Chereads / Charis Institute / Chapter 19 - Chapter 18

Chapter 19 - Chapter 18

It was nighttime. The rest of their day was filled with heart-thumping silence between all of them. It was no doubt that the tension was not only because of Angelique, Moniqua, and Marcel's argument but also because of Lucifer's absence and the growing conflict between Isaac and Scarlett. It was like the students could feel it coming, a fight, and they can't stop it because they know that their relationship was built on loud, shouting, conversations.

Scarlett and Isaac knows that it's not healthy to keep what you want to say to yourself, so they wait until one of them snaps. And one does, every time. It's inevitable.

It was almost unbearable, but Tuesday nights were movie nights and for some whatever reason, the students refuse to mess up their traditions.

So here they were, in the main hall, watching Journey to the Center of the Earth, though everyone knew none of them was paying attention to the movie.

Isaac and Scarlett were sitting together on the settee, with Scarlett's head against his chest.

"Hey, Scar?" He whispered to her.

Scarlett hummed in response, not in the mood for words. Something was bothering her, an ache in her heart. Jack, she couldn't believe she hadn't known, he was supposed to be here right now.

"Are you okay?" Isaac asked, looking into her eyes, and seeing her hopes and hurt.

"I'm fine," She answered curtly.

"You know you can talk to me, Scar," He said, holding her closer in case she breaks down.

"I know, my love."

Isaac furrowed his eyebrows, why wasn't she talking to him then?

"Then talk to me, Scarlett. I know you're sad about Jack and you're worried about Lucifer," Isaac said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"I am, but I'll be alright," She assured him.

"Why won't you ever talk to me?" His voice raised slightly, making some heads turn and look at him.

Scarlett sighed, "Let's talk about this somewhere else, yeah?"


Marcel was sitting on the couch, a bowl of popcorn in his hand, though he isn't paying attention to the movie at all. Everyone seems to think he is, because his eyes are glued to the TV, but his mind was going places.

The thoughts in his mind summed up was: 'Why did Moniqua care so much about Kaiden?' 'Does she like him?' 'Does he like her?' 'But I like him.' 'I kinda like Moniqua too.' 'I do like Moniqua.' 'As a friend.' 'No?'

His overthinking mind stopped short when he glanced at Moniqua, who was sitting beside him, with her feet resting on his knees. Then on Angelique, who seemed to be thinking too.

"Hey, Marcel?" He heard Moniqua whisper. He drifted his ocean blue eyes to her brown ones.

"Yeah?" He answered. Moniqua scooted over to him until her head was resting on his chest.

"Do you think Kaiden is okay in there?" She asked with tear brimmed eyes.

Marcel didn't say anything, knowing she has more things to say.

"This morning, when I came to the precinct, Kaiden looked miserable. Maybe it's the fact that he was wearing that ugly, orange, prison uniform, but I'm worried, you know?" She said, taking some of his popcorn.

"I know, Monique. I am too, but I know that he'll get out tomorrow. He's strong, remember? And he always knows what to say at the most desperate times. He'll be alright," He assured her.

Moniqua sighed, letting the silence take over. This was calming, soothing. But she can't help to notice the difference in Marcel's tone when he spoke about Kaiden.

"Marcel?" She called out to him and he hummed in response.

"Do Kaiden?" She watched as Marcel's eyes widened, though she didn't exactly know why, but he tried to cover it up as soon as it did.

Marcel laughed the fakest laugh Moniqua had ever heard.

"Of course. He's one of my closest friends," He said.

Moniqua raised her eyebrow, "Just a friend?"

Marcel hesitated before answering, "Well, um, of course. What else would he be? Hehe."

"Did you just 'hehe' me?" Moniqua laughed lightly.

Marcel laughed again, "Yeah..."

"Answer the question, Marcel," She demanded.

Marcel's face dropped, "Well," He said awkwardly and sighed, "Yes, I like him. As more than a friend."

He was prepared for any judgemental response Moniqua had under her sleeve, but he was caught off guard when she smiled.

"That's great!" She exclaimed, making some people turn their heads from their private conversations.

"It is?" Marcel asked, confused.

