Chereads / Drakes Air / Chapter 71 - After Dinner Tea (71)

Chapter 71 - After Dinner Tea (71)

The women had helped Caeli into a modest nightgown covered by a long silk robe.

Instantly Caeli regretted the choice.

For one, she was much more comfortable in Einars breeches and linen shirt, she hadn't worn dresses very often before, and only for special occasions back in the village. Or when her aunt got on to harping at her about her "masculinity".

And for the second, the materials were far to luxurious. She found herself dreamy eyed and fighting sleep as she awaited an answer from Raven.

A light knock came at the door.

"Come in.", Caeli said, hoping that Lynx would hear her weak attempt to raise her voice.

Her realization that she would soon know his answer to her invitation caused an anticipatory shock through her body. She felt more awake than she had moments ago.

Her body turned red iron hot and her breath caught in her throat at the sound of the response.

"May I come in?", a deep voice asked softly from the other side of the door.

Caeli nodded, unaware that he couldn't see her from the other side of the door.

"Yes. Yes please come in.", she said, her voice catching involuntarily.

Her mind raced.

She was a fool.

What had she been thinking?

Was she out of her mind?

She snorted sardonically.

*Well, that goes without saying.*, she thought to herself. Resigned to the fact that she wasn't "all there".

Raven took a silent step into the room, only just far enough to shut the door behind himself.

He bowed deeply.

"Good Rest Caeli. You look lovely this evening.", he said gruffly.

Caeli gave a small chuckled at his response, her nerves making her jumpy. The idea of looking lovely in sleepwear seeming silly.

"Even though I've already gotten into my night clothes?", she asked opening an arm and looking down to look at herself.

"Especially so.", Raven said seriously.

She looked up from observing her own state of dress.

"Of course. Your comfort is what matters most. I am overjoyed at your use of the items commissioned for you.", he said straightening to take in her outfit.

A floor length black dress moved ever so slightly beneath a silk robe. The doors to the balcony open and allowing a gentle breeze to enter the room. The same breeze that carried her scent to him.

The smell of honey and nectarine filled his senses once more. There was something different this time. Creamy, and like cooked sugar.

He couldn't believe the sweet smelling scents that seemed to always emanate from her. How could one person smell like everything decadent and delightful in this world?

Her long hair was loosely braided and a few strands fell forward around her face.

The black dress was modest in its cut but the fabric was threateningly thin and translucent.

His body felt as though it would combust into spontaneous flame before he realized that she wore a long black shift beneath the almost see-through material.

"May I ask, to what do I owe this pleasure?", he asked folding his hands behind his back.

Caeli shifted from one foot to the other.

"I had hoped you'd be available for an after dinner tea with me. I feel as though I've seen so little of you. I had hoped that we could talk, perhaps get to know each other better. Or even just review recent or current events. However pleases you.", she said hastily, cringing inwardly at her own awkwardness.

Her invitation warmed him greatly.

The idea that she was seeking out his company made his heart swell.

He attempted to stay neutral, to not read into the gesture.

But the idea that this was a step in the right direction was too much for him to resist.

"The topic is no matter but I would delightfully accept any opportunity for your company.", he said softly.

Caeli smiled sheepishly, glad that her awkward behavior hadn't caused him the desire to return to his own quarters.

*Now as the host, you'll need to show him to his seat. And don't forget to offer the food and drink. Traditionally you would serve your guest but with your arm that may be difficult. Ach, well we'll just seat you with the table on your good side.*, Caeli recalled Lynx babbling to herself.

The woman seemed to be aware of the fact that Caeli knew little to nothing of etiquette.

Tea had been a solitary affair back at home and she had never attended anything larger than the small festivals held in the streets of her small village.

At one point Caeli had heard Lynx mumbling that she'd have a lot to teach Caeli before meeting Fate.

The comment had seemed cryptic but Caeli decided to pretend not to hear it. Surely she wouldn't botch the tea to horridly? The way the woman had mused to herself made it seem as though she hadn't meant to say it aloud.

"Right this way my lord, if you would.", she said, unaccustomed to hosting anything, let alone the king of the Midnight.

Raven nodded as he passed her and walked slowly out onto the balcony.

She indicated the seat to the left of the table as she took her seat on the right. Their chairs facing out towards the railing, the view of the extensive grounds breathtaking in the dim light given off by the large primordial trees. Warm lights twinkling from the village.

