Chereads / Drakes Air / Chapter 66 - Soft (66)

Chapter 66 - Soft (66)

That next evening, Caeli woke to a soft knock at the door.

"Come in.", she said, struggling to sit up in her bed, her body sore from the physical rehabilitation and the training Einar was instructing.

The door swung open and her heart stopped.

From what? She couldn't be sure. All she could tell was that her hands had gone cold and sweaty and she was holding her breath.

Raven walked into the room slowly.

"Would it be alright if I came in?", he asked.

He was dressed in black lengths of fabric wrapped around his waist and over one shoulder. His steps light and soundless despite his size.

The depth of his timbre filling the quiet room.

Caeli nodded for him to come in.

She realized once he came into the room how badly she had wanted to see him.

Unbidden, hurt came from the thought at his avoidance of her.

At first, space was all she had wanted. Everything, down to the clatter of cutlery, causing her a sensory overload. Her mind split in two.

Every moment awake a struggle to keep her sanity. Sleep being the only mercy, giving her oblivion, her mind quiet only in sleep. The sleep paralysis terrifying.

Now, the flashing of memories were more manageable. She found the knowledge that she lived both lives, and was not hallucinating, comforting. The sleep paralysis, still occurring twice weekly, was still frightening but expected.

She was ready to talk.

And the fact that he could not be found to do so frustrated her. And the idea that kept making decisions for her without ever speaking to her frustrated her even more.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of your company, my lord?", she asked. Her tone sharper than she had meant it.

Raven noticed, but was unsure of its cause.

Could she possibly be upset at his presence? The thought made his heart ache.

"I apologize for the intrusion. I wanted to come and propose that we move you to another room. One with a balcony.", he said slowly.

Caeli's brows rose.

"You seem to enjoy the outdoors. Perhaps having easy access could be a pleasure for you. There is also no reason for you to remain in the infirmary. You are our only patient and all that you require can be brought to your quarters as needed.", he said hastily, suddenly embarrassed. "Should the idea please you, that is."

Precisely what Einar had told her.

Caeli's heart softened. He had come to ask her opinion on the matter.

Did he sense that she felt so helpless? Like driftwood swept away in a rivers tide.

Was this his way of giving her some control back?

"I would like that very much, although, I would hate to cause trouble for anyone.", she said softly.

"Lynx and Calliope have already happily volunteered to be your maids and tend to you solely. There are others in the castle that will resume the activities that they will not have time for.", he said.

Caeli's heart felt as though it would explode.

She loved those women with all of her heart.

"That is incredibly kind of them.", Caeli smiled warmly.

Raven wasn't sure he'd ever get used to seeing her happy. His heart speeding up, his breath hitching, each and every time.

"They are good workers, good people. I believe they also enjoy your company. Not that I blame them.", he said awkwardly, rubbing at the back of his neck.

Caeli laughed at his abashed demeanor.

The sound filled the room with warmth. The lights suddenly seeming brighter, the air fresher.

Raven couldn't help his chuckle, her laughter contagious.

"I would like that very much my lord, so long as it does not greatly hinder anyone.", she repeated, smiling at him.

Ravens body felt hot being on the receiving end of such a smile.

"Well, if you feel up to it, we thought perhaps we'd move you today. Not far, just down the hall some.", he said quickly.

Caeli nodded and he bowed before leaving.

She hadn't expected him to leave so suddenly, her smile faltering.

Moments later, Lynx and Calliope arrived to get her dressed, a bundle of fabric in their arms.

"Oh, no, no. The breeches and linen shirt are just fine ladies.", Caeli insisted as Lynx allowed the fabric to fall from her arm. She held the dress by its shoulders to show it to her.

"But my lady, it was made for you specifically.", Calliope said hesitantly.

"I can't imagine wearing something so fine, I've no reason for it.", Caeli replied, insistent.

Lynx and Calliope looked at each other.

"If she's like this now, I'm not sure how she'll react once she sees her room.", Lynx said to Calliope, who nodded in agreement.

"Excuse me?", Caeli asked, moving slowly to the edge of the bed to place her feet on the floor.

"You'll see soon enough. Let's get you dressed then.", Lynx said waving dismissively.

