Autumn felt his eyes searching for the light as he woke up, crawled up in one of the bedrooms. He stretched out his legs and felt someone sitting at the edge of the bed, Xavier. "Morning.", Autumn said, wiping his eyes. Xavier bowed his head, not looking at Autumn. "What's wrong?" he could hear Xavier sobbing. "I love you, Autumn, but we could never be together after everything you did. After all the lies and all the betrayal." Autumn removed the covers off him and reached over the bed. His hand rests in mid-air as he stopped himself from turning Xavier to face him. "You brought him into our lives. Now we all suffering. I can't even breathe anymore, Autumn. It's hard to breathe when I'm around you." Xavier cried. "Where's everyone, Xavier?" Autumn asked carefully. "Now I have to pay for loving you," he whispered and left the room. Autumn bolted off the bed and jerked the door open. He fell into nothingness, pure darkness, and landed onto the living room floor. He could hear screams. Zia and Annalee. He felt glass underneath his hands and blood running off his face. He tried to lift his head to see why the girls are screaming. He saw Xavier being dragged away by Evan. "Nooo!" he cried out. Pushing every inch of his body to stand up. "Please don't!" Autumn pleaded, crawling to stop Evan. Evan threw Xavier's lifeless body on the ground. "I'm done playing this fucking game with all of you." Evan looked unrecognizable as he bends down over Xavier laughing. "You want to know who I am right. You all want to know who I am. Well, let's just end this whole fucking cat and mouse game and get to the goddamn point." He walked over to Zia and Annalee. "First, you all need to get yourself fixed. You like a mess." Zia spits in his face as he stood over them. "Save some for yourself too," he said, rubbing the spit off his face. "Let's take it all to the beginning", glass cracked under his feet as he walked from one spot to another. "You're drunk, aren't you?" Autumn commented. "Not as much as you were the night your mother died." Autumn felt powerless just lying there, unable to move. "Fuck you!" he uttered as Evan laughed and applauded him. "If you only knew what happened, my dear." Xavier finally woke up. "Stay away from him." he coughed. "Finally, the whole cult is awake." Evan broadcasted and sat on the couch while the rest of them laid on the ground, wounded. "You guys all pretend like you the innocent ones, the worthy ones. You can remember every single thing now. There is no trigger on your brains. You won't collapse and wake up not remembering me all over again. Or will you?" he joked. "All this fucked up things happened one year, with the boy in the center of it all. Autumn."