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My Little Pony: Friendship is Different

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

(Twilight's POV)

It was a bright and beautiful morning in Twilight Sparkle's apartment. She wakes up in her bed to the sound of her alarm clock, she turns it off and stretches as she yawns. She puts on her glasses and walks to the bathroom to wash her face. "What a Night..!" She says as she washed her face and fixed her mane and tail up. "Another day to teach young ponies, let's first check the mail." She puts on her slippers and goes to her mail box. "Hello!" A voice says in a happy tone. Twilight looks over to see that it was Lyra, her childhood friend. "Oh. Good morning Lyra." "Morning Twilight!" Lyra hugs Twilight in joy. "Woah! Careful Lyra! My glasses almost could of dropped and break!" Twilight says as she softly pushes Lyra away. "Oh. Sorry Twilight!" Lyra says and rubs the back of her head nervously. "So Lyra. Are you going to Ponyville again?" "Yep! I'm going to see my pen pal Sweetie Drops." Lyra says as she shows the letter Sweetie Drops sent her. "Oh. That's nice." Twilight said as she grabs her mail. "I better get back to my apartment and get ready for my job." Twilight says and walks away waving good bye at Lyra. "Bye Twilight! Have fun today!" Lyra then goes back to her apartment. Twilight goes back into her apartment and puts her mail on the kitchen table. "Time to make breakfast and get ready, and then I will get ready for work." She goes to the kitchen and makes her coffee and toast. When she finished making breakfast and coffee, she sat down at the table and reads her mail. "Rent Bill...Electricity Bill...Water Bill.....Huh...?..What's this?" Twilight finds a scroll on the table and opens it. She reads carefully and then dropped her mug of coffee onto the ground in shock. "....I'm being transferred to Ponyville?!" She said in confusion. "Why am I being transferred?! This must be a mistake right?!" She checks to make sure it had her name on the scroll..and it said on the bottom of the scroll, her full name. "...How will I prepare?!...If I'm being transferred I'll have to move!!!" She starts to panic and runs to her room to back all her things. "Wait..." She stops and looks at a map of Equestria and looks at it. "Wait...I don't need to move! I can just take the train!" She calmed down a little and checks the time. "7:26AM" "Oh no!! I need to get ready!!" She quickly gets ready and grabs her equipment for her job. She rushes to the train station and catches the train on time to Ponyville.

(Pinkamina's POV)

Pinkamina woke up early in the morning so she could prepare for the trip to Ponyville to discover new rocks with her sisters. "Time to wake my sisters now." She says as she goes to their room. She then wakes her sisters up so they can get ready to take the train to Ponyville. They wait at the train station for the train to arrive, Pinkamina makes sure her bag has enough equipment to get new rocks. "Boulder says the train is almost here." Maid says as she stands up and gets ready for the train to arrive. The others stand up and wait with Maud for the train. It was 4:00AM yet the train takes 4 hours to arrive in Ponyville. The train arrive and they give the conductor the train tickets and take a seat. They sit in the train and rest as they waited to arrive at the Ponyville Train Station.

(Rarity's POV)

Rarity stayed up all night making the costumes for the big play in Ponyville that is going to happen today. She worked on the costumes with Suri and Coco, the lead costume designers. "Let's gather all the performers, makeup artists and props and go on the train." Rarity says as she fixes up her mane and tail. She made her way to Sweetie Belle's room to wake her up. "Sweetie Belle! It's time for you and your friends to get up!" Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon wake up and get changed into their most fashionable dresses. "Do you think we'll meet Red Delicious and Apple Seed there?" Sweetie Belle says as she brushes her mane and tail. "Obviously, plus we finally let them join us and changed there names." Diamond Tiara said as she puts her tiara on. "It's probably for the best since the names Apple Bloom and Babs Seed was so informal for such beautiful ponies, I mean they're related to Manehatten's most gorgeous model Apple Jewel!" Silver Spoon says as she puts on her glasses and curls her mane and tail. "Well they better be good performers for the play or we'll be closed down! Now hurry up fillies!!!" Rarity says as she trots away, they follow Rarity to the train and they board on time. "Hopefully I get to meet the most beautiful model in Equestria Apple Jewel..I have a special gift for her..!" Rarity says as she smiled.

(Apple Jewel's POV)

Apple Jewel woke up early so she could get her makeup done, her mane and tail styled and her well made dress on. "Red Delicious? Apple Seed? Let's go! We have a lot of work to do today!" She trots to her chariot, Red Delicious and Apple Seed follow her. "This will be a very important photo shoot, because Princess Celestia will be there for a new festival." She says as she sits in the chariot and helps Red Delicious and Apple Seed up. "I hope I see my friends there. Am I right Apple Seed?" Red Delicious says with a grin. "Yes. Me too Red Delicious." She said as she puts on her head band. The chariot starts to move and they start to make their way to Ponyville.