Caeli hardly had time to object.

The women got her dressed in a gentle whirlwind, not once brushing or bumping the still gaping wound in her shoulder.

The dress was made of silk, the sleeves long and the entirety of it form fitting aside from a slit in one leg, allowing both appendages to move freely.

The fabric was luxurious against her skin, the cut and train modest and simple but a pleasure to wear.

The women had her step into incredibly soft slippers. If not for their quality, they could have been mistaken as sleeping attire.

"Thank you ladies.", Caeli said giving their hands a squeeze.

Another knock came before Caeli bid the person enter.

Raven walked in to see Caeli dressed and ready.

The dress clinging against her torso and hips before loosening, the effect astounding.

"You look lovely.", he said, almost a whisper.

The two women giggled and Caeli smiled.

She opened her mouth to respond just as Bat barreled past Raven and ran to her feet.

He threw himself onto his back, ready for the affectionate attentions Caeli always gave him.

Caeli slowly crouched and obediently did as was expected, laughing.

"I believe someone is volunteering to help you to your new quarters.", Raven said dryly, crossing his arms.

Bat stood and Caeli got on his back with the assistance of her two new friends.

She thanked them before Raven swept his hand out, allowing the troupe to exit the room past him.

He followed behind as he watched the three women talk and laugh together. Caeli's dress shrouding the gargoyle as it trailed behind her.

He watched as her long white hair gently swayed with the creatures movements, her hips rocking side to side easily. An ease that comes with being astride beasts on a regular basis. He was sure horses were greatly utilized in her village, unlike in many Folk municipalities.

The thought occurred to him that she may miss her friends, one of which being the gelding.

His first inclination was to bring them to the forest to stay but he hesitated.

The location of their home was secret for a reason, part of that being that it kept his people safe.

He'd need to think on it further.

It wasn't long before they stopped.

"Here it is my lady.", Calliope said excitedly.

Caeli turned to Raven. He could see the curve of her neck

"The ladies will help you get settled from here. I hope that you find it to your liking. Inform me of any changes you desire and I will ensure it done. Have a good evening Caeli.", Raven said bowing deeply. He patted Bat on the head and bowed to the two galaxian women before turning and walking down the hall.

The four watched after him until he turned a corner and disappeared.

They watched a moment before Caeli turned to her friends.

"Is it common here to dismiss oneself so suddenly?", Caeli asked with genuine confusion.

The women looked at each other before giggling and shaking their heads.

Lynx stepped forward and easily pushed the large double doors open.

The rooms setup was similar to the one she had been visiting.

Ravens room.

Slightly smaller, it contained a large bed with curtains, lounges centered around the hearth, and three tables. One on either side of the bed and one in the center of the cushioned chairs by the hearth.

A door on the left hand side of the room was indicated to be the lavatory by Lynx.

"And there is a wardrobe for your things, along with a vanity and a standing mirror.", she said sweeping her hand out to each item.

"And lastly, the balcony.", Calliope said smiling.

Bat moved forward and carried Caeli through the open double doors made of glass.

The view took Caeli's breath away.

"The masters room faces the village but yours being just a few doors down mostly shows you the lands of the castle and its garden. Although you can still easily see the village from here.", Lynx said pointing to the nearby town.

*Just a few doors down?*, Caeli thought to herself, swallowing around a lump in her throat.

Lynx nodded sagely.

"Both this room and his quarters are near the infirmary. I'm sure he wants you close in the case that there be an emergency.", she said confidently.

Caeli took a deep breath. At least that would mean they'd more likely see each other. Perhaps then he would find it difficult to avoid her.

Then she'd be able to ask some of the questions she had.

And ask about Coruscare.

She needed to know more.

Caeli closed her eyes and allowed the autumn air to fill her lungs.

The autumn in the depths of the forest were still warm. The smell of the changing leaves filling the air with spice.

"Come my lady, we will show you your things, then you can take a rest. The master insisted that today you take a break from our usual exercises.", Calliope said cheerfully.

They all turned to leave the balcony and enter the room once more.

Calliope opened the large wardrobe to unveil the contents within.

Caeli felt heat rise to her face.

The large wooden wardrobe easily contained fifteen to twenty finely made dresses fit for a ball.

