Chereads / Ares Game: The God's General / Chapter 77 - Chapter 69: The gods Diary

Chapter 77 - Chapter 69: The gods Diary

I may be swimming in delirium. I've spent my life studying monsters, supernatural phenomena and so on. I've even explored remote places, temples or ancient cities. I've even met monsters from time to time but they were just vestiges or corpses of species that had disappeared in the past. I've spent my life collecting artifacts of all kinds but never, ever have I found myself face to face with a literal GOD. It's wrong... It's wrong I lust be dreaming. This guy must definitely making fun of me. As I turned my head towards the door I could see Rico standing there with his gun loaded. The other man, i mean, the divine in front of me didn't seem hostile either. He was just reading a book with the glow of a flashlight as his only source of light.

-Sit down, please.

His voice was both soft and authoritative. Just like Lord C. Don't tell me he's a divine too? I complied and sat down, placing both my hands on my knees. I was so nervous that my teeth were involuntarily chattering against each other.

-Hahaha. Quincy relax, you're going to scare our friend.

-I'm here to make sure everything goes well. Rico said.

-Yes, well, now you're scaring him. Do me a favor, wait outside please. Don't worry I'll give you a brief summary of the discussion.

Seeing him casually chatting with that killer, he was definitely no random dude. Rico hesitated for a moment to comply but ended up leaving us alone in the room. I felt my heart start beating again for the first time in a long time. I then stared at the man in front of me with fascination.

-Are you... are you really you?

-Haha what an interesting human. Indeed I am me. And you are you.

I was speechless for a while. I mean, it has to be a joke. And there's no proof that what he's telling me the truth. Unfortunately, when you've been around the supernatural for as long as I have, you end up becoming gullible when it comes to this kind of thing.

-You're not going to ask me? How did Zell and I meet?

He calls Lord C by his first name, he must be really close to him.

-Right now I would need proof that you are... You know, who you claim to be.

The man with purple eyes smiled at me then closed his book which he put on the table. He then rolled up his sleeves which revealed two armbands on his wrists. I widened my eyes in surprise.

-You see, this is going to be quite difficult for me, after all, I'm a bit limited.

-Is this... Gleipnir?

-Oh! He said in a surprised tone. You are a connoisseur, Mr. Monde.

-It serves to restrain divine beings; no one can get rid of it by force.

-Indeed. My divine nature is contained because of these bracelets. I also have some on my ankles, so excuse me for not being able to satisfy you with a pyrotechnic show that lives up to your expectations. Hypnos spoke. That said, I am surprised that you recognized it with a simple glance.

-My ancestor brought it back to the human world about 220 years ago and then we lost it adecades after. I recognize the writing on this armband, the drawings are the same as on my diary.

-A diary you say?

-We call it the "The Gods Diary". In my family it is a collection that takes inventory of everything that we found on the other side of the dungeon. We also note our findings as well as our archaeological discoveries. All our knowledge for more than 380 years is recorded in this book.

-You seem to have a very useful artifact, in your possession young Monde. Unlike your father, you have decided to put them to good use, not surprising coming from Lyle's grandson.

-Alas we lost it during our escape 19 years ago I only have the 1st, 3rd and 5th volume. And these are copies that...

I stopped for a moment as I hit it. He just mentioned my grandfather's first name there.

-Lyle... You said Lyle like Lyle El Monde.

-Hahaahahaha. You just notice. He mocked. This way of staying focused on your explanations while ignoring the outside world is very similar to him. And yes, I knew your grandfather. It must be a good fifty years ago.

He gave a nostalgic smile I couldn't believe it.

-When Zell told me about you I thought that Fate did things very well. I tend to forget most of the humans I meet, but there are humans that I particularly remember. Hector and Lyle are among them. he said, tapping his temple.

Shocked by the revelation I stood up and pointed at him, shaking.

-A... wait Wait Wait. You knew my grandfather 70 years ago.... A blond man with purple eyes and an aristocratic stature. You are Yvan Nyxson I shouted.

He laughed heartily and folded his hands in his lap.

-Yvo but I forgive you for the mistake I don't remember all the names i took either. Besides there was this girl there, Eli... Meli.... Emeli....

-Emi Lin Sherman. But everyone called her Crazy Lin.

-Exactly. He snapped his fingers. Crazy Lin. Ah, that doesn't make me feel any younger.

I started pacing around the room, ranting loudly.

-He's 70 years old. That means you participated in the exploration of the interior lands of Ascheritz. It's impossible you... You must be, I counted on my fingers. 90 years old. But you look 30. And you look younger than me, damn it.

-Thanks for the compliment but it's just a vehicle. Sometimes I look like an old man or even a child, it depends.

-A vehicle? That's how gods move around then. In your divine form you'd get notice right away. You need a vehicle to stay discreet.

-That's the whole point of it.

-But then if you participated in the expedition with Hector Maltes and Grandpa Lyle, you also saw Wolfen, right? I asked curiously. No one on Midgard believes in their existence. And when I went to Aschertiz I only met people claiming to have seen them but in the end nothing concrete.

