Chereads / Markie / Chapter 7 - The Last Day

Chapter 7 - The Last Day

Ryan's POV

I'm supposed to leave today... I can't do it! The ceremony is over but Markie hasn't decided. I can't leave without her answer. She rejects me or accepts me and I'll know what to do but right now I'm in limbo.

"You packed Ryan?" Dad asks lookimg into Alic's room.

"I need to talk to you." I say. He looks concerned but nods and enters closing the door.

"What's up son?" He asks sitting on the bed beside me.

"I need to stay longer." Straight to the point. I need this settled quickly.

"I don't think Alpha Aaron will alow that." He tells me. At my panicked look he asks "why do you need to stay?" I look away. I figured I'd have to tell him to get this to work but I don't want to hurt Markie.

"I found my mate." I mumble. I look over at him. His jaw is hanging open and his eyes look full of joy.

"That's amazing Ryan! She can come back with us this is great!" He beams at me.

"No Dad... she's not ready for all that... she hasn't accepted me yet." I tell him.

"Why not?" He asks.

"It's not mine to tell... but I don't want to leave her. Will you help me?" I beg.

"Of course... we need to talk to Alpha Aaron." With that he stands up and just about drags me out the door.

"You ready to head out Rhydian?" Alpha Aaron asks my Dad as we enter his office.

"That's actually what we came here to discuss Aaron." His eyebrows rise as he leans forward.

"What is the meaning of this Rhydian! You know how I feel about Alphas on my land. I like you. We're family now. Don't make me change those opinions." Alpha Aaron is straight up scarey! I know Dads dealt with him before but he is powerful if he says leave and we don't heads will roll.

"Calm down Aaron... we were going to leave but you see my boy here found his mate!" Dad says. At that news Alpha Aaron's demeanor softens.

"Congratulations pup... I don't see the problem here. You want a ceremony before you leave? We're already set up for it." Alpha Aaron smiles at me. I look to my Dad and he nods telling me to explain.

"The problem Alpha... is that she hasn't accepted me or rejected me... I can't leave her without a decision but I don't want to force myself on her. I want to stay until she decides." I tell him.

"Why hasn't she accepted you?" Alpha Aaron asks.

"I'm sorry sir but it's not my place to say." I say.

"Name?" He asks.

"Sir?" I don't want to pressure her. Having her Alpha confront her that is pressure!

"You can't expect me to let you stay if I can't confirm your story. I need to know who she is." Alpha Aaron looks so intense it makes me shake.

"Markie Sue Bliss." I state... "please Alpha don't push her! I don't want her to feel forced or threatened. I want her to want me." My voice trails off on my last sentence as my eyes drop to the floor.

"Don't worry boy. If I thought you were forcing anything on little Markie I'd snap your neck rather than talk to you." I hear my dad growl but Alpha Aaron ignores him. "But I do need to talk to her." He stands up and walks to the door. "Come along pup!" He says and I jump up to follow.

I stand on the porch with an Alpha on either side of me.

"Rhydian wait out here... I don't want to scare her." Alpha Aaron says. My dad rolls his eyes but steps aside. As he takes a seat on the porch swing Alpha Aaron looks to me. "Ready Ryan?" I nod and he knocks on the door.

"Afternoon Alpha! What brings you here?" I see the man's eyes drift to me.

"Mind if we come in Charles? We need to talk to Markie." Alpha Aaron says.

"Of course Alpha! She's at work just now tho." Charles answers.

We walk into the living room and Alpha Aaron sits down on one of the chairs.

"Mind link her for me? Don't tell her I'm here just bring her home." The Alpha says. He nods for me to sit and I do.

"Its done... but may I ask why you need to talk to her and why he is here?" Charles asks. Alpha Aaron looks at me but I don't speak so he answers.

"Young Alpha Ryan here is claiming she's his mate." He states simply. I see my mates father flash me an angry look.

"Is he a mute or can he claim my daughter without hiding behind your coat tails!" Yup he is mad.

"I'm sorry sir... I didn't want to meet like this... I wanted to meet you with Markie... once she accepts me... if she accepts me... on her terms... I ment no disrespect. I just don't know what to say." I explain with far to many pauses for a future Alpha.

"She hasn't accepted you?" He asks.

"No sir." I answer.

"Why?" There's that question again. I won't tell her secrets. She's kept them for years I won't be the one to share them.

"I'm sorry sir. I want you to like me. Accept me... but it's not my place to say wat your daughter thinks or feels. I'm all in the ball's in her court." I tell him.

"Shes my daughter I have every right to know!" He yells.

"It's her decision to make and I won't make it for her!" I didn't mean to yell but it came out that way with a warning growl behind it.

"You dare growl at me boy! Alpha I won't stand for this! Not in my house!" He's mad... yup my mates dad hates me!

"Charles calm down!" A female wolf walks in and puts a hand on his chest. He takes a breath and looks at her instantly calming down. "He's a good man not telling us her secrets. We will find out what is going on from Markie herself." He sits down and the woman turns to me. "Would you like something to drink Ryan?"

"No ma'am... Thank you. " I choke out. I'm very thirsty but I can't see asking her for anything.

"Nonsense I'll get you some water and please call me Sally!" She comes back with water for all of us and I chug half of mine I am so nervous. I see Alpha Aaron chuckle out of the corner of my eye and I set the glass down.

"Where is that girl?" Charles asks to no one in particular.

