Chereads / Ares Game: The God's General / Chapter 67 - Chapter 60: Godtrap

Chapter 67 - Chapter 60: Godtrap

29 of April 1021, Duchy of Elysion, capital Aether, a group of 4 friends had arranged to meet in Shina's small restaurant which had now become prosperous. They had not had such a gathering for ages, each of them was busy with their respective functions. Despite being high nobility, it did not bother them at all to dine in such a modest restaurant. The 4 friends were quite happy to see each other again, to tell the truth, but the one who initiated the meeting seemed less enthusiastic. They were sitting at the table discussing banalities and laughing about everything and nothing.

-Swan I heard you finally got command of your own ship. Congratulations.

Swan Der Linde, 21, Baron, engaged, currently holds the position of Commander in the Elysian Navy.

-Thanks, thanks. Considering how busy we were, I definitely needed a vacation. Not like someone who takes their job lightly. Huh, Decken.

Trojan Decken, 21, Baron, freewheeling, captain of the 1st Air Force Flight School, also known by the sweet nickname of "the devil Decken".

-It's time you told Sam that you love her, she's not going to wait for you all her life.

Friedich Lineberg, 21, Vincomte, officially consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, unofficially member of the counter-espionage intelligence services.

-By the way, Cassidy has grown well. I hope you're feeding him properly?

Alfar Zeldoris Cailum, 21 years old, Count, member of the Foreign Relations Department, diplomat, businessman and notorious Philanthropist.

At least that was the information the members of the Inglesia secret service who were spying on them at that very moment had obtained. Unfortunately they were too far away to hear anything and were content to read lips at best. In Shina's restaurant Zell stared at his friends.

-By the way, we're all happy for you. Things finally worked out, didn't they? Decken said. You look better now.

-Yes, well it's not too early, seeing you gloomy like that every day I found it pathetic. Swan said sipping his fruit juice.

-Leave him alone. These last 3 years have been a nightmare for him. Friedich said.

-Nah, leave it. Zell said. It was time for me to move on. On the other hand, if I gathered you here, it was to announce something important.

He took off his sunglasses and his friends could see his gaze which put them in a certain state of amazement.

-Zell your eyes... Decken was surprised.

-I would just like you to listen to me without interrupting me please. This story may be long and I would like to tell you that no matter what comes out of my mouth, no matter how incredible it may seem, it is all true. Everything is factual, I will explain everything to you without filter

-Zell you're scaring me now. What's wrong with you? Troy asked, really worried.

Zell stared at him with a simple smile.

-It's because I'm dying Decken.

But let's go back to where it all began. 1 year earlier, year 1020 March the 22nd of the month, City of Lunden in the Scottfield district. The sky was overcast that day, it was surprisingly dark even though it was only midday. Zell was inside the antique store run by a certain, Yvo Nyxson. This person was none other than the God of Sleep Hypnos himself. After confronting Athena on the nature of their pact, the young Elysian had understood that there was only one way to bring the woman he loves back to the world of the living. "The lullaby" the original flute normally used to guide the souls of the dead to the Styx, but this flute had a double function. It could awaken anyone struck by the seal of Hypnos and bring them back among the living. And it was knowing this that Zell went to confront the god of sleep.

-Well. If this isn't my favorite human. exclaimed the deity. You're well ahead of time for your annual visit.

-I suddenly needed Antiquity. And since you are my favorite antique dealer. 

Despite his words he held an accusing look, and the pistol he held in his hand suggested that his arrival was anything but friendly.

-I see. I thought you were here to participate in the auction, but I am very disappointed. He said. There are many interesting items that will be offered this year. Like a fragment of the helmet of Terror, the handle of Neptune's trident. Or even...

-Spare me the long speeches. He said, pointing the gun at him. I know everything, Athena told me everything.

-And what did she tell you?

-That you have an object. Something I need, an artifact that will allow me to awaken Arianne.

Hypnos looked at him in surprise. Then walked over to his globe.

-Do you really think it's that simple? I'm surprised you took your enemy's word for it.

-I admit that I am surprised myself. I don't have much reason to believe Athena but when I think about it I tell myself that somewhere it makes sense. The god of sleep could very well be the god of awakening. So go ahead tell me if I'm wrong but, "the Lullaby" does that mean anything to you?

Hypnos turned and looked him straight in the eye, answering him directly.


Zell flinched for a moment. He took off his glasses and the deity could see the veins running down his face. At that moment Hypnos understood immediately and remembered what Athena had told him about Zell when they first met.

"Be careful, with his gift he can even see the flow of the gods."

