Chereads / Ares Game: The God's General / Chapter 63 - Chapter 56.5: Visionaries

Chapter 63 - Chapter 56.5: Visionaries

"Information is power." I told my friend Zell when he tried to challenge me in strategy class at military school. To which he retorted "power is nothing but what you make of it." At the time I didn't understand at all, I thought he was trying once again to assert his pedantry as usual, but today and with hindsight I realize that these are indeed sensible words.

-Lieutenant Commander Der Linde, the Commodore is waiting for you on the bridge. My Adjutant told me.

-One minute. I'll finish writing this report and go upstairs.

Zell has always been the dreamer of the group, the kind of guy who comes up with crazy ideas without realizing what he was saying. And he did it with such certainty that it was scary. When he told us, his inner circle, about his idea to take over the country, I laughed at him at first, but as he explained his plan, my skepticism gave way to a certainty just as strong as his. It was the first time someone managed to convince me so easily. We were only 12-year-old kids at the time, so how come one of us already had such a broad global vision. No, it wasn't just him, Friedich and Arianne also had the same vision. And even Decken seemed to follow suit, it was only me who was left behind, that day I felt like my first defeat against Zell. Shortly after that we started putting the plan into action, during our summer vacation we went to the mountains where we did combat simulations and tactics to implement. We were just kids but we looked like real pros. At least it feel like that to me. All this came out of an instruction manual that Zell had with him. However, something was missing and I had realized it. That day while we were playing tag in the forest I suddenly stopped running.

-What's wrong Swan already tired? Troy asked. I remind you that you are the target today.

-It's not like you to run out of breath so quickly. Friedich told me. Did you eat something bad?

-None of that.

I threw away the piece of wood that I used as an imaginary rifle.

-Something is wrong. All this... It's not serious.

-Hey relax bro. We're just having fun.

-I'm not your "bro" DECKEN. I shouted at him. And that's the point we are spending our time having fun. Nothing concrete. Apart from other areas, field training is precisely the one where we lack everything.

-Ohey calm down you don't have to shoot the mood like that. Decken said, raising his voice.

-If you look for me you will find me.

Friedich stood between us before things got out of hand.

-Calm down, you two.

-I think you talk a lot to say nothing. Said a voice above us.

There was a person, a young girl standing on a rock crouched above us. She was literally looking down on us while fixing me with a piercing gaze.

-A.... Arianne. I said strangely intimidated.

-You spend your time complaining and criticizing every decision we make. But you know what you're not doing....

-Arianne calm down. Friedich said.

-You're not proposing anything. She said with an acid voice. You're not bringing us anything. It's easy to criticize for the sake of criticizing, but by not bringing any solutions, what you're doing is just badmouthing.

-I don't allow you to speak to me in that tone. I shouted.

-Otherwise what? She smirked.

-I will....

-You really have a complex, Swan. She added with a certain contempt. That's why people like Zell will always be above you. Because he knows what he wants, but you... You have no vision.

There was sporadic applause. A figure slowly appeared in the darkness. A young boy with an amused smile, it was Zell. He wasn't supposed to be there today.

-I think we'll stop there. He said. Arianne is right, it's important to criticize, however, when we have no alternative, it only remains is just cheap talk. It paralyzes the chain of command and sows doubt in the hearts of men. It's a counterproductive maneuver.

Obviously side with her, she's his fiancée.

-However, Swan also has a point. What we're doing here is very much like child's play.

I widened my eyes in shock. Did he just agree with ?

-We are still far from what could be even if we already have the basics. What do you think?

-Hey, you're the one who suggested these exercises. Decken said.

-Haha you're right. He had a brief smile and stared at me while placing his hand on my shoulder. So Swan you who raised the problem I hope you have a proper solution.

Why did I feel oppressed, Zell intimidated me even though I was bigger and probably stronger than him, yet he exuded such confidence.

-I... I don't have.... any....

-You're going to go back to Aether for a good week to think about all this. I hope you'll find a solution within a week. He said with a smile.

One week... Is that an ultimatum? What does he plan to do if I don't make it?

-The rest of you have free rein until then.

-My my all this has cooled me down. I'm going to let off steam at the shooting range. Decken said exhausted.

-Wait, I'm coming with you. Arianne told him.

I returned to Aether, the capital of the duchy. 2 days had passed, what did he mean by finding a solution? And why did I have the unpleasant feeling of being left out? I spent my days in my room scanning the horizon, thinking constantly about what we were all missing. My bad mood had even put my parents on alert but I reassured them by telling them that it was just phase, nothing alarming.

-Damn. Why can't I put my finger on it? Why are everyone else all on the same page and I'm not? Why do they all have the same beliefs? Why why why?