"Of course! You know those little girls who like the same boy?" Moniqua asked him. His mind flashbacked to the 2 girls in town that he and Moniqua used to braid hairs with on the playground.

'Where is this going?' He thought.


"We're them now, no questions or objections," She stated, looking back at the screen.

Marcel laughed, "You like him too?"

Moniqua hummed an answer, not looking at him.

"And Angelique?" He asked, though he already knew the answer. And Moniqua's silence only confirmed it. Marcel let out a low whistle, "He got a lot to sort out once he gets back."

"Hehe, yeah," Moniqua laughed nervously.

"Did you just 'hehe' me?" Marcel repeated her tease from earlier.

In return, Moniqua covered his face with a pillow.


He just sat there, doing nothing, feeling nothing. And it's comforting, because he doesn't want to feel right now.

His breathing was the only thing he could focus on since his mind was blank. His throat felt sore and his eyes felt heavy but he couldn't bring himself to move to get to his bed.

So he just sat there, limp and lifeless, but breathing. And his heart was beating, but slow.

Outside, his best friends were fighting again. It sounded so...familiar.

"You don't trust me!" "I trust you!" "Then talk to me!" "It's not that easy, Isaac!"

Lucifer drowned their voices out and focused on his breathing and heartbeat once more.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Keep doing it until your mind does it on its own.

"I'm okay. I'm fine," He whispered to himself, wishing that if he says it enough, it'll be true.

"We've been back together for 5 days! 5, Scarlett! And we're already fighting!" "And it would've been much sooner if it wasn't for the investigation!"

Trying to tune out the shouting, Lucifer put his palms against his ears. And now, he felt like a kid listening to his parents fight.

"Oh, wow! Wow! You're gonna walk away? Like you always do last year?" He heard Isaac call after Scarlett, who he assumed was already on the stairs.

Isaac left. Lucifer heard his footsteps retreat. Until it was barely audible.

And he's alone again. Guess his mind is a prison and he's never gonna get out.


Kaiden sat there, in his temporary cell, wearing that orange prison suit. In his cell was a boy, no younger than him, probably 2 or 3 years older. He had dirty blond hair and dark eyes, almost black.

The boy had been looking, staring, at Kaiden for the past 15 minutes he had been put here. He tried sending him a polite smile for him to look away, but the boy's eyes were glued to him, as if trying to recognize the familiar face.

So Kaiden stared back. They'd been having a non-spoken staring contest for the last minute, neither of them blinking.

Kaiden's eyes were starting to water, so had the boy's.

His eye twitched.

"Just give up, man," Kaiden smirked, hiding the sting in his eyes.

The boy stayed quiet, still not blinking.

He blinked. Kaiden blinked and the boy jumped up with a proud grin, laughing happily in success.

Soon enough, Kaiden followed the boy.

Their laughter died down as they looked at each other with curiosity.

"So, why are you here?" The boy asked, his voice was rough, shocking Kaiden. He did not expect someone who looked so soft to have such a manly voice.

"I was, um, accused of murder," He answered quietly and cleared his throat. "You?"

"Illegal drug dealing," The boy answered curtly.

Silence fell upon them, and the boy spoke up once more.

"I'm Ty."

Kaiden smiled at him, happy for the introduction, "Kaiden."

Realization seeped into Ty's eyes, "So that's why you look familiar. You're Kaiden Hansen."

He nodded, "That's me."

"My sister loves your covers, man. She's a big fan."

Not gonna lie, him saying that brought a smile to Kaiden's face. All his life, he had been meeting fans of his parents, not him.

"Well, give her my greetings then."

"I wasn't actually drug dealing, you know?" The boy started. "This guy, he came up to me on campus and told me to cover for him or he'll hurt them, my sisters."

"Why didn't you tell the police?" Kaiden asked.

Ty laughed bitterly, "No evidence, no witnesses, no truth."

"I'm sorry."

He shook his head, "Nah. I'll be okay. I'm gonna go home and continue taking care of my sisters."

Kaiden smiled at his positiveness.

"Yeah, you will," He said, meaning it more to himself than the person before him.