"Thank you.", he said as she poured a cup of tea for him with her good hand. She set the teapot down before lifting the glass and handing it to him.

Raven watched as she kept her bad arm resting in her lap, having opted to not put the sling back on after readying for bed.

*She's still having difficulty with that arm.*, he thought to himself with some sadness.

She smiled sweetly before pouring her own cup.

"Your home is beautiful my lord, and I am forever grateful for your hospitality. And your consideration. I know that you've been giving me space since my arrival.", she said. Her candid comment shocking herself.

Raven gave another nod.

"Caeli, I hope to never force my presence upon you again.", he said softly, turning his gaze down to the darkly brewed tea.

Caeli nodded.

"I wish we had met under different circumstances.", she said sadly.

"The likely hood would be next to none I'm afraid. But I understand your meaning.", he said honestly.

Caeli turned to stare at the king.

"You've been alive for quite some time my lord. And living here in isolation. I would be lying if I said that I hadn't wondered what brought you to Ausia.", she said furrowing her brow.

"That is my current project. To understand what happened twenty years ago. So far we've found out that my kingdom was infiltrated and that whoever did it cast the spell to weaken me. But as no one took a serious attempt to take the throne after my "disappearance" we are yet unsure of who it was.", he said with a heavy sigh.

"You have no suspects? None at all?", she asked in disbelief.

Raven shrugged nonchalantly.

"It is difficult to say. You don't live a thousand life times and not accumulate some enemies, or baggage, along the way.", he said slowly.

He glanced in her direction. As the subject of his extraordinary and strange life had not been pointedly discussed between the two of them, he was unsure of how she would take the comment.

She nodded sagely and took a sip of her tea with her good hand, bringing it to rest on the table top.

"I am told that you've been alive for quite sometime, I see that is true. That you are the First. I'm not sure it fully sunk in until recently. Perhaps when I was informed that the location of this place is buried deep in the past.", she said giving him a sidelong glance.

Raven smiled to himself.

"Typically, I would insist that it is a fairy tale. A very old one told by the Midnight people. But you are my only exception to all of my rules. Indeed it is. I keep my kingdom in the First Year, as in the first year that ever existed. Back when the trees and rocks were first made. Before the world adapted to fit all of its creatures. Before we adapted it, the Five. I find the old world comforting, maybe simplistic, probably accounting for some of my appreciation. We relive each year, over and over again. We anticipate the weather in this way. I encapsulate my kingdom to allow time to pass. Unfortunately, it moves very slowly. I have yet to find a way to maintain time at its normal rate deep inside of this hiding place.", he said thoughtfully as he reached out a finger to meet a butterfly like creature mid-air, landing on his clawed fingertip.

She watched as the wings of the large insect glowed with each beat.

"And your people.. they seem happy.", she stated.

"I hope so. Every kingdom has its difficulties, the sad souls that slip through the cracks, the programs that need more money or improving. But I am told that the people here feel no real need to leave, except perhaps to educate themselves and explore. I think that's all that I can hope for. To make my people happy, healthy, and as content as I can.", he said simply as the insect flew away. He dropped his hand to his lap and intertwined his fingers.

Caeli swallowed hard.

"Why me? I still don't understand. You've been alive for… as long as time has been in existence. You've surely traveled the world, have had your pick of companions. No one would deny you, even now when the Old Ways are being left behind. More and more I understand why you did not come forward immediately. Your life is complicated, people depend on you, the things you've been through beyond my comprehension. I understand, except, why me?", she said softly to her hands.

Raven shook his head.

"Caeli, I'm not sure I could ever make you understand that.", he said with a humorless chuckle.

"Raven…", she said desperately, grasping to understand her emotions.

He turned to meet her gaze.

The sound of her name that she had given him wrapping around his heart in a crushing grip that somehow brought him comfort.

"I don't know what to say. Or what to feel. I've never been in this position before. I've never cared… so much.", she said, finishing slowly, knowing how true her words were.

Ravens heart fell and rose all within the few seconds it took for her to finish her sentence.

Caeli raised a hand to push at her temple.

"And this is all on top of the fact that you are incredibly powerful. Arguably the oldest and most powerful creature on the face of this planet. All while my mind tries desperately to reconcile the two halves inside of myself and at every turn I have more questions."

