Chereads / Drakes Air / Chapter 83 - Harvest Feast part 2 (83)

Chapter 83 - Harvest Feast part 2 (83)

Caeli's heart raced as she put her hand in Ravens. The alcohol having warmed her cheeks and hands.

The world seemed to slow as they made their way to the dance floor. Caeli watched the floor nervously, and he watched her.

"I don't believe I am familiar with this dance.", Caeli said breathlessly. Suddenly feeling drunker than she had a moment before and greatly concerned about her ability to balance herself.

Raven chuckled low in his throat.

"You needn't worry, I will carry you through.", he said, realizing he meant his words in more ways than one.

Caeli let loose a deep breath and then gave a nod, stepping onto Ravens feet.

His arm came to wrap gently around her waist. His large clawed hand slowly raised hers in a grasp.

The room remained silent and still for a moment more.

"You can rest your hand on my arm so that you needn't raise it.", he said helpfully, to which Caeli nodded nervously.

Raven could feel Caeli's heart race.

"Courage Caeli.", he said with a soft laugh. He ran the pad of his thumb comfortingly over her knuckles, their arms readied in the air, awaiting the music to begin.

She had danced with Coruscare but only for a moment before he had spun her to dizziness. Their movements fast and merry.

Her fears of vomiting arising once more.

The music began and she realized instantly that this would be different.

Raven spun her gently and effortlessly. His movements confident, sure, and graceful. She felt as though she were floating.

His arm an iron bar of strength around her waist, the shifting of his movements so flawless she was hardly aware when they happened.

She looked up at the king in amazement.

All this grace for someone of such immense size.

She realized that he was staring at her and had yet to avert his gaze.

A warmth was birthed into her core that began to spread to her limbs, slow and liquid. Amplified by the alcohol.

The world seemed to slow even more and suddenly it was just the two of them.

His breath remained steady and he never took his eyes off of her.

She thought, not for the first time, how she wished she could read his expressionless face and have some hint at his inner thoughts.

The music began to slow, Raven turning them in circles.

Caeli completely forgot that she was dancing in front of a hall full of people, her weakness and her clumsiness a distant memory.

Only her and Raven remained, their movements completely in synch. Their minds seemingly unified. Her anxiety and fear falling away.

Her trust completely in him.

She suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of joy before hearing a voice in her head.

*I am pleased at your coming to the feast Caeli.*, the voice deep and soft.

Caeli's brows rose in surprise before she laughed delightedly.

She could feel Ravens smile in his voice that echoed in her mind. The connection between them allowing her a rare opportunity to feel what he was feeling. A sensation that was difficult with his lack of movable facial features.

She could feel an all encompassing happiness from their connection. It welled up inside of her and she laughed excitedly, the sensation contagious when so intimately close to her own mind.

The music halted and Raven bowed deeply to her before returning her to her seat.

"I didn't know you could do that.", Caeli said, laughing breathlessly from their dance and her exhilaration.

Raven sat beside her and gave her a sidelong glance. Relieved that she did not perceive the act as a violation or trespass.

His fleshless face had always been a sore spot for Raven. Constantly perceived as cold and unfeeling. His visage only ever being described as vile and unnatural.

He had wanted desperately to allow Caeli an exclusive view of his feelings but feared her reaction to, what she could have considered, an invasion of her privacy.

"I didn't think it appropriate, what with how we initially met and the offenses I brought against you in that time.", he said sheepishly.

Caeli's heart softened and she was brought back to the moment in time of his betrayal. The sting surfacing for only a moment before turning to sadness.

"No more apologies.", she said softly, placing a hand on his forearm. "You are…. happy?", she asked raptly. Unaware of how much she hoped the answer would be "yes". "I think… I think I could feel it.", she said in amazement.

Raven turned and connected their minds to allow her the feeling of his broad smile and joy within his mind.

*The happiest I've ever been in my entire life.*, he said softly inside of her mind.

Caeli blushed furiously and smiled back happily.

"I'm so glad.", she replied with a warm smile but sleepily.

"Would you like to return to your chambers?", Raven asked endearingly. Her sleepy demeanor reminding him of a child who didn't want to miss out on the party.

After a seconds consideration Caeli nodded.

"May I escort you?", Raven asked hesitantly. Her behavior towards him making him hopeful, his realist nature making him reserved.

"I would like that very much my lord.", she said with a tired nod.

Raven smiled inwardly.

He reached for her hand for it to fall woozily out of place, her depth perception inaccurate. The alcohol combined with her exhaustion likely causing the deficiency.