-Haha I think we're getting a bit off track from the reason for your presence here, aren't we?

I saw him let out an amused smile and I regained my composure. He's right, if I continue like this we'll never see the end of it. Besides, I found myself in a delicate situation. Lord C agreed to provide me with 2 bodyguards to go with the two that Annabelle had already brought me. He agreed to help me in my quest so I have an obligation of results. But to introduce myself to a god? No calm down, there's no way this guy knew my grandfather 70 years ago.

-Is something wrong? The so-called Hypnos asked me.

I see. But it is true actually. Lord Cailum is a Galathea, which means he is the great nephew of Hector Galathea Maltes. He could very well have known about the expedition by consulting his notes in their family archives. Then he just had to pay this actor and try to mystify me.

-Haha I'm stupid. No no that doesn't make sense.

This guy Rico told me that this man is the best kept secret of their clan, even more than Cailum would have gained by manipulating me like this. He's the one offering me his help, he wants me to be indebted to him? If his goal is really the Lullaby as he says what does he plan to do with it? Damn too many questions are jostling in my head, did I do the right thing by accepting his help?

-I see you are plagued by doubts so I will have to chase them from your mind.

The man stood up and approached me. Panicked, I took a step back, but he calmly approached with a light step and held out his hands to me, smiling. He then motioned for me to place mine on his.

-Don't be afraid, little child.

The atmosphere in the room seemed unbearable to me. I glanced around the room, hoping to see Rico somewhere and yell at me to get away from this man or I would be executed. That said, he seemed completely harmless to me. Don't trust appearances, of course, but I didn't know what to do. I put my hands on his own and gripped them tightly while closing my eyes. Suddenly I felt light. It was as if all my strength had left me, my body had become fluid. When I opened my eyes again, I was... I was...


It was like I was hanging over the void while people were passing by below me. A bit like a projection in one of those famous black and white cinemas, except that the film was unfolding under my feet.

-One of my abilities is to induce humans into a state of sleep, I can also control the dreams they have in order to transmit a message to them or manipulate them. Make them believe that this dream is actually a memory which pushes them to act by considering this fictitious memory in mind

I looked at the scene at my feet. This man... No, this individual... He's not joking.

-Because of the Gleipnir I can't use my divine nature outside, it would be a waste of time. The man explained. On the other hand, if I decided to apply my powers on a different target. What do you think happens if we put the god of sleep into a state of deep sleep?

I widened my eyes as I crashed into him. He found a way to bypass the gleipnir harmlessly.

-We are currently in full astral projection where you have access to my memory. And the scene that is taking place under our feet....

-The arrival of the expedition at Ascheritz.

I could see the 4 ships of the fleet moored near the coast, the carpenters working the wood, the blacksmiths making the tools, the settlers straightening the tents blown away by the wind, the militia patrolling and in the center of it all a woman with blond hair and green eyes dressed like a privateer with a pirate hat on her head. She had a saber on her belt and a flintlock at chest level. She looked more like a forband and not a lady. It was Emy Lin Sherman.

-Who gave me this shitty a map. It's on a totally ridiculous scale, it looks like it comes from another planet. Hector, where's your pilot?

To her right, a man in sailor's outfit and a long navy blue coat with six pistols along the coat with a triform hat. I immediately recognized the famous explorer Hector G Maltes.

-Calm down, calm down. He has half a dozen maps in his cabin, I'm sure he must have mixed them up.

With him my ancestor dressed in a gray coat over a brown wool sweater.

-Hey, Grandpa is skinnier than I remember, he must have let himself go with age. Wait, does he have a gun? He hates firearms.

-When you see a Worden ripp someone in half you can't blame the man to make such a choice.

-Wait what is a Worden.

-I wish you to never Know.

As I was wondering about my discovery I saw a 4th person approaching the group of 3. He looked like a gentleman, with blond hair, a forest green coat, grey trousers and a purple scarf around his neck. He came closer and gave the map to Miss Sherman.

-Here is your map, my Lady. He said, handing it to her before delicately taking the other one. This map comes from another..... time. Please do not damage it, it leads to the fountain of youth.

-Can you explain to me what the word Antilles means? My Grandfather asked.

-Oh you can read that ? Well It means an Archipelago in the Caribbean Sea but if you really want to know it just means anti-island.

Antilles... Caribbean. Grandfather had written these words in his journal. I then turned to the blond in front of me who was showing me all these images.


He smirked as I watched the scene below in fascination.

-But but... But then... I... I don't understand anything anymore.

-Let's just say I have my secrets. In fact, I'm ready to tell you one.

-Will you reveal a secret to me?

-What do you think is the real identity of Emy Lin Sherman?

-The real identity?

-Regina Von Galatea.

-Regina Von....

