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Glass Body Syndrome

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An endless void filled with nothing but chaotic energy. Outside of time, space, anything we would know as 'normal'. A consciousness awakens. Unknowing of anything around them they find themselves forced into a body and thrown into a new realm. A world that will be shown to have many species, technologies, and even a bit of magic. The world has many splits between not only species, but also between 'levelers' and 'cultivators'. There is a slight use of a 'system' of sorts, but it's about as useful as the health app on a phone. Most don't use it as it displays only a few stats. It can't even give quests, a map, or anything actually functional. This book combines several types of fantasy, such as the DnD levels and magic to the cultivation world. Romance will NOT be a major theme for the first part, and even later on, but will be in some small sections. This will mostly be a lighthearted book with only a few darker moments, so please give it a chance if it sounds interesting.

Chapter 1 - Don't Punch the Cactus

The story is written in third person, except for paragraph one. Also, the story only really starts several paragraphs in.

A field of darkness looms around the world. In the infinite darkness a single object can be seen. A glass object floats above the ground. Its dozens of sides shine a pristine white light, showing only a slight iridescence. The glass starts flowing and beads of liquid glass flows down its sides. The light becomes brighter and takes on a reddish hue. Condensing inwards, the glass forms a different shape. The glass molds itself into a person. The glass's luminescence turns white once more and the glass's flow slows down.

'Where am I?' the glass body thought to itself. 'Who am I?' The glass started to mold itself into its final shape. 'What is happening? Is this me?' The body's features became more defined and its face became visible. Clothes started forming from the remaining light. 'Ooh, pretty colors. Wait! Am I high? How do I know how to speak?' The attire consisted of a simple buttoned white shirt, black pants, and black shoes. The facial features were completed and a pretty face shone forth, but not one you would pay a second thought to.

The black void became brighter and the glass body was thrown out of the void. 'Ahh, I'm falling? But I was just born!' The void opened up into a sand filled desert. Below the screaming and flailing girl was a small oasis. She crashed into the water causing a small explosion.

Next to the water was a man in armor. He sat by his campfire waiting for his food to finish cooking. "It's about another three days travel. My supplies should last until then." A sudden explosion startled him and he drew his sword. "What the f*ck was that?!" When he saw the body floating on the surface, he rushed over to save them. He waded several meters into the lake and wrapped his arms around her front and pulled her towards the shore.

"What happened to you?" He asked as he pulled her towards the fire. "I don't know; I just woke up?"

"Was that a question? Can you at least tell me your name?" She furrowed her brows, "I can't think of one."

He handed her a towel. He looked her over and tried to figure out her story. She had semi-long blonde hair and her irises were a mixture of black and white, almost like the night sky. 'Is she amnesic or just a d*mn good liar? No gear at all, and her clothing isn't made for travel. Hmm, I'll keep my eye on her just in case, and sleep lightly.' "I have an extra hammock. We're about three days from the nearest town, Darmack."

"Thank you for your kindness, sir."

Night fell soon. He slept with his swords in his hands. She tried to step on the hammock and quickly landed on her face. "Ow! Why is this so difficult?" After several more painful attempts, she lay in her hammock. He had to stifle his laughter. 'I've never seen somebody fail that many times. Most get it by their fourth or fifth try. I'll make sure to not dig into her life after I drop her off at Darmack. After that, she's on her own.' He went to sleep promising himself not to get involved.

She woke up in the morning and forgot she was in a hammock. Landing, once more, on her butt. "Oww! Again, d*mn it? Oh, you're awake. Umm, what's your name?" She stared who rescued her the day before. He was packing up his hammock and checking his gear. "hm? I guess I forgot. My name is Dracus Maldict. I prefer Drake to Dracus. You said that you don't remember your name, so what should I call you?"

She sat, thinking, for a moment before responding "Nycta? That sounds like a good name." He nodded his head in agreement. "Nycta it is. We'll be leaving in five minutes. Here's breakfast." He handed her a loaf of bread with jam and flask water mixed with a little wine as they started walking. Darmack was three days away if they continued all day. "Hey, Drake, why don't we head out during the night if it's cooler?"

Drake had a slightly shocked look on his face. "Night is far too cold in these parts. If you're not covered in blankets at night you could easily freeze to death. Not to mention the monsters. I have several candles that keep them at bay. Their keen sense of smell works against them sometimes. I can handle one or two, but if a bunch of them come I'll be in trouble." She looked at him adamantly, soaking all of the new information in.

He chuckled. 'She's like a child, so curious about the world.' "Most hone their skills in swordsmanship, magic, or the like." She tilted her head in confusion. "Magic?" At this Drake stopped walking.