Without warning, Raven stood and lifted Caeli into his arms where she rested her head on his shoulder.

Saxum came to them as they made their way to the exit.

"Tired angel?", Saxum asked softly to the incredibly small human in the kings arms.

Her warm lazy smile and slow nod pierced Saxum's heart.

"Sweet dreams.", he said brushing a knuckle across her arm.

Saxum smiled at Raven and Raven nodded in response.

"Thank you for coming Saxum, you've been greatly missed. And greatly liked.", he said with a chuckle looking down loving at the almost asleep woman in his arms.

Saxum shook his head.

"It was my pleasure. Truly. Now get our princess tucked in. You've a dance to give to one of these hopeful girls.", Saxum said teasingly while giving Caeli one more affectionate glance before moving from the two and bothering Einar with some story that he'd already told twice the night before.

Raven carried Caeli from the hall, the attendees pretending to not notice, continued to dance and sing and make merriment.

Raven arrived at her room and entered to lay her gently on the bed.

He pulled the covers over her and took a seat on her bedside.

"I had a lovely evening my lord. Thank you.", Caeli said sleepily. Fighting the falling of her eye lids.

Raven chuckled.

"The pleasure was all mine. And everyone else's. I don't believe they'll stop talking about you for another century. You are captivating Caeli.", Raven said, kicking himself as he did so.

*Don't push too hard.*, he thought to himself.

He straightened to rise and she reached out a hand to rest on his.

"Raven.", she said, her words becoming thick and her voice rasping.

His heart stopped and he turned to meet her gaze.

"I…. I want to…", she said as she fought unconsciousness.

Ravens heart seized.

"Yes, Caeli?", he asked, his mouth dry.

"Could you lay beside me for a moment?", she asked.

Raven felt as though a brick had dropped inside of himself, sitting heavily in his core.

"Caeli…", he said miserably.

She could not know what she was saying.

And he hadn't the strength nor the will to make her understand what she was doing to him. Nor the heart for surely she would be devastated to know it was torture.

"Just for a moment. Like before.", she said softly, waning. "I am still afraid of the pain.", she said, her exhaustion inhibiting her speech.

Raven glanced at the floor and realized the bed was much higher than the one in the tent that time they first were together.

She wouldn't be able to reach out and feel him, let alone, see him.

Raven swallowed hard and carefully lowered himself into the bed beside her. Watching her all the while.

Her eyes closed and she sighed. Her breath smelling of honey and fermented fruit.

She rested a hand and cheek on his chest, relishing his cool skin that always smelled of summer nights and pine.

Raven held his breath.

They had slept beside each other during their stay in the valley, but not like this.

Hesitantly he brought an enormous arm to rest under her head, the other wrapping around her small waist. Her body almost disappearing.

With each move he held his breath, afraid that he would crush her.

But Caeli squirmed closer to press her body against his and let loose a content sigh.

Her sigh caressed Ravens heart. If he had been standing he surely would have fallen to his knees.

"Will you tell me more of the edible mushrooms of Ausia? I think that's where we left off last time.", Caeli asked drunkenly, her words slurred exceptionally by her added exhaustion.

His heart swelled. It had been the last thing they were talking about the last night they spent together in the valley.

Was this her way of moving forward? Was this her acceptance of his friendship? Of his adoration even?

He couldn't be sure but he knew that this was the most complete he had felt in his whole life.

His embrace tightened incrementally, as he held himself back from crushing her the way he wanted to.

He brought his snout to press gently against the top of her head, allowing himself to drown in her scent and her warmth.

"I do believe that was the Enoki Mushroom.", he said, his voice wavering. He fought with all of his strength to hold back his joyful tears.

Caeli nodded dreamily and smiled.

"Many in your continent use it in cuisine. It's commonly found in forests of that temperature zone, which makes it easy to find. I believe Einar likes it in his soup.", he said with a quiet chuckle.

Caeli echoed his soft laugh. Her smile remained for a few moments before it began to fall.

"Mmm.", Caeli hummed pleasantly. Her breath steadying.

Raven, knowing he could freeze the moment in time should he want, which he very much wanted, knew that he could never do that to Caeli again.

So he turned his mind to remembering.

Remembering the way her small body fit against his. The way her back felt with each breath, expanding her lungs and pushing it against his arm.

Remembering the softness of her hair and the honey of her skin.

Remembering her smile as her face softened in the sweet oblivion of sleep.

Remembering the way her small hands felt fisted against his chest.

Remembering the way she had looked the night he'd told her the truth.

And remembering how he would never make her feel that way again.
