Chereads / Densetsu ni naru kishi / The Knight who becomes a legend / Chapter 6 - Ep 6: The Knight goes to school trip

Chapter 6 - Ep 6: The Knight goes to school trip

The school students were ready to get up the buses for a trip.

Teacher: Alright, everyone. Take your bags; we are going to hotel in our trip. Be with your groups.

Nao: Wow, I'm excited. Our trip will be great.

Then, inside the bus, Nao seemed uncomfortable for something.

Nao: It think so. (Watching backside seats)

Alexander was sitting at backside, in the middle and at his both sides, there were Asuka and Cassandra, who look upset each others. Alexander was uncomfortable and quiet in that situation.

Asuka: (In her state) Why are you with Alexander?

Cassandra: It's not your business! By the way, why are you here too?

Asuka: Aren't you the class rep? Act like real one!

Cassandra: (Ignoring her) Tsk! My relationship with Alexander-kun is better than yours. Besides, he seems liking my company. (Embracing his arm)

Alexander: (Blushed) Please, Cassandra. This is not right!

Asuka: (Upset) In that case. (Embracing his other arm)

Alexander: Ah! Asuka! What are you doing?

Asuka: Eh? Don't tell me you prefer Cassandra's body.

Alexander: Body? (He realized Cassandra and her breasts were pressing his arm) No! I didn't focus on… (He realized Asuka's breasts were pressing his other arm) Hey!

Cassandra: I see, Alexander prefers mine. After all, he's a guy.

Asuka: No way! He isn't like any guy. Right, Alexander?

Alexander: (Blushed) Well, I… (Then he realized all school boys were funny anger to see him with the girls)

School boy 1: That bastard foreigner is with our beautiful idols.

School boy 2: The hell with him!

School boy 3: I hope he dies during the trip!

Nao: I guess this is going to be a hard day.

Later, the school arrived to a hotel of other city. Some students were happy.

Nao: We're finally here!

Cassandra: Alright, everyone have to remember the rules! Behave in this day. We have to show a good image of our school.

Alexander: Yeah, but…

It's seen Cassandra was at side of him.

Alexander: (Little blushed) What kind of image you will show if you act like this.

Cassandra: I wished we share the same room this night, but the rules say we can't. If we were in our native city.

Asuka: (Upset) If you don't want to lose your tittle as class rep, then behave yourself!

Later, students were walking to the city. It's seen many school boys were angry to see Alexander with Asuka and Cassandra.

Alexander: (Little worried) Girls, I think we can't walk together. I feel as if I were a murder target.

Cassandra: I'll do it if Asuka wasn't disturbing us.

Asuka: Don't go so far, you coquette!

Nao: Hey look! We are heading to that temple.

The students arrived to an old temple. Some of them were looking the place. Alexander was checking an old little temple.

Alexander: What is this place?

Nao: It's an old temple, where you can ask for a wish. It's a tradition in our country.

Alexander: A wish?

Alexander was in front the temple and joined his hands, asking mentally a wish.

Alexander: I know it's not real, but unless I wanted a little of my past.

Asuka: (Realizing that) What is he doing?

Nao: Alexander-san, did you ask a wish?

Alexander: Something like that.

Nao: I see, maybe in this trip you could get your lucky day.

Alexander: (Little confused) Lucky day?

Then at noon, the students continued walking to other places, like some stores.

Male guider: Alright, each one can buy some things in these stores.

Nao: Wow! There's a lot of things to buy as souvenirs.

Then she noticed Alexander was looking a digital store.

Alexander: (Surprised) Wow, there's a lot of stuff. Televisors, radios, refrigerators, videogames consoles, what is a cell phone?

Nao: You didn't see any of those in your country?

Alexander: No.

Asuka: (Ignoring him) That's so foolish from you.

Nao: You should chat with Asuka more often, even after school. Why don't you try texting a message from your cell phone.

Alexander: You mean that thing? (Pointing one from the store) I don't have that.

Nao: That's too bad. If you had a cellphone, you can have chat with her in long distance, whenever and wherever.

Alexander: Really? At whenever and wherever?

Then he noticed an antique items shop. He seemed to focus in one thing.

Alexander: (Surprised) That is!

At night, everyone were in a hotel, they were doing different things in some groups.

