It happened again . Another person went missing . Just like the rest , i had the feeling i had met her once . Like in a cafe or bookstore , had small talk and went away . Maybe we met again at home ? I couldn't remember. You see , i have abit of amnesia . This causes me to forget somethings .
The woman named jessica Ferguson was last seen near the woods . There were search parties looking for her . I had joined one this morning and now my throat was abit sore from all the shoutings . Thought if by any luck , I'd find her and ask her about the meeting i cant remember. Buuut no luck at all
I needed a cup of coffee along with something else . I walked to the cafe few steps away from my home . The atmosphere inside was warm and cozy as usual . It had a medieval styled theme . There were few people today . I walked to the counter and joined the line . I ordered black coffee with vanilla cake and took them to an empty table .
I took a sip and searched for ' jessica Ferguson ' on facebook . Maybe it'd remind me how and where i met her . I did that everytime when someone went missing . Someone i always had a feeling i had met before but cant remember where , how and when . I had a silly thought that if i remembered , I'd eventually know where she is and I'd be the hero who found her . Because i have a feeling she had told me something secret.
" i think shes dead " a voice behind me said , startling me . I turned around to find a woman , maybe in her late 20s peeking over my shoulder at my phone . She had strawberry blonde hair and clever blue eyes . Had to admit , she was attractive. She looked and me a smiled
" i dont think so . She got kidnapped . The family will soon get a ransom call . " i said
She took the seat opposite to mine " think about it , all the people who previously went missing were never found . Its only logical that theres a serial killer targeting people "
" thats a good point but I'd like to believe there still out there , waiting to be found " i said . I offered her the cake to which she shook her head
" optimistic arent you ? " she said
" maybe , yeah "
" so why are you so interested in all this ? " she asked and then leaned forward " hiding something ? " she said in a whisper.
I simply rolled my eyes " yeah right . The reason im kind of curious about this is because I've met all these missing people once . Jessica told me something important. I cant remember. Its kind of nostalgic . "
" so your interested because you met them once ? Where did you meet Jessica "
I looked at her in the eye " why do you care "
She simply shrugged " no reason, just curious "
I checked my watch , it was getting late . I started to get up " well , its been fun chatting but now i gotta go " as i walked to the door , she called from behind
" not gonna leave me your number? "
I smirked and yelled back " if your smart , you'll find it yourself " and went outside. I had no intention of seeing her again . She seems weird to me . Ha , then again , an antisocial like me finds every person weird .
" ...and thats how i had lost my job at the vintage store . You come here often dont you ? " she asked .
" kinda . Its nice here " i had said
" well , i gotta go now . I'll come tomorrow too . And then maybe- "
I wake up with a jolt at the sound of my phone ringing . I remember something now . That was my conversation with Jessica at the same cafe . That was 2 days before she went missing. Did we meet again ? I think i remember her being nervous or something? The continued ringing of the phone prevented me from thinking more . Damn , i was getting close . The call was from an unknown number.
" umm , hello ? "
" challenge accepted and completed , fred Goodwin " she replied. It took me a minute to recognise her . It was the girl from the cafe this afternoon . did she got my number? And how did she know my name ? I never told her . I had only joked to her about finding my number herself .
" where..did you get my number ? " i asked . This was starting to creep me out .
She laughed " a magician never tells her secret "
" umm ok so...why did you call me ? " i asked
This time she giggled " i seeeee youuuuuu~ "
i felt a chill in my spine . My eyes quickly glanced around the room . My first thought was that she was in the house . Suddenly a knocking sound made me flinch so hard i almost dropped the phone .
There she was . At the window . A teasing smile on her face and the phone to her ear . She knocked the window again .
" did i scare you ? Sorry about that . Let me in , i wanna talk " and kept knocking the window
Should i call the police ? This is getting serious. What if shes got a weapon ? Will running out of the house work ? As i kept thinking , i didn't notice my body had already moved towards the window and opened the bolt . It my body was being controlled by strings . Like a puppet
" thanks , bud " she said as she got inside and closed the window . She looked around the room " nice room , you really keep it clean dont you ? " she went outside the room and started exploring the house .
I simply stood there , frozen . There was an intruder in my house . An intruder i let in myself. What do i do ? I heard her voice from the living room
" hey , fred . Come down here! " . I walked downstairs to find her sitting on the couch .
" what do you want ? " i managed to say
" chill out . I only wanna be friends. I want you to tell me why your so interested in the missing people " she asked looking me in the eye .
She didn't look like she was carrying weapons . At the corner of my eye i could see my pocket knife on the dinning table . In case it comes to that....I'll have no choice .
" like i said . I've met them once . I wanna know in case theres something that'll help in the investigation "
" can you not remember ? " she asks putting her feet up on the small table . I hated that . Truly
" I've got amnesia ok . Can you go now ? " telling about this is not actually easy for me . I dont often tell people about this . Because this world is filled with people who use your weakness to there advantage. In this case , i didn't know what else to say .
" oooh i see . But why do you care about them ? " she asked ignoring my question
" look , its getting late . Go home " i said firmly
She looked at me for awhile. Her stare was like a scanner, knowing everything about me . I felt uncomfortable. What does she want with me ? Im getting nervous.
Then hands dive into her pocket and she digs out a small blue velvet diary with a silver spiral . She got up , which made me take a step back unconsciously and handed me the diary .
" i can tell your uneasy because of me . Im really sorry . I'll leave . Take this . Write down things you do on a daily basis . It'll help you remember things .dont know why you never did this before though . I'll be at the same cafe tomorrow. If you need me , come by . Im doing an investigation on these people myself and i was hoping to team up with you . Well , see ya " and she walks away to the door . Opens it and leaves . I stand there for a few seconds analysing what just happened. This is a very weird girl .
I keep the diary on the dinning table . I never felt the need to do this diary thing since i didn't really care what i forgot . Till now that is . I get an old cloth to wipe off the dirt on coffee table . Wish she'd atleast bothered cleaning before she went . So filthy .