This is a fanfiction of Haikyuu and Kuro no Baske so yea...I don't own the anime this is just my imagination. I will be focusing more on Karasuno and Serlin mostly and not much of the other teams. I'm sorry. ENJOY! This is an editing process. So it might not make much sense. Luv ya ❤️
It is after school at Karasuno High. The boys volleyball team is practicing for the Spring Tournament. After a crushing defeat by Seijo, they are committed to winning this tournament. In a few days the team plans on going back to Tokyo to train with other multiple schools in that area.
Hinata: I can't wait to see Kenma again!! I wonder if they have any new players or new attacks!
Tsukki: It's not like you guys would be able to beat them anyways.
Noya: Dude who's team are you even on?
Daichi: Knock is our you two now is not the time to mess around.
Karasuno: Yes Sir!
Hinata: Kageyama can you set for me??
Kageyama: Yea hurry up then dumbass
Some time later...
Takeda: Guys come here I have some great news to share! Put your stuff down, it's really important!
Ukai: Okay everyone get your asses over here. HURRY UP!
Karasuno all in unison: YES SIR!
Takeda: Okay so I was talking on the phone with Coach Nekomata and he said that he scheduled a practice game with Serlin Highschool. They are not really known for their volleyball, but he said that it would be good practice to work out the new plays. He already had everything planned out so all we have to do is show up. I am really glad that we have this rivalry so, DO YOUR BEST.
Karasuno: YES SIR!
Daichi: Thank you sir. We will all work hard and do our best.
Hinata: I wonder what this Serlin High is like? If they are not known for their volleyball, what are they known for?
Kageyama: We don't know so that's why we have to have our guard up. We don't know what we are dealing with. So shut your mouth and let's practice again.
Hinata: Okay gosh bossy-yama
*Kageyama punched hinata in the stomach*
Hinata: OWW how am i supposed to practice now that i'm hurt?
Kageyama: You're so annoying. Oh my god it up I didn't even hit you that hard.
Oikawa and Iwa's POV
Iwa: Oikawa it's time to go home. We just had practice
Oikawa: Iwa-Chan. Are you my mother-
Iwa: Don't you dare start that crap again ya hear me? It's way too late for that.
Oikawa: Sorry sorry Iwa. Umm Iwa....Do you have milk bread?
Iwa: NO! Shittykawa I don't have milk bread now go home. I'm tired of dealing with your shit.
Few days Later In the Kanto Region
Izuki: *sneezes as he's eating his milk bread* Aww darn I guess I'm BAKING a fool of myself again.
I am so sorry for that I'm cracking up please laugh. ❤️
Riko: Alright everyone so I just got a call that some volleyball guy from Miyagi Prefecture is comin to use this gym tomorrow. So when that happens I want you guys to make this place clean. GOT IT. If not.... Hehehe that will be triple your usual swim workouts.
Hyga: You heard the lady come on guys.
Kuroko: Umm Captain can I be let off early? I am starting to feel a little dizzy.
Kagami: Ohh no you don't you little bastard. You just want to be let off early don't you? I'm keeping an eye on you.
Izuki: Really Kagami? I doubt that you're talking to a sort blue haired guy who can literally disappear with a blink of an eye. Aww darn my bread's gone.
Kagami: Who cares about some stupid bread?
Kagami (again): Yea but like it's pretty hard for him to "disappear" now i mean come on I've known for a couple months now. Right Kuroko?... Kuroko?
Kagami: THAT BASTARD imma kill him and that #2 of his I swear.
Izuki: Told ya! And don't badmouth bread. Angry bird.
Kagami: ANGRY BIRD!? You little-
Riko: WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY KAGAMI? Did I hear that correct? Did you, just say you were gonna kill #2? I recommend you run while you still can.
*runs after Kagami and punches him until he is knocked out, Then happily skips to the club room*
Huga: Don't look at me Kagami, you brought this on yourself. Hahah
Izuki: Now that was paw-some
Everyone in the gym: SHUT UPPP
Hey everyone!! So I'm editing my book just a tad bit I wanna improve it. The Haikyuu Manga just ended today I've cried at least 7 times today. I need help. Also what was up with me and milkbread? Idrk. Okay baiiii