"You don't know what magic is?!" He was genuinely filled with shock. Even an assassin would have a very difficult time feigning amnesia. "Magic is um... how to explain... A way to bend our perception of the natural laws of the world. A good example is someone creating fire out of seemingly nothing, but it's more accurate to say the air is being changed into fire. Does that make sense?"

She nodded her head. "Yes, I think so, thank you for explaining this." He shrugged his shoulders and replied, "It's not like I have much else to do. Besides, if you don't know basic stuff like this you'll die very quickly. Oh, can you read?" He reached behind his back and pulled out a book from his back and handed it her.

She took the book and stared at it. It was a simple brown book with the words 'Basic World Knowledge' inscribed. "Yeah, I can read apparently, but why do you have a children's book?"

"It's not a children's book, idiot! It's a book that details the basic survival knowledge of a traveler! It's one of the most widely distributed books. Most travelers carry it around to brush up on their memory." He was annoyed that she would think he would just carry a kid's book around.

"All right, but you didn't have to be so mean." She was bothered that he became angry for no apparent reason.

"I'm sorry. Just read that while we walk. Just don't get too sucked in and trip." The book detailed the world's geography, survival tips, currency exchange estimates, and even what plants were safe to eat.

She read, 'The world is divided into five habitable continents, nicknamed: The Human Continent, The Demon Continent, The Beast Continent, The Elvin/Fairy Continent, and Ancient/Fifth Continent.

'They are self explanatory except for the Fifth. Unlike the other four, this one wasn't inhabited by one primary group. Species are more equal here and most of the inhabitants are travelers, researchers, or adventurers. It was said to have been inhabited by several advance ancient species, hence its name.

'The humans are ruled by several leaders and territories are divided into 'countries' that are at constant disagreement with one another. Humans are pretty discriminatory towards the other species, with some even attacking others with this hatred. They have the largest population, but are also very weak. Lifespan of about 70 years. About 1.65-2 meters tall. Varying hair, eye, and skin color. Have the most variations of a single species.

'The beast continent is inhabited by tribes of beast people, including over a dozen species. They all posses high vitality and are very straightforward; this is usually interpreted by others as ignorance or stupidity. Lifespans vary between about 60-200 years depending on species, but most are about 100 years. Heights vary but are about 1.65-3.0 depending on species. See species descriptions for more details.

'The demons are a species historically viewed as evil by the others, many still resent them. They posses high magic affinity and vitality, making them one of the strongest species. Lifespans of 150-200 years. Heights are about 1.75-2.5 meters tall. Have horns on their forehead, some being barely noticeable and some being palm-sized. Crafty, and make great merchants.

'The elves are secretive and prefer to live by themselves, despite this they are very friendly towards outsiders. They posses high intelligence and magic affinity. They are connected to nature and have a natural affinity to related manors involving life. Lifespans of hundreds to thousands of years, the exact numbers are unknown as most die well before 1,000. 1.65-2.2 meters tall with distinctive ears. Prideful, and will live up to their morals.

'The fairies have a similar appearance to the elves, but have the distinguishing wings and halo-like affect around their bodies, about 1.6-1.8 meters tall. Very connected to nature and can 'speak' to plants and animals. Fairies are high ranking in terms of magic. Lifespan is known to be longer than even the elves. Small population due to their long lifespans limiting reproduction. Prefer to stay out of conflicts due to low numbers.

'Dwarfs live in mostly mountainous areas. Famous blacksmiths, miners, and craftsmen. Very strong, but lower magic levels than many species. height of 1.6-1.8 meters. Proud species, do.not.insult.craftsmanship. if you value your life.

'Many other sentient species exist and are listed further on in the book...'

"Watch out!" Drake shouted, but he was too late. He reached his hand out and grabbed her arm. She had walked into a cactus. "Ow, my hand! Stupid Cactus!" Luckily only her hand got hurt. "Don't blame the cactus, you walked into it! Here, sit down, we have to pull these things out."

He sat pulling out as many as he could before pouring some cream on her hand and bandaging it. "There, that should prevent infection and irritation. Just don't rub it. Didn't I say to watch where you were going? I guess this is a good time for lunch anyway."

"Yes, sorry... Hey, Drake what species are you? What do you think I am?" He was startled by her question and haphazardly answered "I prefer not to talk about myself. As for you, I'm not entirely sure. Your appearance definitely resembles a human, but your eyes aren't normal. Actually I don't know of any common species besides maybe a fairy or spirit of some sorts. Some curses, blessings, and magical affinities can cause similar changes too. There are also the rare mixed-species, but again I don't know of any specific one I've heard of with features like yours. The town should have a few analysis items and... wait. Did you forget how to use your system too?" He got another confused look.