"Are you okay? Did she hurt you somewhere?"
Jacob caressed my arms, trying to figure out if I'm okay. I wanted to tell him everything that's bothering me, but It's my burden to bear. He doesn't need to be involved with this.
No matter how I wanted to open my mouth, I just ends up no saying anything. Speak of what's bothering me, but at the same time refusal was consuming me.
I didn't know what Dana's talking about earlier. She kinda had the intimidating glare that left a huge question inside my mind. If she don't meant every words that she said to me earlier, I don't think she would've still waste her time just to annoy me.
From what I think, there's something wrong.. The anger in her eyes, that's not the normal look when you're mad.. It's like something that she can do bad things just to destroy me..