Oh my God. The real leader of the expedition was not Hector, but... But his cousin? Wait, but that means. But that's almost a historical discovery there. Don't tell me that Lord C's grandmother explored the lands of the new continent. Hahaha. I see. Actually, I think I'm starting to understand. This attraction to the supernatural runs in the family. The vision then stopped and we found ourselves back in the room with this man smiling at me. I violently separated my hands from his. As my strength returned, I felt like I was boosted after a good night's sleep, it was a very strange feeling. The door then opened and I saw Rico disembark.

-Is everything okay? I haven't heard anything for a while.

Usually guards come when they hear a noise, not the other way around. This guy is either twisted or too dedicated.

-It's going to be okay Quincy. I told you I will notify you if something ever happen. But we won't make any progress if you keep interrupting us. The man said.

Rico didn't say anything and just closed the door slowly. I let out an exhausted sigh and Hypnos winked at me. Hypnos. Was this guy really a god? Whatever he was I could at least agree on one thing this guy is not simple. So we both sat down at the table.

-Good. Thank you for... All that but I would like to know why I was made to meet you Lord Hypnos?

Indeed, I admit that I am more and more curious.

-Well, as the clan's Expert on all things surnatural, Zell has mandated me to listen to your story and prepare the expedition as best as possible. You will tell me absolutely everything. Then I will establish the procedure to follow and then you will have the fire for the expedition.

-Huh? But we don't have time. I already have a plan and it's about...

-Playing the flute in front of a dimensional portal and hoping it closes?

He crossed his fingers and gave me a mean smile. The same kind of look I imagine Lord C giving me.

-You're not that smart Ed Monde 4.

-Huh... But what are you talking about?

He smiled at me with his vicious look.

-Tell me, what do you know about the Lullaby? He asked amused.

-Well, it's a flute with immense powers that would allow its wearer to perform prodigious acts. It would be able to interfere with the energy of the divine and manipulate the very nature of their blessing as well as their curse.

-That's partly correct. Hypnos explained. It would for example cancel Medusa's petrification spell, or calm a giant's raging heart. But the most important "how does it work?"

-Well, just blow into the...

I stopped dead in my tracks. No, it was too simple. If it was enough to just blow into the Lullaby to break spells or change them, the gods themselves would fight to have control over it. There must be a very specific condition that would allow for optimal use.

-There is a condition, isn't there? A condition specific to use.

-He's starting to think, the human, it's a good thing.

-Please tell me I shouted. I absolutely have to close this gate or innocent people will be caught inside.

-Calm down, calm down. I admire your passion though and yes there is indeed a condition. Hypnos explained. The lullaby is a flute, a musical instrument, so you have to play a partition to get the desired effect.

-A partition ?

-A long time ago I asked the poet Orpheus to compose for me a series of partition for various purposes. Over time I forgot most of them but the 4 main ones were used to: Induce sleep, manipulate dreams, Escape from reality and awakening.

-Indeed it makes sense you are the god of sleep.

-But there is also among these effects one that allowed to seal things, including caves, tombs, labyrinths and much more.

I see. With this partition lies the key to exploring parts of this world that are still unknown.

-So you have these scores, don't you? I guess you're not going to hand them over to me very kindly.

-Oh I have it for sure. But it remained in the other world. He said.

-The other world? The one in the dungeon?

-Nope this is a very different world but quite similar to yours, alas I am not allowed to set foot there again. Ask Zell for the details.

-Wait, what do you mean you're not allowed to go back there? You just have to go there and bring back the partition, right? I asked desperately.

-Calm down, human. He ordered. I have bits and pieces in my head, but it won't be enough. If you really want a partition, go meet Orpheus the composer.

-Or.... Orpheus? You mean the master of the Lyre?

He gave me a mean smile.

-The same one.

-But according to legend he was torn to pieces by the maenads, the servants of the god Dionysus. Only his head remained.

-That is very true indeed. They even kept a part of his body.

-You... You want me to go and get the Poet's body? From the hands of the maenads?

-Oh you can always try, even Ares stayed away from those crazy women. They jealously guard their love's body after all.

-Then we take it by force. Said a voice behind us.

I turned and saw Rico enter followed by Sieur De Metz.

-If they refuse to cooperate I will behead them one by one and recover the fragments of Orpheus. Declared Sieur De Metz.

-It's not going to be easy. You're going to have to go to the other side and look for the different body parts and assemblies. Hypnos explained. And there's no guarantee he'll agree to cooperate with you.

-Once assembled we will make him cooperate. Rico announced.

-What are you going to do, threaten the master of the Lyre? I asked shocked.

-That's his business. He said, cocking his pistol. Just tell us where he is and we'll go get him.

Hypnos burst out laughing, I don't know why. Maybe because of the arrogant nature of these statements or he simply admired Rcio's state mindset. Still, seeing humans amused him.

-What are you laughing at? Rico growled.

-No, it's nothing. He said, wiping a tear from his face. Young Monde, do you have a map of the dungeon in your notebook?

-Of.... Of course.

-Then bring it to me. I will enlighten you.

To be continued