(Fluttershy's POV)

Fluttershy gets waken up by her daughter Scootaloo leaping in joy. "Mum! Mum! Today's the day!!" She says in joy. "The day of the Harmony Festival?" "Yeah!" She puts on her festival gown and leaps to the door. "Scootaloo wait!! It's not time yet!" Fluttershy flies towards Scootaloo and grabs her. "The Festival is not until "9:30AM", so we have plenty of time to prepare." She says and puts Scootaloo down. "Oh, I guess I got a little too excited..ehehe.." Scootaloo said in a nervous tone. "It's okay Scootaloo, we can still prepare for the festival." Fluttershy accidentally bumps into the wall and then trips on the rug. "G-GAH!!!!" "Mum!!!" (Side note, I'm Australian so we say Mum instead of Mom. Okay back to the story-). Scootaloo helps up Fluttershy quickly. "Thanks Scootaloo..I think my blindness is getting worse..." "You really need to go see some pony to check your eyes!!" Scootaloo sat Fluttershy down and checks her for any injuries. "Hmmmm....seems like you only have a red bump on your head." She says and puts a ice pack on her. "Thanks...I'm glad I have some pony that can take care of me how I take care of them.." She says smiling and Scootaloo hugs her.

"We have plenty of time at least, it's only "6:08AM", so we can rest for a bit and then get ready!" They rest and then got ready for the festival at home.

(Rainbow Dash's POV)

Rainbow Dash had finished her night shift of guarding the Canterlot Castle. She was about to leave work until Princess Luna stops her. "Wait! I need to ask you something." "What is it Princess Luna?" Rainbow Dash says as she took off her helmet. "There is some guards that called out of work sick today, so will you be one of the guards to take us to the Harmony Festival?" Princess Luna said with a smile. "Of course! I wouldn't want to see the princesses disappointed!" She says as she salutes to Princess Luna. "Thank you Rainbow Dash, see you soon!" Princess Luna walks back to the throne room. Rainbow Dash puts her helmet back on and goes to chat with another guard named Tempest. "So are you going to the festival as a guard?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Y-Yeah..I am.." Tempest says nervously. "Isn't it amazing?! We get to go to the festival but not just as guards, but with the princesses!! Every pony will probably think we're lucky or get jealous!!" "Yeah.." They became quiet and then got called to the Throne Room. They went to the throne room and wait for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's orders. "We want you all to take us to the Festival early now." Celestia says in a calming but kind tone. "Yes Ma'am!" Rainbow Dash says as she flys to Princess Celestia's Chariot, Tempest follows Rainbow Dash. They start making their way to Ponyville pulling Celestia and Luna in their Chariots.

(Everyone's POV)

Each of the ponies arrive at Ponyville. Fluttershy walks with Scootaloo but then Scootaloo flies off. "Scootaloo look out!!" "Huh?" They then all bump into each other. "GAH!!!" Twilight says as she fell over onto Fluttershy. Pinkamina helps Twilight and Fluttershy up. "H-Here...let me help..." Pinkamina helps pick up all of Twilight's things and gives them to her. Twilight then gives Pinkamina a hair clip that she had. "Here, take this for all your troubles." "T-Thank you..." Pinkamina puts the hair clip in her mane. Rarity then stood up, helps up Apple Jewel and says "I can't believe I bumped into a model and made her look dirty!! I'm so ashamed!!" "It's alright sugar cube." Apple Jewel said with a smile on her face. Rarity smiles back and gives Apple Jewel the gift. "I made you this as a gift for the Harmony Festival. You've been my idol for a long time ever since I was a filly. I hope you enjoy it!" "Why thank you very much! You're obviously a pony worth seeing!" Apple Jewel says in a nice and caring tone. She then opens a gift to find an apple shaped jewel necklace. "It's beautiful! Perfect for my photo shoot at the festival!" She puts it on and hugs Rarity. Rarity blushed a little and hugged back. Sweetie Belle sees Scootaloo and gives a dirty look. "You must be the daughter of those dead adventurer ponies. Am I correct?" "Y-Yes...I am.." "Well you seem so unlike those ponies!!!" Diamond Tiara says and flicks dirt into her eyes. "Ow!!! My eyes!!!" Scootaloo says as her eyes begin to tear up. "You have no right to treat my daughter that way!!" Fluttershy says with a serious sounding voice. "Whatever doormat!!" The fillies all walk away. "I'm so sorry about my friends.." Red Delicious says in a sad tone. "They can be like that all the time.." Apple seed says sadly. "It's okay girls." Fluttershy says calmly. "I better go! Bye!" The ponies all wave good bye and run off to where they need to go.