Skye had rushed down the hall with her mother to find Maevis, Marie, Renee, Kari, Peggy, and Zas' daughter Mary in Shasta's room. They were all fussing over how beautiful she looked in her wedding dress while Shasta was having her brushed out by Peggy. As soon as her eyes fell on Skye, a pleading expression overtook her features.
With a small wink, Skye cut through the overlapping voices filling the room; "Alrighty, give the bride a wee bit of breathin' space, lassies! She needs ta collect herself before headin' out in a few minutes."
The women nodded and agreed, then dispersed into little groups to talk about random subjects. Aside from Skye and Peggy, only Mary stayed by Shasta. Even though she was Zas' daughter, she had always treated Shasta like a doting grandmother.