Chereads / Zuko x reader / Chapter 3 - Part 3

Chapter 3 - Part 3

Y/n looked up confused

"Aang the centauri moon warriors were..."

Y/n stopped there and thought a bit

"Great people and I've always been in the water tribe so I doubt it cmon katara and sokka will be waiting for us"

Aang smiled and walked out of the tent y/n moved her pillow to reveal her old fire nation cape and dress she put a hand on her necklace an as d packed the cloak in the bottom of her bag then ran out of her tent and jumped on appa and away they went.


A couple months after y/n came to the island she didn't talk to anyone sokka would always come to her and rain her and soon enough she talked to them

"Hey I'm y/n"

Sokka was shocked he blushes and rubbed the back of his head

"Hey you can talk I mean I'm sokka"

after that sokka and her became best of friends and she slowly warmed up to katara to


it had been 3 months since aang found out the truth they were at a small rivine there was a waterfall and a river were katara was teaching aang waterbending and y/n and sokka were working on there weapons aang leaned over to katara and whispered

"so dose y/n not bend i thought she was a water bender like you"

"she dose bend and she can hear you"

y/n cocked her eyebrow and looked up at them

"mabey you can teach me waterbending then"

aang looked at her excited y/n looked at sokka then katara and shook her head as if a signal not to tell him

"i cant bend that well i can bearly move water we should go to the village and see if we can find any supplies"

and with that team avatar left

Alright this is what You missed y/n had been arrested by the fire nation for something her parents did she lived there for years and made friends with zuko , iroh and ursa but azula found out so she was tricked and fled the fire nation then found a water tribe and lived with them until zuko came and almost found out about her but iroh knows about her and k

Now she's on team avatar and that what you missed on


Y/n walked threw the market with team avatar till they found a boat and got distracted y/n wondered the village and found a pay sho table she put up her hood so no one knew it was her and sat down and waited for anyone to join her suddenly she saw zuko being pushed down to the table it was dark in the shop so he probably couldn't see her water tribe outfit

"Cmon Prince zuko at least try pai sho before you hate it"

Y/n smiled and waved at him

"It's fine I'll go easy on you"

She said in an accent to him to sound kinder and not like herself at all

"Uh ok then"

Zuko said nervously he placed his piece then so did y/n

"So you gonna be here for long prince zuko"

Y/n asked kindly and she placed anthor piece

"Well I'm on a mission and I'm just passing through to get supplies"

He said sternly

"Your so stern when you speak you should try and be calmer when talking unless you need to be firm if not be relaxed"

Y/n placed anthor piece zuko blocked her

"I need to be stern if not people woll make a mockery out of me"

Zuko places a piece and was blocked

"You've felt so much pain physically and mentally I can't take away any of the memories but I can sooth them"

Y/n placed her last piece it was a draw y/n stood up and walked over to zuko and sat down

"Close your eyes trust me"

Zuko closed his eyes y/n placed water in her hands and then heated up slowly and made steam

"Now take a deep breath in"

Zuko did and out again Suddenly someone grabbed y/n's wrist


Zuko opened his eyes and looked at the man


y/n rolled her eyes and stomped on the mans foot and flipped him over her shoulder on to his back zuko looked at her shocked y/n walked out the door and onto the street leaving everyone behind her shocked