Female guider: Okay, before sleeping, first all the girls can take a bath in the hot springs. Then the boys.

School girl 1: Really? That would be fabulous!

School girl 2: But that would be safe?

Female guider: Don't worry, these hot springs are secure. So you can take your bath with total liberty.

Male guider: All the boys will be here until you finish.

School boy 1: What? That's not fair!

School boy 2: I'm pissed off!

Alexander: I see, in this time men and women can't take bath together.

Nao: Excellent! I want a bath!

Asuka: But I don't feel calm about it.

Cassandra: (Mocking) What? Are you embarrassed to show your body?

Asuka: No! It's just I'm not used to take bath in group.

Nao: That's strange, we used to go to the pool.

Asuka: Yeah, but…

Cassandra: Then there's no problem. All the girls, let's go! (Pulling Asuka)

Asuka: Hey!

The school boys were sad waiting in the room.

School boy 1: Damn it! I wanted to see Asuka-chan in the bath.

School boy 2: Damn! Damn! Damn!

School boy 3: We'll miss the beautiful paradise with all those girls!

Alexander: I see why Asuka and Cassandra are so popular.

But then, Alexander realized a strange figure outside and was heading to the trees.

Alexander: That is…? (Taking care that no one notice his leaving) I have to find that thing before something bad happens.

It was seen it was a monster like a monkey. It was moving on the trees until it saw the hot springs outdoors.

In the hot springs the school girls were naked and having fun there. Some of the girls were watching Asuka with a little bad mood.

Asuka: Why are they seeing me like that?

Nao: Maybe…

Cassandra: For your gorgeous body and measures.

Asuka: (Blushed and covering her breasts with her arms) It wasn't purposed! I didn't want these measures!

Cassandra: It doesn't matter, unless my measures are the same like yours. (Exposing her body)

Nao: You two have many in common. It was expected from Golden Beauties.

Cassandra: Of course!

Asuka: Don't include me!

Meanwhile, the monster was crawling with caution but then it realized someone close to it.

Alexander: I found you!

Suddenly the monster run to other side.

Alexander: (Chasing it) Stop!

The monster stopped in a different area. Alexander reached it. It prepared to attack him.

Alexander: What are you? From Demitri's monsters?

The monster jumped and attacked him with its fists. Alexander was trying to avoid its attacks.

Meanwhile the school girls were leaving the hot springs. Asuka, Cassandra and Nao were attempting to leave too.

Asuka: I guess it was a great idea to enjoy these hot springs! I feel better.

Nao: It was good to bring you here.

Cassandra: Tsk! Consider my gratitude!

At the other side, Alexander was facing the monster.

Alexander: I'll finish this! With this… (He was searching his pendent but he didn't have it) Eh? Shit! I forgot I left in my bag in the hotel!

At that moment, the monster grabbed him with its tail.

Alexander: Let me go!

Asuka was ready to stand up to leave.

Asuka: Ah! My body feels great, before return to the hotel, a last stretch.

At that moment, the monster launched Alexander to other way.

In slow motion, Asuka stood up completely naked and stretch her arms. In that moment Alexander passed to her side. He was in funny shock to see her naked. Asuka realized his presence in her front, while was flying by the launch. In normal motion he flew very fast until he fell to other side of the area.

Alexander: (In his state) No way! I saw her!

Asuka was in funny shock too.

Nao: Asuka, what's going on?

Asuka: (In her state) No, Nooooooooooooooooo!

Later at midnight, everyone was sleeping in their sleeping bags. Alexander was thinking seriously.

Alexander: I lost contact with that monster; I hope I found it before something bad happen. (Imagining Asuka naked, he blushed) Ah! I must focus in something different!

At the other side, Asuka was in her bag very embarrassed.

Asuka: (Embarrased) He saw me, again!

Meanwhile, in Demitri's hideout, he was uncomfortable about the monster's activity.

Demitri: Tsk! Some of our monsters are being eliminated by that bastard Knight.

Dark knight: You should be less tense. We still have more of them.

Demitri: Anyway, where's that woman?

Dark knight: She said she will continue with your plan. We'll receive her report.

Demitri: Then she's with us according with the plan.

Dark knight: She also said she wanted to meet her students from our time who arrived in this time.

Demitri: I see. Then she's still wants to see them after long time.