Realizing that he had just lied to a walking lie detector, Hypnos' eyes widened.

-So you see, my friend, you should never have lied to me.

A huge noise like an explosion rang out. The wall at the back of the store exploded, a man with golden hair was thrown out, Hypnos had been thrown several meters to the point of even going through the wall and ending up in the backyard. The deity was trying to regain his senses when gunshots rang out. By pure reflex he jumped back avoiding some shots but several shots hit him in the ribs and hip making holes in his magnificent costume.

-Tch, you bunch of mongrel.

A glance is enough for him to determine the situation and the position of his enemies.

-I see. He thought. He purposely lured me here so he could contain me and fight with his men. He plans to keep this fight secret without civilians getting involved. Interesting, would the Champion of Ares be afraid of collateral damage?

A mean smile played on his lips as the men in black opened fire.

That being said, despite the intense barrage of fire, the god of sleep had not taken any substantial damage, his skin being resistant enough to counter small caliber bullets or even assault rifles. Yet Zell had an ordinary pistol loaded with enough firepower to stop a Halftruck in motion. Moreover, the recoil of such a weapon should have dislocated his shoulder, but the young Count crossed the crack in the wall with Olympian calm, cracking his neck.

-This isn't normal. Hypnos thought. Unless... no whatever.

Hypnos slapped the ground with his palm, causing a Greek hopplite shield to appear out of nowhere. This shield was large enough to cover his body, but its great feature was that it deflected bullets at ridiculous speeds.

-What is that? a militian asked in surprise.

Floating in the air he stood between Hypnos and most of the bullets coming his way while the divine one walked calmly towards an alley in order to slip away.

-Don't be so complacent. Zell said.

Coming out of this same alley, half a dozen men appeared, cutting off Hypnos's retreat route. Equipped with shotguns, they engaged in close-range combat. He was taken by surprise and received the first salvo, several shots to the point of spitting blood. The shield was then placed in the axis to prevent him from suffering more damage. Once again, no shot had pierced his skin, but the shock of the impact caused him internal damage that he could not ignore. Taking advantage of the blind spot caused by the new team, the others maneuvered to take him from behind. The shield then rotated and placed itself above him before establishing an energy barrier. Kneeling on the ground and holding his side, Hypnos observed the situation while trying to regain his senses.

-Who are these humans? They fight without hesitation, against me a god and despite the ineffectiveness of their shot against me they do not retreat. Could they be stupid? Or just crazy. Hypnos cough blood. This envelope also has its limits I can not afford to take more.

These unusual soldiers were part of Zell's private militia "the CSS". They had been briefed on the bizarre nature of the upcoming fight, and Alfar Cailum had meticulously selected each of them and had explained to them concretely what they were going to face. His objective was to immobilize Hypnos so that he could be interrogated. The tactic was simple: one squad would fire at him with lead while others would circle around and shoot at him.

-I'm reloading. Said an operator.

-Team 2 switch with the reserve team.

-Team 1 split into two groups and flank him. Zell ordered. Fire team prevent him from getting out.

Short bursts to avoid wasting ammunition, coordinated team movements, the CSS was indeed acting like pros, it was easy. Too easy and yet. "No plan survives contact with the enemy."

-I have been patient with you humans but it is time to make you understand that you do not attack a god with impunity.

He muttered words and red lines lit up on his arm. For a moment the ground vibrated, coming out of the hole Zell had gone through a huge armor about 3 meters long. Zell turned and faced the thing before widening his eyes.

-Is this a joke? He shouted.

It was a Japanese armor with an ONI helmet. It held two Katana in hand and fur was around its neck. The armor stared at him and suddenly rushed at him and tried to cut him with a circular motion. Zell despite his premonition ability did not see the movement coming. Blood spurted splashing Zell's face. 

-Looord... Cailum...

One of his men had sacrificed himself to protect him, but he had been split in two like a watermelon. Everyone stopped shooting as all eyes were now on the newcomer. The armor straightened up and cleaned the blood on his blade by sliding it into his elbow as his right eye glowed a sparkling red. Hypnos gave a slight smile.

-Agiko. Kill them all until the last one.

-Bastard. One of his men shouted.

The armor threw itself into the fray and began to slice Zell's soldiers with its Katanas. The latter, still in shock, watched his men being massacred by the newcomer. Despite the bursts of gunfire, nothing seemed to hit him.

-Hypnos is not just anyone among the gods. Athena explained. For a millennium now he has had the idea of ​​collecting all the divine artifacts and tools that were lost throughout the world following the second Titanomachy.

