Chereads / Black And Beautiful / Chapter 2 - Chapter 3: On Front

Chapter 2 - Chapter 3: On Front

"Yes I will marry you I want to spend my whole life with you" Mya said and the whole restaurant clapped. Carmen walked out Peace walked out with her.

"Hey girl what's going on" Peace said. "I just need to get a Uber just leave me alone" Carmen said. "Carmen what is going on" Peace said. "PEACE PLEASE" Carmen said. "Okay well I will buy us both a Uber" Peace said. "No just leave me alone" Carmen said. "Carmen what is going on it is your birthday you should be in there" Peace said. "And see him propose to her" Carmen said. "Oh so this is what this is about you are jealous you want Alex" Peace said. "I don't want I already had him he said that he was gonna leave her cause there relationship was toxic but not anymore" Carmen said. "You know what" Peace said. "I don't wanna hear it" Carmen said. "Your nothing but a whore low life slut" Peace said. "He told me he would love me I didn't even know that him and her we're together" Carmen said. "You knew you just so dick crazy that you didn't even relize it" Peace said. "What about you sleeping with old women husbands for money that you can never earn on your back and feet" Carmen said. "No but I can earn on my knees and mouth" Peace said. "You are disgusting no darling you the whore" Carmen said.

Ti came outside. "Hey Carmen are you okay" Ti said. "I'm going home" Carmen said she got in the car and left. "This shit is crazy" Ti said. "That whore is crazy come on let's get a Uber" Peace said. "You use Uber oh no mam I use lift" Ti said.

Carmen walked in her apartment bed room she was crying. Alex came in. "Hey" Alex said. "Get the hell out and get out now before I call the cops get out" Carmen said. "Carmen she's my girlfriend future wife" Alex said. "Okay well I'm sorry I feel in love with a man that was with my bestfriend and I didn't even know your ass didn't tell me because you wanted to keep this shit this shit a secret" Carmen said. "Carmen I still love you" Alex said. "No you list me you want all the sex in this secret you do you want it all but your ass can never have it again" Carmen said. "Carmen don't say that don't" Alex said. "I'm speaking facts and you know it" Carmen said. "I know you love me that's what I know" Alex said. "That is where you would be wrong very wrong I'm done with you done" Carmen said. "Come on we can start a life together" Alex said. "With you married to her" Carmen said. "I did that to keep her stop yelling at me" Alex said. "Well whoes problem is that" Carmen said. "Please Carmen I love you I love you I love you" Alex said and they started kissing and having sex.

Carmens ex boyfriend Devin knocked on her door and he came in.