"Do you think she'll be okay?"
I looked over at my sister in the passengers seat, her face gleamed with worry, anxious to see Lauren again, her long blonde hair in a messy bun blew in the wind as she stared longingly at the doors waiting for it to be flung open by her best friend. Lauren was in a scary situation, one where she had every right to be fearful of her life and her parents, just like Lauren, my dad too suffers a great deal at the expense of his job. It's scary, the world is.
"THERE SHE IS" my sister squealed.
I looked out of the car window to see an upsetting Lauren Wicks approaching my car, the door was opened and then there was silence.
*Inside Headquarters*
My dad came back into the office slamming a folder on the desk. "It will take a while till a lab report comes back identifying the body part, the death" he paused "the death would have to have been recent" he paused once more "ummm" he spoke clearing his throat. "I'm not upset you opened the box Laur" he was now in his chair behind the desk "In fact I'm glad you did, a life was most likely taken or a person could be severely injured, someone is responsible for this and a person like that shouldn't be on the streets"
"I'm just doing my job. Look at this way, the identity comes back, the report goes to the police and the cops take it from there and we wouldn't have to deal with death threats anymore"
"I doubt it's the same person all the time" I frowned "There's multiple people you've taken down that don't want you alive" I slumped in the seat in front of him. "I'm scared dad"
He took my hand in his "We'll get through this, right now I need to locate your mother"
"Won't it be safer if she's not in the country, no one can get to her"
He agreed. "I won't let anything happen to either of you" he kissed my forehead.
I felt a bit reassured knowing that my father was protecting us and trying to keep us safe, he was going to make sure that whoever did this threat was going to be found out.
"Okay well I still have a lot of cases to comb through" he said getting up leaving his desk and reaching for a hug. "You're free to stay overnight with Caroline. Go. Have fun and stay out of trouble"
When my dad said trouble, I assumed he meant Josh.
I was now in my dad's arms engulfed in a hug which made me feel warm and safe. I left the office, gave my farewells to my dad's co workers and walked out of the building only to see my best friend and brother eagerly waiting for me in the car like they said they would be. I was still shaken up about what had happened and disturbed, that was all.
"Home sweet home" my sister yelled spinning around freely in the room carrying Lauren with her.
Typical girls. I watched them both as they disappeared from my sight, Lauren was here and she was with us and she was safe, that's all that mattered.
"Hi son" my dad appeared from the shadows. "How was school?"
Since when was my dad ever interested in my well being? Weird.
"Okay" I scratched the back of my neck. "It was okay"
My father raised an eyebrow. "Just okay"
Lauren wasn't there. Lauren. Why am I thinking about Lauren?
"It's school, classes are boring you know"
"I understand. Back in my day..."
Here we go.
"Daddddd" Caroline walked into the kitchen. "Ease up on Josh with the boring stories will you"
I chuckled slightly. "Good old lil sis coming to my rescue" I mouthed a 'thank you' to her and locked eyes with Lauren for a second who then quickly looked away and began talking to my father.
"It's been a while since we had a guest over" my father grinned. "Guest?" My mother chimed in entering the room. "Lauren is family"
"Family" the word spoken from my mom's lips kept echoing in my head "Family"
I looked at Lauren, she was interested in whatever my mom and dad were telling her, maybe one of their luxurious trips they've went on or a dolphin story that my mom always seem so eager to tell, whatever they were talking about I wasn't paying attention.
"Well kiddos we're off sight seeing, we won't be back till nightfall"
"You practically live here" I looked at them both and just like that I was ignored.
"Nice seeing you Lauren, you're welcome anytime" my mom smiled and soon the door was shut.
I looked at the two girls before me and without second guessing dumped a bowl full of cheese balls in front of them. "Here" I said taking one and popping it into my mouth. "Go do whatever girls do, play with makeup, talk about boys... you know ummm.... girly stuff. I'll be around". The girls took the bowl and ran.
After Josh chased us away, we proceeded to Caroline's room, very well decorated, spacious and a queen bed fit for a queen. I flopped onto the bed looking at her, she was loosing her hair down from the bun she previously had all day long, her hair dangling to her shoulders, looking back her face wore a smile. I could tell she was now relaxed that I was safe, the worried look was now gone. She took a cheese ball and began chewing before flopping beside me. "Soooooo what do you want to do first"
"Doesn't matter" I replied "Anything to distract me from today's current events"
What I really wanted to do was see Josh, I needed answers as to what happened last night, he didn't seem upset or was he?
"I'll be right back, going to the bathroom"