2 more days passed, I finally got out of my house and was walking the streets with a guard and my dog. The streets were very lively today, I guess there was a special event for so many people to be gathered in one place. I took a walk in the park holding my dog ​​on a leash. The other children were playing carefree, some with their parents, their brothers and sisters. I was an only child and my parents were always busy and the little time they had to dedicate to me was to talk about the future. The future, the future, the future, that's all he has on his mind. I crouched down while petting the dog.

-Gilbert. I said, addressing my guard.

-Yes young master

-You who served under my father, can you tell me what kind of person he is?

-Do you want me to tell you about your father?

-Not my father. But the military man. The one he is when he's not at home.

My father Klein Der Linde was a General in the regular army. A respectable officer and an admirable career.

-Well, your father, young master, was driven by a patriotic feeling like one rarely sees.

-My patriotic father? I said skeptically. You're teaching me something.

-In combat he was the type to refuse to be disobeyed. He was an authority figure with his men and only attacked when he was sure of his move. For him a successful attack was excute throught a good the preparation and good preparation is done thanks to the right intel.

-L'information ?

-Exactly. Do you know what our enemies called your father?

-The asshole?

- Horus. He said in a deep voice. Because he always attacked where it hurt and seemed to know exactly what his enemy was thinking.

-Like he could read their minds. Are you telling me my father was telepathic?

-Tele.... what?

Another one of those terms that only Zell uses. I have to be careful.

-Ahem forget it.

As I looked up my dog ​​suddenly started barking. A man with dark skin dressed like a tramp approached me, a Jeritza and obviously a beggar.

-Please kid... One coin.

-Huh... Who the hell are you ?

I had trouble thinking as my dog ​​barked louder and louder and he tugged on my sleeve.

-Come on, you're all rich kids born here. It's not fair.

-Let go of me. You reek alcohol.

I violently pulled my sleeve back and took a step back but the man threw himself at me and seemed to want to stab me. While I was frozen Gilbert reacted very quickly, grabbed his wrist and threw smashinghis head against the ground. 

-Young master, are you alright? Sorry I didn't react quickly.

-It's okay Gilbert I'm fine. I said looking at my clothes. Tchr this mongrel dared to stain my cuffs. Are you happy with yourself you piece of shit?

But even lying down and injured he continued to ask for coins.

-What a piece of shit. I said, spitting on him.

After handing the man over to the police, we went back to the mansion where I could change my fit. The discussion I had with Gilbert was going round and round in my head, which made me take a little more interest in my father. I went into his office and started searching everywhere. I came across an old picture of him, he was still young and didn't have a big belly like he does today. He was in a white shirt with military Tag around his neck and, scary thing.... he had a big smile. With him in the photo were 2 other men that I couldn't identify, all 3 of them were covered in dirt and mud, you could tell they were coming out of a training camp. The 2 men were as smiling as my father, they were definitely friends of his. On the back it said "promotion of the special training camp Nxxxxxx, year 18xx". He deliberately crossed this information out.

-"Horus the all-seeing eye". Haha impossible.

-You wouldn't have been attacked if you had done a little research about the park.

I jumped immediately and hid the photo behind me without reflex. I saw my father entering the room. He had this intimidating aura unlike his usual.

-Father? How did you know that... Oh yes. Gilbert.

-Gilbert had nothing to do with it.

-Huh... then how?

-I have many friends, my son. He said, taking a book from his bookshelf. And the chief of police is one of them.

-Given your personality, I wouldn't have guessed.

-But you know what's more important than having friends son?

I shook my head.

-It's having friends who are indebted with me. Those who owe you a debt will have to repay it in one way or another. Therefore, you can use it to your advantage during negotiations, for example.

My childish brain at the time had a hard time taking it all in, but I didn't miss a word of what he was saying and I remembered everything carefully.

-This park has been the target of 3 attacks, one of which was fatal to the son of a baronet. He continued.

-It's horrible. How come I didn't know anything about it.

-Because you don't read the newspaper. He said a bit disappointed. Or any standard source of information. If you had known, you would have avoided going there in the first place.

He sigh

In your opinion, what makes a great general strong? His ability to command his men? His ability to set up complex and incongruous plans? His ability to get out of a desperate situation, whatever it may be?

-I... I don't know?

-The truth is that there is no exact answer. He said, turning the pages of his book. But if you were to ask me my opinion, I would say that a good general is one who is able to anticipate the battle and prepare for it properly.

-Anticipate the battle? But how?

-By gathering information. Some information may be useful and some may not. It is up to you to sort it out and use it properly. After all, war is also the art of deception. Appearing strong when you are in reality weak and appearing weak when in reality you hold all the cards. Knowing how to play on the perception of your enemies is the greatest asset a general can possess.