"Of course. Of course.", he said quickly and sympathetically.

"Do you remember how you were created?", she asked after a few moments of silence.

Raven gave a noncommittal shrug.

"I was grown in the womb of the Goddess Of All. Before I became a dragon, I was an element. I was darkness itself. It was only after the other four were created that I gained a physical form. In fact I was the first. The first to be "born" and the first to be placed on this planet, gifted a drake form from my mother. I created these trees, these flowers. When I first awoke the land was barren. Part of the reason the life here mimics the dark galaxy is because I used my power to create these things. Power drawn from darkness.", he said, his words halting.

Raven had never discussed any of this with anyone alive. It felt strange to say aloud.

Caeli exhaled deeply.

"And so the Five truly are the children of the goddesses. And your mother? If you are real than the goddesses are real beyond a doubt, but where are they? The Folk suffer so horribly. Yet they are no where to be found.", Caeli said with frustration, only realizing after she had said it that she could be crossing a line. "I apologize my lord, I mean no offense."

Raven huffed with a sardonic chuckle.

"There is no offense Caeli. My relationship with my mother is… complicated. Suffice it to say that I have purposefully avoided her for centuries. Her love was cruel. I found it simpler to be alone than to pine for her motherly affection. Because of this, you may find very little about me in your readings.", he said, taking a small sip of his tea.

Caeli was curious at the details but knew that it would be unfair of her to inquire further. She did not want him to feel that he needed to disclose something that he truly didn't want to, and that wasn't necessary for her to know.

"I am sorry to hear that. My time with my mother was so wonderful. She was like a friend and a sister to me, so much more than just a mother. I could not imagine it any other way.", she said, recalling the times they had cooked and cleaned together, singing and dancing throughout the cottage. Hanging laundry on the line and laying amongst the wild flowers.

The memories, bittersweet, cut her like a knife.

Raven nodded.

"As it should be. I understand the feeling, albeit not with a mother figure.", he paused before continuing. "Caeli I've never met someone as accepting as you. Our time together in the past may cause you pain, and for that I am very sorry. But I will always be thankful for the good times we shared then. Before I met you, it had been years since I'd enjoyed this eternal existence. I cannot be sorry for such joy. The joy of teaching you the things I know, of sharing a meal, of resting together in the quiet.", he said nodding to himself.

Caeli could sense Ravens heartache, making the levity of what he was saying all the more tangible.

"Caeli, I don't expect you to have processed any of the things you've been through so quickly. Quite frankly, I expect nothing from you. I have hopes, maybe even dreams, but you deserve to be free. In every sense of the word. And after having held you captive, to see your heartache at seeing the bars of a cage, I could never do it again. Not if it meant my life.", he said solemnly.

His mind went to when she had asked to return to the cottage and her companions.

How he had sat silently for what seemed like an eternity, but had truthfully been two weeks, and stared at the tree Caeli had pressed herself against during their discussion.

Only the thought of becoming the person she would want him to be motivating him from his seat.

A tear fell from Caeli's eye. She gritted her teeth.

"I am so afraid Raven. I haven't had many friends in my life. Let alone, such, close friends. Such as I felt we were. I've not felt such hurt as that night.", Caeli said with a shaking breath.

Raven stood and came to kneel at her feet.

"May I?", he asked looking pointedly at her hands.

She nodded slowly.

He grasped both of her hands in his, being careful to not scratch her with his claws.

"Caeli, I want to give you time, and space. But I will take this one opportunity, only one, to tell you that if you give me the chance to earn your friendship once more, I will never let you down.", he said, his throat tightening. "Your friendship changed my life. I've never known someone so resilient, so kind, accepting. And to allow me the chance to earn your trust once more would be unworthy of me. I know it to be true. But, I cannot help but hope.", he said staring directly into her eyes,

Caeli could feel his hands shaking slightly. Seeing such a large and powerful creature so touched was a shocking sight.

"You needn't answer now. I understand if you have more to consider before deciding if you are willing to allow me the opportunity. But I feel you deserve to know where I stand on the matter. All of the cards are in your hands now. Know that I wish to be close to you, in whatever way I can. And if at any point, you have more questions, please come to me. Nothing shall be hidden from you.", he said with fervor.

