Chereads / In Avatar World With Naruto System / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

General is the highest rank in the Fire Nation Army, though different generals vary in their position and the extent of their power. Responsibilities taken by generals include commanding invasion forces and overseeing the production of weapons, and they also work with the Fire Lord to construct battle plans in aid of the nation's military efforts.

In the current war, meetings held by Fire Lord Azulon were attended by numerous generals whose collective goal was to develop a battle plan that would decisively lead to the conquest of the Earth Kingdom. An affront to a general is considered to be an affront to the Fire Lord himself.

Iroh was the eldest son of Fire Lord Azulon and Ilah, and grandson of former Fire Lord Sozin. He was the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, and destined to become the new Fire Lord.

Like his father before him, Iroh was a renowned Fire Nation General during the war. Iroh enjoyed serving as a military commander and fully embraced his role as heir to the Fire Lord. He later mused that his blood "boiled with desire" for power at the time. His views was partially stemmed from a desire to honor his father Azulon and grandfather Sozin, both of which had fully committed themselves to the war. Though he isn't good but not really bad either. It was just the upbringing he had in the royal family. But still, he is more kind than the rest of the royal family.

Iroh later 'claimed' during his youth that he had fought and killed the last surviving dragon. Because of this claim and his ability to breathe fire, Iroh earned the title "The Dragon of the West".


The academy's courtyard was packed by people. Teachers, instructors, students, soldiers and even the headmistress herself came out to greet the crown prince. Most of them respected this man. He won all his battles and has never been defeated and on top of that he is the successor of the throne. Having a Fire Lord like him in the future is a blessing.

"Hoho, don't stand there. Commander Zhao take back your troops"

"Yes, general" Zhao can't help but obey. Rankings in the military was strictly followed, especially if they are from the royal family. Soldiers retreated from the academy while feeling happy inside, they met the renowned 'Dragon of the West'. 'Its my lucky day, I can brag to my friends and family' most of them thought.

Looking at the person in front of him Ling can't help but scrutinized the man. 'So this is the Iroh, I really like his character in the series. A kind old man and a good teacher' Ling mentally thought.

'Well, Iroh really changed after his son died. Though he isn't really bad now but he has still his ruthlessness as a Fire Nation General though he was kinder than the rest of them' Ling thought.

'Now that I think about it. If Iroh's son will not die then the Fire Nation will be different from the canon. Azulon will still be the Fire Lord, Iroh will still be the successor to the throne and he will conquer the Earth Kingdom capital, Ba Sing Se, Zuko will not be banish" thinking all of this, Ling can't help but feel sad to the current Avatar. 'I feel sad for you Aang, you will fight the whole royal family' Ling can't help but joked inwardly.

Ling looked in front and noticed that Iroh was talking to the instructors in the academy. He climb down to the platform and was greeted by the students who can't help but feel awesome by his display.

"Dude, how can you do that"

"Damn, you were so lucky. General Iroh sparred with you"

"Who taught yo--"

"Can you tea--"

"So str--"


Ling was then bombarded with a lot of questions and praises, well most of it was question. Well they can't be blamed, those moves was highly advanced. But there were some students who can't help but stiff the whole time. They can't believed that one of their classmates can firebend when he can't.


"What? He is a non-bender"

"Yes, he was a non-bender but he was skilled in everything"

"I agree with that"

"His markmanship and combat we're all top-notch in the academy"

The instructors and teachers were talking about Ling's ability to firebend. The most shocked we're the ones who knew him, his teachers and instructors. Even the headmistress was confused.

"It isn't entirely impossible to bend at this age. Most children will knew how to bend when they were five or six like most of us do, but there were some rare cases that children will be able to bend at the later years" Ta Meng interjected their conversation while Iroh was sitting and still thinking about the firebending techniques of the boy.

"Yes, the headmistress is right. Though over the years we don't see children who can bend at this age, but they were some rare cases in the past where benders who are late bloomers" Iroh stated his opinion.

"I meant it would be difficult for those types to master their element, that it could be a slower development, not that it would be impossible"

"For instance, if there was a firebender that was indecisive and more passive, her or his firebending might be stunted, but would likely still be able to firebend at a very basic level at the later ages"

The rest of them who listened to the opinion of Iroh can't help but nod. Since his reasoning is true.

"Your right General"

"But still it doesn't answer the fact that this boy can firebend skillfully and hide it till now" Mubbi asked out loud.

"And if he wanted to hide it, why show it now?" Muusa said while he remembered how he almost burned alive recently.


Seeing this man, they can't help but feel pity.

"Well, let's just call the boy and questioned him" Ta Meng said.


Ling followed the instructor who came to get him from the students who kept talking to him. 'Maybe, they will ask about my bending? Knowing them, it is possible'

Arriving at room of the headmistress Ling can see most of the instructors and teachers in the academy and he also saw Iroh who sat and drinking tea while looking at him.

"Hello" Ling said.

" ..... "

" ..... "


"Student Ling can we ask a question?" Mubbi said.


"When did you knew you can firebend?"

"A year ago" Ling replied with a straight face.

"A year ago! why didn't you tell anyone then?"

"Aah, well if I told anyone, my schedule in class will increase. Hehe" Ling said while rubbing the back of his head. "I can't rest properly then"

" ..... "

" ..... "

" ..... "

When all of them hear that they can't help but bulge their eyes out. He hide his skills in firebending so he can just goof and relax around.

"Y-You" Muubi can't help but stutter due to shock or anger.

"Well, student Ling that's some lame excuses. You can't just hide your firebending because you want to skip classes. You're already skipped most of you afternoon sessions and becoming more lazy" Ta Meng interjected and advised Ling.

"I'm sorry headmistress but lazy is an ugly word and it isn't right" Ling replied.


"I prefer to call it selective participation"

" ..... "


[A/N: Sorry for the instability of releases. Online classes already started days ago, my schedule was packed especially when I'm in the last year of Engineering. Too much workload. Well maybe I can release 1-4 chapters per week or if I have vacant time. Don't worry I will continue this story though.

Hoooo, Too much equations and numbers..๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

Good Luck to upcoming engineering students or those who already were]