At next day in morning, Alexander was outside looking different sides.

Alexander: It seems that monster escaped. But where?

Asuka was walking until she meets Alexander. Both of them blushed a little.

Alexander: Asuka, I…

Asuka: Don't tell me anything. (Leaving quickly)

Alexander: Sorry, Asuka. I'll apologize to you later.

Male guider: Alright, everyone come here! We'll go to another site.

The students arrived to a rocky area, exploring all around.

Female guider: This is a historic place. According with some legends, a long time ago there was a powerful monster, a dragon. One from an unknown country that created a great chaos.

Alexander realized what is he hearing.

Female guider: In some writings, it's revealed someone was able to defeat that powerful beast. That one was a young knight.

Alexander and Asuka were surprised to hear that.

School girl: That was a great story.

School boy: But who was that knight?

Female guider: I don't know. There's no much information about that.

School boy: Then, that was just a fake legend.

Female guider: Maybe. But there are rumors about that beast. It's said some of its rests is under of these area. But until now there's no track about it.

Alexander: (Worried) A powerful dragon. Maybe that could be…? (Imagining the Millennium dragon from his time) No way!

Cassandra: (To Alexander) That beast, it could that dragon you defeated. The one from that time in our kingdom. Then you received your title as Dragon Knight.

Alexander: I don't know. But (Some flashbacks are revealed) it's difficult to believe there are tracks of it. I eliminated it with a lot of effort. (To present) It's impossible it can exist in this time.

Cassandra: I hope you're right.

Alexander: (Looking to Asuka) I have to say something important to Asuka.

Then, Alexander went to Asuka, attempting to apologize to her but suddenly he saw the monster. It followed them and was hidden at a ravine.

Cassandra: (Close to him) You saw it, right?

Alexander: (Funny amazed) No! It wasn't spying you at night!

The entire group was confused to hear that.

Alexander: (Funny state) Eh?

Cassandra: What are you saying?

Alexander: Then, what are you talking about?

Cassandra: (In his ear) That monster's presence.

Alexander: Oh yeah, I faced it last night but I was defeated.

Asuka came to them.

Asuka: What are you two talking?

Alexander: I don't want panic you, but there's a monster over there.

Asuka: (In high voice) What? A mons…

Cassandra: (Covering her mouth) Shut up, idiot! We don't have to call the attention of everyone!

Alexander: Alright, I'll handle that monster. You try to keep everyone out of this.

Cassandra: I'll use my title as class representative. Asuka you watch Alexander to avoid any mistake.

Asuka: Okay.

Then Alexander run to the ravine. Asuka followed him to watch him.

Cassandra: All right, everyone. Listen to me. Can you come here with me? I have to make an announcement.

She began an announcement, distracting them while Alexander and Asuka meet the monster.

Alexander: You creep! Time to payback!

Asuka: Be careful, I'll watch you a little far.

Alexander used his pendent to get his armor.

Alexander: Ha! I was ready this time!

Asuka: Just make sure don't make noises to call attention.

Cassandra continued with the speech while seeing at the ravine. She noticed little noises from the ravine. She was little nervous trying to keep it.

Alexander was facing the monster hand-by-hand but in a funny way he was being defeated just by throwing him away. Asuka was little worried to see.

Alexander: (Waking up) I'm fine!

Asuka: Are you okay?

Alexander: Yeah. I'll handle this!

He went to attack but he was launched again.

Alexander: (Waking up) I'm okay! I'll handle it!

He want to attack again, but was launched again.

Asuka: Are you sure you won't need help?

Alexander: (Waking up) I said I'm okay!

He went to attack again. Asuka was worried to see him failing many times. Cassandra made gestures to Asuka about the situation. She answered by gestures.

School boy: Class rep, is there a problem?

Cassandra: (Little nervous) Eh? It's nothing!

Alexander: (Funny anger) You bastard!

Suddenly it heard a strong noise in the ravine. Everyone heard that noise.

School boy: What was that?

Cassandra: (Funny alterated, getting the attention) Ah! I remember! There's a mining activity near, so we have to go to avoid any inconvenient! Let's return to the hotel please!

Male guider: That's strange. I never heard about it. There wouldn't be a mining activity.

Female guider: Probably we weren't advised about that.

Cassandra: Yeah, yeah. We have to return. Right now.