There was almost as many night gowns and twice as many shoes.

"Lynx…", Caeli said with exasperation. "This can't possibly all be for me. It's ludicrous. And unnecessary.", she said furrowing her brow.

Lynx gave a helpless shrug.

"This was what was ordered by his majesty and Einar. I believe Einar ensured you had your own mens clothing as well since you seemed to like them so much.", she said rifling through the drawers at the bottom of the cabinet.

She pulled free a rich dark pair of soft leather breeches and a large linen shirt that opened at the throat and could be tied closed with string.

After Lynx lifted them she re-folded the articles of clothing and returned them to their place in the drawer.

Lynx turned as Calliope closed the large doors.

"I believe he had these made for you as well.", Lynx said curiously observing the items laid out on the vanity.

Caeli carefully dismounted from the gargoyles back and moved to the gold plated mirror attached to a table.

She gently ran her hands over the fine items.

Hair pieces made of a black shining material, glittering black stones placed in their grooves. A black handled brush with white bristles, smaller brushes presumably meant for the lashes and brows of a persons face.

"Goddesses above…", Caeli whispered.

She stopped when she found a comb made of black metal and shaped into beautiful flowers. The only item that held brightly shining white diamonds. Beneath it, an envelope addressed to her.

She opened it gingerly and unfolded the sheet.


A gift for you. I believe after all you've been through you are deserving.

It is also in appreciation of your patience.

I know that being here is not easy for you.

Or perhaps more bluntly, being here with me.

But I am forever grateful for your kindness and presence.



Caeli slowly folded the paper closed once more and put it back in its envelope.

Lynx and Calliope watched in anticipation.

"It's from his majesty.", Caeli said still holding the letter in her hands.

"A gift perhaps?", Calliope squealed delightedly.

Caeli gave a half smile and turned to the woman nodding.

"I suppose so.", Caeli said before laying the envelope down in the vanity's table top drawer.

"This door here leads to the lavatory. Not all rooms in the castle have accessible water but this particular one does.", Lynx said opening the large door and walking into the wash room.

The floors were made of the same black marble but the wash bin was made of darkly stained wood, a spout suspended above it. A large tub sat in front of a stained window facing the same direction as the balcony. A commode along the opposite wall of the basin.

"It's beautiful. And revolutionary.", Caeli said in awe as she ran her hands over the finely crafted utilities.

Lynx nodded.

"Our lord invented a way to make metal pipes to carry water to different parts of the castle. Each household has at least one spout inside, courtesy of a large project our lord Einar proposed. We struggle to get the materials so the advancements are slow but sure.", Lynx said, proud of her superiors and their desire to improve the lives of their citizens.

"Incredible.", Caeli said, turning a lever on the spout causing water to rush out. She turned it back off before turning back to the women. "This is far too much."

Lynx moved forward and grasped her good shoulder.

"My lady, his majesty has been alive longer than any of us can imagine and in that time a stubbornness so great has grown in him. I doubt that he will hear your objections. He wants to make you feel welcome.", Lynx said reassuringly.

"I feel more a burden than anything else.", Caeli said softly.

"But my lady that simply isn't true!", Calliope insisted. "You've been such a joy to have here. You are kind and considerate. It's been such a pleasure to have you. And a pleasure to see the lord so happy.", Calliope said quickly before covering her mouth.

Lynx raised a brow at the stout woman.

*So much for attempting to not sway the girl.*, Lynx thought to herself with a sigh.

"And you mean that in what way?", Caeli asked, raising a quizzical brow.

"My lady, he's been incredibly good natured since your arrival. Of course our lord is kind but he's since taken to visiting the nearby villages more often and assisting in the maintenance of the castle. He's never done such things before.", Calliope insisted.

"You believe my acceptance of his gifts will bring him joy.", Caeli stated, assuming her thoughts.

Calliope nodded enthusiastically.

With a sigh Caeli nodded.

"I suppose I owe him much more than that.", she said admiring the stained glass of the washroom, thinking of the piece of heart he sacrificed to bring her back to her body.

After a moment of silence Lynx turned to leave the room.

"We shall leave you to rest my lady. Try not to burden yourself so greatly with such thoughts. Your company is cherished here, we have glad to have you.", Lynx said sternly.

