Dawei led them out of the containment unit,he planned on hiding them in his room,till his mother was safe and they could explain everything.
They were out of the division,their next stop was Dawei's room.
Liko was taken to a separate room,where he could get access to a computer.
"Why not tell my mother now before she leaves?"Dawei asked.
"We want to catch these traitors,and we might not get such a chance again. Considering how shrewish Angela is"Liko said.
"You are telling me to entrust the life of my mother into your hands?"Dawei asked uncertain he was doing the right thing.
"Yes,we will save her"Yu Yan said.
"You have to go,you have a plane to catch"Liko said,and Dawei nodded in affirmation.
She left,hoping that Liko could hack the systems database,know exactly the airplane to pick them up after the delivery.
Who made the arrangements,then change the plane,thereby keeping Angela safe,and the enemies captured.