Male guider: Okay. Everyone return to the hotel. We'll return to home in some hours.

Meanwhile Alexander was upset after being launched by the monster many times.

Asuka: It seems everyone leave the place.

Alexander: Perfect! I'll go with everything!

He took his sword and prepared to attack again.

The monster seemed enjoying the fight in mocking way.

Asuka: Can you beat it now?

Alexander: I think so. I never faced a monster with good move skills.

The monster made some pirouettes making Alexander upset.

Alexander: You will see!

He attacked but the monster dodge him anytime. He continued attacking but without exit. He began to feel tired.

Asuka: You need to keep it quiet for a while.

Alexander: If that was easy.

Alexander continued attacking but the monster had the advantage in the fight.

Asuka: We need a distraction. (Realizing something and checking her bag) With this.

Alexander was tired and was breathing with difficult. The monster attempted to attack but suddenly Asuka whistled.

Asuka: Hey! Here's your banana! (Showing a banana)

The monster was happy to see it.

Asuka: Here it goes!

She launched the banana. The monster run happy, catching and eating the banana very happy.

Alexander was funny confused to see that.

Asuka: It's a monkey after all.

Alexander: All right! Burning sword!

Alexander used his attack to the monster, burning it until it became ashes.

Alexander: That was a little weird. (Turning back to his school uniform)

Asuka: A monster monkey. That was weird.

Alexander: Asuka, I…

Asuka: Eh? What?

Alexander: About last night… I didn't want to show myself that way.

Asuka: (Blushed) Ah! What do you mean with that?

Alexander: I expected you forgive me about that.

Asuka: If you say that. I guess I believe you.

Alexander: Really? What a relief. Besides, I didn't enjoy that.

Asuka: You didn't enjoy?

Alexander: Yeah, just because you have big boobs and all boys get excited it's an exaggeration. Well, I'm a boy but I didn't get attracted by something simple.

Asuka: Something simple?

Alexander: Yeah. (Realizing her state, was little nervous) Asuka?

Asuka was funny anger with a fist in anger.

Asuka: You said something simple. Do you mean I'm just something simple?

Alexander: Wait, Asuka! I didn't want to say that!

Asuka: Why you!

She hit him with her fist on his stomach. He fell in funny way.

Alexander: I guess you didn't just inherit Helena's mood, her strength too.

Asuka: (Upset) Idiot. (Leaving)

Alexander: (Waking up) Nao was wrong. I didn't get my lucky day.

Later Alexander and Asuka were returning to the hotel. Cassandra was waiting for them.

Cassandra: Did you two finish your time?

Asuka: (Little upset) No! That's not!

Cassandra: Whatever, did you know how difficult costed me to distract all the class?

Alexander: You were a big help, thanks Cassandra.

Cassandra: (Little blushed) Eh, yeah. I could be more helpful for you.

Asuka looks little upset to hear what Alexander said.

Alexander: (Little nervous) I was just saying.

Later, the school bus was returning. Some students were sleeping. Alexander was in the middle of Asuka and Cassandra like before. Cassandra had her head on his left shoulder, she seemed tired.

Alexander: Why I have to return like before.

Asuka: It's inevitable.

Alexander: But you know, I liked this trip.

Asuka: By the way, Alexander, when you were in the old temple, you asked a wish. What was that?

Alexander: Well, I wished… I wish I were a legend in my time, but also in this time if that were possible.

Asuka: I see. Maybe if you defeat those Dark Knights it could be possible.

Alexander: It doesn't matter. I'll protect you and your home.

Asuka: (Blushed) Eh? You don't have to say those things to me.

At that moment, Alexander remembered those words from Helena in their time on the lake.

Alexander: Sorry, I'll try not being so annoying to you.

Asuka: (Smiling) Yeah.

At school, at director office, the director was sat on his desk, he was talking with someone. A black-haired woman with glasses.

Director: I'm glad you came to teach in one of our classes. It seems there's problem with one transferred student.

Woman: Oh! Is he a foreigner?

Director: Yeah, he was received in our school, but he implied discomfort in all the guys of the school.

Woman: I see. Then I'll teach in the class where he is.

Director: Thanks, I'll let you in your hands.

Woman: Thanks. (Smiling evilly) I found you, Dragon Knight.