make up things and create their own world. I'm guessing that's the case as we got an alert a few days ago and found that Viper was missing."

"Viper said that one of the gang members shot her, but missed by a centimeter," Justin said. "Would you know anything about that? The officers did find a bullet outside of the station."

"There are gangs in the area. Maybe Viper said something to one of them, and they went to shoot her, making her believe that they were the Blue Dragons," Swindle H said. "Maybe she thought that the person that tried to shoot her was a member. It could be any of those two possibilities."

Detective Justin thought for a moment.

"Please, we need her back. She isn't in the best state right now!" Birdie cried out.

"How long has she been your patient?"

"Three years, but I've known her for almost four years. Viper's foster care provider called me to do a psychological evaluation on her," Birdie said. "I did multiple tests, and Hannah became her main nurse."

"What about Ivory?"

"Ivory? There isn't an Ivory at the hospital."

"What about at the foster home?"

"She didn't have any friends," Swindle H said. "You can speak to Ms. Campbell. Her number is in the file," Her eyes glistened with deceit.

Detective Justin stood up and shook all of their hands. "I will contact the foster home number that's provided and will get back to you." Then, he left the room.


At the orphanage, Ms. Campbell turned the T.V. off and walked into her office. She couldn't believe what she saw on the news. Ms. Campbell hoped that the two girls are okay. She heard a noise come from her computer and looked at the home screen, seeing that she had an unread message.

Ms. Campbell sat down and read the content, then peered up at the camera in her office. All the main rooms had them, and she knew that he was watching her. Ms. Campbell saw the lens staring right back at her silently. She took Viper's file and placed it in the paper shredder; at her boss' command.

All of a sudden, she got startled as the phone rang. She answered it. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Ms. Campbell?"


"Ms. Campbell. Do you know a Viper Lehmann?"

"I'm sorry, I think you've got the wrong number," she gulped. Her throat felt tight.

"I apologize. We have a child here who has information about the Blue Dragons, and she said to me that she's an orphan under your name."

"I don't know anyone by that name. I'm sorry."

"What's your name, Ma'am?"

She quickly glanced at the email, "Miss. Fisher."

"Miss. Fisher, I'm detective Justin. I apologize for the confusion and thank you for your patience and cooperation," the line hung up.

Ms. Campbell held onto the phone as the other line went dead. She struggled to put the phone back as she began to cry. Her loud sobs filled the quiet air, all until she heard the bell at the front door.

She opened the door to the front desk, "Hello, welcome to —" she stopped, staring at the familiar face. "You? You're here?"