Chereads / Shadowed. / Chapter 2 - 2

Chapter 2 - 2

Chapter 2

The Meet


It's Friday morning, and I'm awakened by a resounding bang. I hop out of bed fixed to fight. My body is taut with tension, ready for whoever is intruding in my personal area. I move to take a swing, but I'm stopped before I can follow through by a loud yell, "IF YOU HIT ME GIRL, IT WILL BE THE LAST THING YOU DO! Now get your lazy ass out of bed, that lady will be here in 30 minutes to pick up you. You better make certain you're ready by then!" With that, Mrs. Monroe exit's my room shouting at the rest of the house to hurry up and get up.

I shake our my hands and body to release the tension. I rub my face with my palms and move my hair back out of my face, guess I better get ready for my new life, yay me. I roll my eyes at the thought. I laid out what I had planned to wear the night before, so all I wouldn't have to dig through all the crap I packed. Changing my sweats and t-shirt for some dark blue skinny jeans and a black muscle shirt, slip on my black converse and toss my dirty clothes in the first bag I see. Just as I finish getting dressed I hear a knock on the front door. I grab my duffle bag tossing strap on my shoulder and grab my and Marcus' backpacks and carry them out. As I walk in the livingroom, there is a woman who looks to be in her mid-40s with light blonde hair, golden skin, and a big smile on her face.

She walks up to me and goes in for a hug, but before she can, I shove my backpack in her arms and say, "Thanks for the help!" and walk past her out to her car and drop the other two bags by the trunk of a brand new white 2020 BMW x5 "Nice ride."

I turn to look at mommy dearest- Ana is standing in the doorway of the house, looking a little unsure. I smirk at the sight. "All right, Ana, I have a lot more bags to get, are you going to stand there all day or help me?"

Ana straightens up and smiles again, "Of course, sweetheart! Let's get it loaded! I figured you and Marcus would have a lot of things, so I brought my SUV!"

Geez, does she have to be so bubbly? "Yea, we have a lot of bags, but don't worry, it isn't too much." With that, I walk back into the house while ana goes to load the bags I just took outside.

I walk inside my old room and see I still have 3 bags left. I grab them quickly and walk back outside. Ana goes to go to the house for more, but I stopped her. " I don't have anything else, I was fucken with you."

Ana looks at me, takes 2 of the duffle bags I have, and places them in the trunk with the other 3 bags. I wait for her to finish and grab my backpack out of the back and replace it with Marcus' last suitcase.

Ana watches me do this and questions, "Why are you not leaving that bag back there too? You don't have to keep it with you."

closing the hatch of the trunk, I get into the passenger side without answering her. As I'm sitting the bag on the floor Ana gets in the driver's seat and asks again, "Why aren't you leaving it in the back?"

I look at her and say, " I don't owe you an explanation. It is what it is. Can we go now?"

She sighs as she puts her seat belt on,simply saying "yes." and with that, we drive off.

Thirty long minutes later, we end up in a rural neighborhood. On the way, I noticed there is a lot of undeveloped land for miles. I look out and see the mountains in the distance and a lot of tall trees and a big lake.

Ana takes notice of my wide-eyed stare and chuckles softly, she attempts at conversation "You haven't seen this type of scenery I take?"

Not removing my gaze I say "No, I haven't. We stayed in the city our whole lives, and being in foster care doesn't afford family vacations to a lake."

I shake my head, I swear people honestly don't think before they speak sometimes. I feel a hand on my left forearm, peering down at her perfectly manicured hand. I take her hand off me and drop it like it's disgusting and look at her with my most serious stare. "Don't ever put your hand on me again, especially without my permission."

she places her hand back on to the steering wheel and continues to drive without saying anything for a moment. " I am sorry Zora I didn't mean anything by what I said, or me putting my hand on you. I'm just happy I get to give you this new experience. I won't presume to know things about you again.``

I didn't respond, we sat in uncomfortable silence the rest of the time. Ten minutes later, we pull up to an average-sized lake house. It isn't like anything I have lived in for sure. The house is white with navy blue trimmings and a wrap-around porch. From what I have seen driving up, it looked like there was a dock behind the house. I will have to check that out later.

Ana turns off the car and takes off her seat belt reaching for the door; she says, " Well, let's get you settled in."

I'm still sitting in the car when she opens the trunk. I'm about to get out of the car when I feel a vibration in my feet. I reach down to get my backpack and unzip the front pocket getting my phone out. It's a message from Marcus.

Marcus: Hey, how r things?

Zora: Hey, everything's okay. Can't wait for u to get bk tho!

Marcus: alrdy? It's only been a day.

Zora: yes, alrdy, have fun! Check in tomrw. Luv u

Marcus: y r u tryn 2 say bye?

Zora: I'm just a lil busy rn.

Marcus: fine I'll check in tmrw.

Zora: Luv u

Marcus: I know

I roll my eyes, of course, he won't say it back. According to him, it's not as personal and does not have the same effect behind it.

I get out of the car and grab my things. Sliding my phone in my back pocket and putting my pack on, I walk to where Ana is waiting for me. She hands me 2 bags and has me follow her up the steps of the porch.

As she is unlocking the door, I look around. On the right are a swing mounted to the roof of the porch and a couple small potted plants next to it. On the other side of the porch is a deep freezer, and I'm guessing it is a big old birdcage, based on the feathers on the floor and the old birdseed. Ana opens the door and gestures for me to enter. "Welcome home! I know it isn't what you're used to, but I would like to think you will feel right at home in no time. Your room is on the right, and Marcus' room is across from yours." she tells me while leading me up the hallway on the right and opens my bedroom door.

