Ounce there was a devil and a angel the devil and angel could not cross each other's side but one day the devil saw this really beautiful angel named eve the devil / Aaron he crossed the boarder he slipped past the guards and went to see eve she was scared about to scream. But he cover he mouth with his wings he grabbed her and ran as fast as he could but what he didn't know was that she was the angel princess and what she didn't know was he was a prince when he brought her to hell he put her on a bed she was asking questions so many she started to get dizzy he passed out he woke up a few minutes later she was helping him?! He was very confused he told her "you are a very beautiful lady" she was blushing with embarrassment "he laughed " She told him that she was a princess and he told he in shock that he was a prince and there rule book said that when a princess and a prince meet and become king and queen they shall have children but nothing said about a devil prince and angel princess but eve did not love Aaron after all he kidnapped her at with the angels her parents were so scared the mother was crying her heart out the farther got every guard to arch for her but they did not know where she was and if they found out they would have to kill the devil price cause the devils and angels made a agreement to stay off each other's land and whoever breaks that rule shall be killed she tried to escape over and over but if she got caught she would die slowly she was falling for this demon one day a few years later they are both 18 and at that age your allowed to get married they both agreed to hide away on earth they had children a daughter she was a dark angel a very rare species the devils mother found out they had gotten married and left because she was ease dropping a few weeks after Aaron kidnapped eve one day the dad went back to hell to the book of mysteries to figure out how powerful a dark angel was supposedly a dark angel is the most powerful being in the universe but there not very common in the wold soo Aaron heard a noise his mother she captured him and imprisoned him a few months later later the eve and her daughter dawn. Dawn was 13 and the devil queen went down to earth disguised as the mother but her eye Color was different her eye Color was red the mothers was blue cause she was an angel the devil queen went to the house and told dawn to come with her cause her dad is finally home dawn was so happy but the devil queen said "your father told us to meet him at a cave" dawn was curious and suspicious but still went a few minutes later there at the cave dawn finally notices the eye Color of the devil queen dawn yells" YOUR MOT MY MOTHER MY MOTHERS EYES ARE BLUE!!!!" The devil queen shocked says" you caught me" in a soft voice she quickly went to hell but dawn were the mother and father were captured the devil queen said "if you want your parents back YOU'LL HAVE TO FIGHT ME!!!!!!!" dawn agreed she started the battle dawn was very hurt but she managed to get up and still fight she figured out her powers she had dark magic and gold magic if she combined them the will defeat the devil queen she finally used those to combined she defeated the devil queen she got her parent back but she devil queen was still alive she said"oh dawn I WI BE BACK FOR REVENGE!!!!!!" And disappeared Aaron and eve and dawn were so happy the cried until they fell asleep