"What's up Dad I was just..." she stops dead when she sees me. She's adorable! Her hair is up in a ponytail she is wearing cover alls and is coated in grease. She even has black across her forehead. "You!?" Her jaw drops as she stares at me.

"So you have a mate and haven't accepted him?" Her mother asks.

Markie lunges at me and I stand up facing her. She begins punching my chest.

"What have you told them you jerk!? You told them everything didn't you? I just need time to figure out what to do! You told them I had feelings for Alic!? You told them everything! How could you!" She screams at me. I wrap an arm around her stopping the assault and use my other hand to lift her chin. Her eyes are full of tears.

"I told them nothing little mouse... but you just did." I whisper to her.

Markie's POV no no no no!

I didn't just tell them that! He didn't rat me out. He kept my secret and I blurted it out... and Alpha Aaron is here too great! I push away from Ryan. He let's me go without protest but I see his head fall at the loss of contact.

"So you are mates." My dad says.


"You have feelings for Alic?" Mom asks.


"And that's why you won't accept Ryan." Alpha adds.


"What does Alic think?" Alpha asks. I mumble where no one hears me. "What?"

"He doesn't know." Ryan answers.

"I'll call the boy." Alpha Aaron's eyes fog up and I know he is linking Alic.

This is not how I wanted it to go. Not in front of my family... my Alpha... and my mate. I'll have to tell him.

"What's wrong Alpha! Is everything okay?!" Alic runs in panting.

"Let's give them the room." Alpha says ushering my parents into the kitchen. Ryan turns to go but I grab his hand. He looks confused but stops and stands behind me. He deserves to know what happens here.

"What's going on Marker? Alpha said it was important." Alick looks very concerned as he walks forward laying his hands on my shoulders. I see Ryan tense up but he doesn't move from his place. I know this is killing him.

"Alic... you remember the questions Ruby was asking about mates?" I ask.

"Yea. She was grilling me." He answers.

"That was my fault... you see I like you. I always have I fell for you before you were a wolf." I see his jaw drop.

"We were 7." He says.

"I know."

"How could you... how... what...but we aren't... why are you telling me now?" He stammers.

"I'm having a hard time dropping my feelings." I say.

"But... we aren't mates?!" He whispers. He still looks confused.

"I know."

"I'm... I'm not ready to give up on her... I'm only 19!" He says.

"I know."

"I like you... if we were 15 I'd be jumping for joy... but... I just... can't... I'm sorry Markie." He looks heart broken but I know it's for me. He is afraid of hurting me.

"I know."

"Why tell me now?" He asks again.

Surprisingly telling him the truth. Hearing him say he wants to wait for his mate. I'm happy. It is freeing. I still like him but something shifted in my mind and heart. He's my friend nothing more.

"Markie answer me! Why now?" Alic's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"I found my mate." I say. Alic's eyes light up.

"You finally gonna tell me who he is then?" He smirks. Ryan clears his throat behind me. Alic looks up as if just now seeing the massive man behind me. "Ryan! Really?!" Ryan wraps his arms around me and I let him leaning back into his touch. "Dude! You found your mate! And she's like the coolest girl ever!" Alic hugs me and Ryan sandwiching me between them. Ryan growls and Alic let's go and holds his hands in front of him. "Cool it Cuz I'm not gonna take her." Ryan lets me go and puts Alic in a headlock.

"She can't be taken! It's her life and her choice!" Ryan says as he runs his knuckles through Alic's hair.

"You're right! I give!" Alic yells and Ryan releases him. "Go hug your mate and leave me alone!" Alic backs away smiling.

Ryan gives me a questioning look. He still isn't sure if I accept him. He said he'd wait and he still is.

"Get over here mate." I say and Ryan runs to me scooping me up in his arms and kissing me. This time I let him.


I took Ryan to my favorite spot. A wide open meadow that fills with flowers every spring and leaves every fall. We lay in the grass looking up at the stars.

"So does this mean you accept me?" He asks.

"I thought I made myself clear." I tell him.

"I need to hear you say it." He sighs looking me in the eye.

"What is your full name?" I ask.

"Ryan Quinton Andersen." He answers.

"Ryan Quinton Andersen I accept you as my mate." He falls back in the grass with a wide grin.

"I feel like I need to tell you something about my past before you lock that statement in." He says face serious again.

"Tell me."

"I wasn't a good guy... I hurt people... my actions even caused one girl to leave my pack and go rogue. I settled it with the girls and changed my life. I was stupid and careless... but before you accept me I thought you had the right to know." He looks like he is about to cry. That is why he was so patient with me why he is so concerned with my feelings.

"Everyone has a past Ryan... you are a good man. Your past made you who you are... and who you are is my mate." I tell him.

In a flash his lips are on mine. He trails his kisses to my neck and down to my shoulder when I push him away slightly.

"Not here not now. I want to get to know you first. I want to go on a date. I want to fall for you beyond the bond. I want a ceremony. I want to do it right from here on out." I say. He sighs and lowers his head to my neck breathing me in.

"Me too." He sighs again. "But we need to get around people or that may change quickly." He says jumping up. "Let's head back."

We went back to my house and had dinner with my parents. Dad likes him tho he'd never admit it. Mom however loves him and isn't shy with her emotions. I'm glad I found him. I'm glad I accepted him. I'm glad he's mine.


Author time!

okay so I'm curious about which characters resonate with My readers. We all have our favorites so tell me yours!






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