Caeli chuckled and bid them a good rest of their day.

She moved to the bed and took a seat heavily, Bat jumping up to join her. He circled twice before settling at the end of the bed, closing his eyes.

She gave the gargoyle a loving stroke before turning to gaze at the far too expensive gifts that Raven had given her.

After a moment she laid back in the bed, thinking to herself that she'd ought to eat something.

Moments later she had fallen asleep.


Raven returned during Rest, wanting to ensure that Caeli found all of her things to her liking.

Her room was only a few doors down from his own.

It took him all of two minutes to reach the doors of her new quarters.

He knocked softly and waited for a response. It was around the hour for dinner and he thought perhaps he'd catch her at a time where he would not be a bother.

There was no answer.

He knocked once more and waited.

He was tempted to open his senses to listen inside of the room and discern what she was doing.

But he knew this to be an invasion of her privacy. He'd have to wait instead.

Just as he was about to leave, the door swung open slowly and Raven found Bat standing in the door way, panting happily.

Raven had asked that all doors and cabinets be adorned with a length of rope so as to allow Bat to help Caeli with opening things.

Lynx had informed him that although Caeli was making good progress, she was still very weak and found everyday tasks difficult.

Her right arms improvement had fallen behind the rest of her body.

The news had been upsetting but not surprising. He knew the damage that was caused by the galaxian servant.

And the woman had better avoid him like a plague lest she want an untimely death.

*I fear that the damage may be done. There is the possibility that she will not be able to use that limb, and if she can, it may be very limited in its capabilities.*

He recalled Lynx telling him upon her first report of Caeli's progress.

"Good night my friend. Is our lady present?", he said softly to the gargoyle.

Bat turned and lopped happily back to the bed where Caeli was sleeping soundly.

Raven slowly approached.

She was uncovered and curled on her good side.

Her knees to her chest, her legs bare and having escaped the lengths of fabric through the slit that had been made to keep from restricting her already laborious movements.

Her hand under her cheek, the other resting in across her stomach, and her hair spilled wildly around her, long enough to hang over the side of the bed.

Her breathing was slow and soft, her eyes moving occasionally under her lids indicating that she was in a deep slumber.

Raven approached the side of the bed she was on and gently pushed a thick strand of hair from her face.

She looked at peace in that moment.

Her slow breathing reminding him of the nights they had spent in the tent he'd fabricated for her comfort in the valley.

The soft sound had soothed his soul.

In all his years he had always been alone in the Resting hours. The sound of her steady breathing a comfort on those nights. Knowing he was not alone.

Caeli stirred slightly at his touch and rolled her torso to face the ceiling.

As she did so she winced in pain.

He was sure she'd wake and waited, unsure of what to do.

He did not want to be caught lurking over her, nor did he want to frighten her.

But he thought he might be willing to take the chance that she stay asleep and that he might tarry for a moment longer.

She settled once more and became still. Her breathing slowing down again.

The sound of her soft movements in the dark and his lack of sleep since they had parted ways, made it difficult not to lay beside her and surrender to sweet oblivion.

He had always been a poor sleeper. All of his life, tossing and turning, waking every half hour for three or four hours, before giving up and rising once more.

The nights they had spent together had been the only time he'd slept more than one hour consecutively.

The nightmares held at bay by her companionship.

He found himself imagining that she was in his room, his bed.

It wasn't difficult to do as the rooms were strikingly similar. The furnishings made of luxurious materials but fashioned with simplicity in mind.

He slowly reached out and touched his index finger to her small palm, gently moving it back and forth to appreciate the softness of it.

In her slumber she wrapped her fingers around his, her hand just big enough to encircle his pointing finger. The unconscious gesture pulled at his heart.

Her smallness giving strength to his love and his concern. She could be so easily broken.

He gently retracted his hand. He turned and pulled the blanket folded at the foot of the bed over her.

He hesitated before brushing a knuckle across her cheek.

*Is everything of hers so soft?*, he wondered incredulously to himself.

The thoughts that followed turned his body hot and he was sure it was time for him to go.

"Good Rest Caeli.", he barely whispered before patting Bats head and leaving the room.