I listened to my father speech with spark in my eyes. The one speaking in front of me was not the low-ranking nobleman I thought he was but rather the ex-General Der Linde. As I stared at him in admiration he quietly approached and stole the photo from me, which he put away in his jacket.


-all this is nothing without one essential thing. What pushes a person to surpass himself and to always want to move forward.

-"You lack visions" Arianne told me.

-A VISION. I shouted.

-Exactly. He said, taking me by the shoulders and shooting me with a piercing look. People who have no vision will accomplish nothing in life and will be content to follow the flow like sheep. A general, no a man needs a vision and an ideal. Without which he will be just another product of the masses.

My father was so serious that I was almost shaking with fear. He let go of my shoulders and turned back to his desk. But just before he left me I asked him one last question...

-Father. May I know what your vision was?

He turned around and gave me a crooked smile.

-My vision was...

And the week passed like this. Zell's ultimatum had come to an end and the crew had returned to Aether. I went to greet them at the station and they didn't seem happy to see me, especially Arianne. I waved at them with a big smile but only Zell answered me.

-Is it me or does he look different?

-You're not mistaken, Decken. He looks changed. Friedich said.

-So my friend, do you have time to think?

-Oh but thinking all I did. Do you mind if we walk?

Zell signaled to our guards that we were going to walk and they moved away from us. We started walking towards the Park

-So Swan, what do you have to offer us?

-You know, when I came here I had time to think for a while. And through much reflection I finally came to a conclusion.

-Which ?

-I don't lack vision. I said, staring at the seagull-filled sky.

The others were probably looking at me suspiciously.

-If I kept opposing each of your decisions and each of your plans it wasn't out of jealousy either. In fact it was mainly because my vision was simply different from yours.

I saw him staring at me with great interest.

-But in hindsight and when I think about it I realize that our goals were not so incompatible. After all you have the plan, the vision and the means. But we were clearly missing something crucial.

-And what is this thing? Decken asked.

-A mentor.

-A mentor? They repeat

I saw Zell's gaze turn dark and piercing.

-Swan what did you do?

-Don't worry, I didn't compromise anything at all.

We arrived at the park and went inside. As usual the children were playing and having fun.

-A mentor I said but it would be more precisely a guide. A person who would show us the way and various means to access it. Therefore I had to methodically choose among the profiles.

-If you are as intelligent as you claim, Arianne said. It will not be a soldier, nor a politician.

We arrived near a bench in the park where an elderly man was sitting. He seemed to be in his mid-forties but if I believe what my father says this guy is over 70 years old. He was wearing a hat and a complete brown suit. Holding a cane on which he had placed his hands and chin. Our group was standing behind him, practically his blind spot.

-Espionage, sabotage, infiltration and assassination. the old man said dryly. From what profession these the qualities?

-A commando? Decken answered almost sure of himself.

-Hmmm an interesting point of view. But I want another answer..

-Ninjas. Zell replied.

It was the first time I heard this word. What is it talking about.

-One point for the blond kid with green eyes. He said, pointing his cane on him without looking. But it is only one point. Who else has a better answer?

-The Assassins. Friedich said confidently.

-Indeed that is also a good point. A point for the tall blond. He said, touching his head with the cane. But there is also a good answer.

-The spies. Arianne answered neatly.

The old man said nothing and then turned partially in our direction, giving us an intimidating look, then he said to Arianne:

-Excellent answer.

He stood up leaning on his cane. Looking at his watch for exactly 15 seconds and when he closed it men appeared out of nowhere and tried to overpower us. Yes this guy was trying to kidnap noble children in broad daylight.

-The 4 qualities I just mentioned are specific to 4 very specific groups of fighters. He announced as we struggled to escape our captors. Each of the groups you mentioned makes use of these 4 abilities but they tend to specialize in one of them in particular. Which is not bad in itself but if you master them all your range of possibilities will be wider.

-Fuck, let go of us. Decken tried to yell.

But nothing worked. They gagged us and tied us up before throwing us into the back of a van.

-You're going to take a tour of my little private training camp. He said cynically. You'll see, it'll be like a summer camp.

To this day all we know about this guy is that his name is Siegfried and that's clearly not his real name. But if all 5 of us became what we are today it's entirely thanks to him.

Today the clan is divided between Zell and me. Those who believe in his vision, that is to say wanting to control the entire country in the shadows, and those who believe in mine, that is to say wanting to protect our country and its interests and improve it thanks to the means at our disposal. Since our two ideals meet on quite a few points, we have no reason to shoot each other in the legs because in the end we probably aim for the same future for our country. No wonder our clan is called "the visionaries".

End of chapter