Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

Martha didn't utter a single word to Ruby about the supposed legend. Her lips were pursed and her eyebrows furrowed. Ruby had tried to bring it up countless times but alas, Martha would immediately change the subject.

Dinner rolled around, and Lola, unaware of everything had gone on, cheerily talked about theater and the upcoming fall show. Martha sat there quieter than usual, she was usually the one to be the main talker, but she instead munched on her salad in silence. She excused herself after dinner and went to see the nurse, she claimed she felt nauseous.

Well, if I'm not getting the truth out of Martha, I'll have to ask Lola, Ruby thought.

Turns out Lola had no clue either.


"Who told you about the 'legend'?"


"And she won't talk about it?"


"So what are we gonna do?"

"I have no idea, Lola, I'm so confused...."