Huang Xiao thought it strange that he was concerned about her decision.
"I may not have told you boss, but it is my dream to be on camera, and you're giving me the closet chance I can get"she said.
He looked away, not wanting to look at her innocent face.
He stood aside from the door, Yu Yan's face lit up, she opened the door and walked out, beaming with smiles.
"You will regret giving her what she wants"he said under his breath.
Yu Yan was met by the director on her way to the set, for the first scene.
"What exactly do I do in this scene?"Yu Yan asked, not getting too overwhelmed by the excitement.
"You're supposed to be a professional! You walked in here so sassy a while back, figure it out"she said and walked out on her.
She walked to Huang Xiao, and engaged him in some small talk.
"It's a good thing am here to keep him away from her"Yu Yan said.
"Us too"Honghui and Chungpu said in unison.