We walk into the room that is now mine and see a small twin size bed with a lavender bedspread pushed against the wall on the far side of the room. There is a white desk, and a white dresser set and a white end table and, oh look, more white walls. What is up with all the white?

"You can change anything you want, except for the furniture, obviously."

I place the bags on the floor at the end of the bed and turn to her, "Can I repaint the walls or change the bed set? This is too white for me. Maybe a maroon bed set and black walls?"

Ana looks a little taken back, " Well, I guess that would be alright, I will get the paint this weekend."

She leaves to get the rest of the bags, while I sit and divide my and Marcus' things. Ana drops off the rest of our stuff and tells me she is going to make breakfast while I settle in.


After I finished checking in on Zora, I slid my phone into the front pocket of my hoodie. I jump up from the bed and stretch out. Heading for the cafeteria for some breakfast before my morning run.

Every morning is the same. I gotta get up, check on the only person who means a thing to me, and then run. Run to forget the nightmares, until I forget it all.

I've experienced dark impulses since I was little. The first time it happened was in the fifth grade when some punk ass kid slaps Zora on the ass. I wanted to tie him to the dodgeball pole and beat the shit out of him. The only reason I didn't is that I knew I would be taken away from Zora. So instead, I made up a rumor about how he wet the bed at night and made him the outcast of the school until he transferred schools.

From there, it only got worse; I think since I decided to suppress my impulses, it's turned into nightmares. I don't want to have these urges or thoughts. It's like my mind has two sides to it. The good and conscionable side and then there's the don't give a fuck, let's burn everything and everyone downside. So. I've been having nightmares of horrible shit happening to Zora since then. Like I'm being punished for not revealing in my darkness.

Shaking my head of those thoughts, and continuing my walk to meet the team for breakfast. I enter the cafeteria and walk up the line to grab some protein. I shake my head when I catch chad talking shit to another school again. That kid is going to get his ass handed to him real soon if he doesn't give that mouth of his a break. Chad is one of those rich, pretty boy jocks with a cheerleader for a girlfriend who thinks he can get away with anything.

Grabbing my food off the line, I head to Sisters High Basketballs' reserved tables. It's the second day, and everybody is getting used to the schedule, so I'm not surprised by the lack of bodies. I come up short, however, when I see two new guys sitting at our table. I sit down and give them a nod before digging into my food. I have too much going on in my head to ask questions. Just as I'm finishing more of the team starts coming in, all looking exhausted. I nod to them and get up to toss my tray.

I stop by Chad on the way to the door. "Hey man, I'm going for a run, I'll meet you guys by the northside court, the one that's outside; in an hour."

Chad pats me on the back and starts off to get food, replying, "Alright, boss, man!" I shake my head and head out.

Stepping out, I start to stretch while setting up my pandora and placing my earbuds in. Looking around as I start at a jog following the path as it winds to the left, getting into the music and running my mind starts to wonder.

*The nightmares begin to replay my mind*

Why the fuck do I keep this shit in my head? Feelings of anger have my feet pounding the pavement. I keep seeing the same blonde-haired man torturing Zora...Who is he? I have never seen him, but he is staring in every one of my nightmares.

The replay continues…

*Zora tied up in a place resembling a dungeon, blood streaming down her face.*

I notice the path straightens out. I transition into a full sprint until I hit the court; way before anyone is supposed to be here. Stretching out my legs and back, I turn and see the basketball rack and decide to grab a ball and shoot some hoops and run some drills as a warm-up before the team shows up.

Fifty mins later, the team shows up.

Chad walks over to me, sizing me up, "Did you even go for your run? You look just like you did before leaving the mess hall.``

I glanced down at myself and noticed for the first time that there isn't a drop of sweat on me, nor am I winded from running or playing ball. Now that I think about it, that run ended very quickly, it should have easily taken me 45 mins to finish. How did I get here so fast?

"Nah man, I only got here a little while ago, I was resting that's probably why. Now shut the fuck and get the fuck away," Pushing past him hitting my shoulder against his and call attention to the team. " Alright pussies, I want you to start to stretch out and run 25 laps around the court, then I want 25 suicides. Now hurry the fuck up!"

I hear groans and grunts, but no one argues. I guess being a mean motherfucker has some perks. I wonder if they would even make sounds like that if I started throwing rocks at them whenever they fuck up. Hmmm, maybe if I do it hard enough to make them bleed if they would even fuck up anymore, I chuckle to myself.

I bend over to grab a couple nice sized rocks and start tossing them in the air, contemplating whether or not I should do it. I'm watching the guys start on their run; I decide not to do it, not wanting to risk anything. That is until I see that dumb ass Chad is not running and instead is on the phone laughing and texting. I change my mind and launch one of the rocks, and it hit's him in the face so hard bloodstreams profusely down that big ass forehead of his.

Everyone stops as they hear Chad scream, "Ahhhh, what the fuck!" He looks at me, pissed, and holding his head while blood runs through his fingers.

I laugh, "Get the fuck off the phone and go get patched up. I see you not doing as you're told again it'll be far worse." With that, I walk away and towards the other guys. They all look confused and unsure, "What the fuck you staring at? Any of you wanna be next? I got a handful more for any of you who don't wanna listen. NOW FUCKING MOVE!!"

Damn, that felt fucking good! I wonder if I could get anyone else to bleed today? I continue to laugh, today just might be a good day after all. That is until I see the two guys from the mess hall earlier walking toward us.