Caeli was shocked at his understanding and patience. If the desperation she sensed in him was genuine, she could hardly imagine what he was going through on his side of the matter.

She pulled her hand free, and Raven's heart stopped. Revolting against the loss before realizing she was reaching for something on the table.

He leaned back from her to allow her the space she required to reach something wrapped in leaves.

She gently lifted the parcel and placed it in one of his massive palms.

"I had this made for you.", she said softly, nodding at the object, indicating that she'd like for him to unwrap it.

Raven carefully pulled away the large leaves to reveal a white cake like food with a brown caramel sauce on top.

The smell plumed invisibly to fill the air between them.

Sweet and creamy, like what he had smelled when he entered the room.

"It's a food that I grew up loving. A recipe from my village. I'd ask for it every year on my birthday. I found so much comfort in its flavor. I wanted to thank you, for all that you've done. Your consideration and help. If not for you, I wouldn't be alive. And if not for you, I'd have no where to go.", she said with a sad smile that pulled at his heart.

"Caeli…", Raven began, the tightness in his throat strangling his words.

Caeli reached out to touch his other clawed hand gently.

"I ask that you give me time, and you say that you will. I will take your offer of patience and understanding, so long as you know that I am sorry as well. I held things against you without knowing everything, and everything you've been willing to offer. I just need-", she halted. "I just need a little more time. But please do not avoid me my lord. I would enjoy your company, a chance to get to know you better.", she said smiling.

Raven swallowed hard.

Months ago, sitting under that tree in the dark, watching as she stepped through his portal, he thought he'd never see her again. Cursed to live the rest of eternity knowing she was somewhere in the world but not with him.

He gave her a nod.

"I am grateful for your consideration and I would be more than happy to stop avoiding you.", he said with a chuckle.

Caeli laughed in response.

"So you admit to it, my lord.", she said teasingly.

"I do. At first it seemed like every turn, you were on the other side. It was astounding. Such a small woman, and having restricted moving capabilities, constantly being at my destination before I even arrived. First it was my room, then the garden. I began to think you were teasing me. Putting yourself where I was going so as to make it impossible to avoid you.", he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

Caeli threw her head back in laughter.

"Well, although it was unintentional, I cannot help but enjoy your discomfort my lord, for I have been discomforted in hoping to see you for quite some time.", she said joyfully. Her laughter trickling away as she realized what she had said.

Raven was sure his heart would burst.

*She was hoping to see me?*, he thought longingly to himself.

Was he so thick-headed? All this time hoping to be near her but keeping himself distant, and all the while she had hoped to see him.

Raven bowed his head.

"Caeli, I must apologize for being such a fool.", he said forlornly to the incredibly sweet gesture that rested in his palm.

Caeli sighed before looking at his downturned face.

"My lord, please do not be hard on yourself. I apologize for being so upset. From this point forward, I hope to be as understanding as you have been. Surely, one day, when I make a mistake, or hurt someone, I would hope for such understanding as well.", she said with a small shrug of her good shoulder.

And Raven thought she could not longer surprise him. Her point of view full of acceptance and understanding.

He had to wonder how she became this way considering her circumstances.

People with ten times as much did not posses the same kindness in their whole body compared to Caeli's smallest finger.

He nodded solemnly.

Seeing him so contrite softened her greatly.

Perhaps she had been to harsh in her reaction before, when he had told her the truth.

He seemed genuine in his regret and honest in his recollection of not being himself when he had made the decision to whisk her away.

She squeezed his large hand with her comparably small one, causing him to meet her gaze.

"I'm sorry Raven.", she said whole-heartedly.

He caressed the back of her hand with the pad of his thumb.

"You have nothing to apologize for.", he said softly. "I am the one who struggles to control himself, and you pay dearly for it. I will never be able to right things.", he said despairingly.

Caeli suddenly hugged him, her small arm crooked around the back of his neck and her soft face pressed to his shoulder.

"I'd like to be your friend Raven, I'd like to start over.", she said quietly.

She pulled away and offered her good hand.

"Good night, my lord. My name is Caeli.", she said with a soft smile.

She was offering him, no THEM, an opportunity to start over.

She put herself in his shoes to understand his perspective and even felt responsible for her reaction.

Raven gently took her offered fingers and gave them a small shake.

"My pleasure. Truly.", he said, wondering if this was the happiest he had ever been.