-Ragnarok? Zell asked.

-The name changes depending on the place, but it doesn't matter. The goddess replied. He has a hundred artifacts that he has scattered in various places around the world. To attack him is to come up against the power of several heroes.

-So what alternative do you propose to me?

-Lunden. Said Athena. His shop in Lunden is the least well equipped. You will be confronted with fewer artifacts but it is still divine quality equipment. If you plan on taking on a god you will have to prepare for it.

Hypnos suddenly came out of the protection of the shield and broke the neck of the nearest soldier with his bare hands. Before the others noticed, he grabbed his shotgun and shot them in the stomach, clearing his path to the outside. The god of sleep had managed to give Zell the slip, leaving him alone with his new friend. The armor had just killed its twelfth prey, reducing Cailum's forces by half. She then turned to a man ithad crippled and was about to stab him in the back with its Katana when it suddenly stepped back to avoid Zell's shot. This gesture surprised everyone else because until then the armor had taken all the attacks.

-Don't touch my men, you piece of junk.

This time all eyes were on Zell. His pistol was gone and he was now brandishing a knight's sword.

-Pull yourself together. Cailum yelled. And get back into formation.

-But... But how do we beat this thing?

-I'll take care of it. He shouted with conviction. You have only one task. Cover my back.

The soldiers suddenly felt galvanized by these few words and pulled themselves together.

-And one last thing. I don't want to see anyone die.

-Yes My Lord.

All eyes were on him, and not only that, Zell had also caught the attention of the armor. But this armor was actually hiding a whole other secret.

Sengo Muramasa was a very famous Japanese swordsmith of the 16th century. He founded his own school of forging named Sengo but despite being a person surrounded by mystery and particularly obscure the Japanese imperial court awarded him the honorary title of Uemon no Jo which indicated a very specific position in the imperial guard. How was this possible? Well Muramasa was certainly known for his swords including the famous line of cursed swords, but he was especially less known for his "Ningyō". This name refers to dolls but in this context it would rather be automatons, totally artificial beings but provided with articulation such as human beings. These automatons would have been themselves equipped with swords forged by Muramasa and would have served as imperial guard. Tireless and constantly on alert, they constituted the best protection that a sovereign could dream of. Alas, these death machines were contaminated by the Yokai inhabiting Muramasa's cursed swords and nearly assassinated the emperor himself. The idea of ​​using such demons was abandoned and the order was given to reduce them to ashes.

-The man in charge of getting rid of themwas a strange person named Nerumaru. Athena explained.

-Neru... Sleep. 

Zell was facing one of these automatons in question. According to the goddess of war Hypnos had in his possession only 2 of these monsters. Agiko and Nagako. Agiko with the Oni mask was the one facing Zell. He made his Katana tint several times then rushed at full speed on Zell. 

-Lord Cailum watch out.

But against all expectations he deflected the two sabers by sliding them on the flat of his blade. At the same time he himself made a rotation before hitting the armor at face level. The blow grazed him but a crack formed on the mask. The armor took a slight step back and returned to the charge while the sword changed into a shotgun. Seeing this Agiko immediately jumped to avoid the line of fire, but as if Zell had predicted it he changed the weapon into a club and used it to throw him against the wall. Those who had witnessed the scene could compare it to a baseball player because the armor flew to the 3rd floor of the building opposite. The soldiers under his command had just observed the scene with great amazement.

-In.... Incredible.

-Since when does he know how to handle a sword? Lord Cailum is a gun addict.

Zell glanced at him out of the corner of his eye and the soldier froze, but he just smiled mockingly.

-What are you talking about? A real man must know how to handle a sword.

The truth is that Zell, who came from a noble Elysian family, was naturally educated in the handling of swords. And he wasn't even a fan of them. After all, for him all this was obsolete given the advent of firearms. But recently, while reading Arianne's notes, especially the passage on "the North beyond the North", he found an interesting note. A sword capable of changing into any weapon that had been made by Hephaistos before the second titanomachy. This sword having divine powers, it is not surprising that it is capable of injuring divine creatures such as Hypnos or Agiko. This sword, which was once the possession of the god of war Ares, is called "ARSENAL".

-Look. A soldier pointed out. He's still alive.

Agiko straightened up as best she could and looked down at him. Only one thing caught his eye. The air had suddenly become heavy as the murderous aura emanating from the armor had intensified. Zell, for his part, was of Olympian calm. He slowly raised his head while staring at the automaton before placing his glasses on his eyes. He then signaled for the beast to come down.

-Molon Labe.

End of chapter