"We'll be having a writing contest in literature this coming month. You can ask the faculty of the school for inquiries, I'll be expecting a presenter of this section on the competition day," Ms. Lancaster announced after a day with her mind wrecking quiz.
I was actually surprised that they do really have that kind of competition here. Jenny looked uninterested but still listening and Marco was just too attentive. I'm thinking right now if I should join it or not. I'm not that vocal so I'll just ask the faculty directly later for the requirements.
This is my chance to right again. Actually, I don't really write about literatures that much but I think I'll be doing good once I started it. It's just that..I'm born to explore what I like.
"Are you going to join it?" Jenny whispered as soon as our class dismissed.
"I don't know. I'm still thinking about it--"
"Oh my god!" She hissed. Her eyes widened which made me surprised. "Are you really joining?!"