"We have gathered the remaining forces and are evacuating all civilians on the Northern African continent. Graves are still isolated in the Saharan, but we've seen them making their way north and south. We've dropped as many bombs and booby traps as we can, but we're getting low on resources. Many of the plants that are helping to supply us, are running low on materials due to the lack of mining from the normal sources being under attack. The same goes for food. Even with strict rationing, most of the refugee camps are having issues getting supplies to them. Several of the largest of the camps are having issues with supplies being stolen and the local areas being attacked and goods stolen from local businesses and even civilian homes. Crime is growing out of hand and the governments hosting the refugee camps are refusing to take any more in, and they're demanding that we find a new location for them outside of their countries."
The briefing that comes across the screen, explaining the situation is grim and continues to go on for a while, which led to a list of questions that everyone was asked to offer an idea, or possible solution. I was stuck on the meeting for hours with John nodding off, sleeping in the bed next to where I was sitting. I've been here for the past week, refusing to leave John's side. It's helped him with starting to eat solid foods again. He'll eat softer foods like pastas and cooked soft vegetables, but meats harder than eggs is still a problem.
"Evening Sin, I brought you both some food. Fish and rice with steamed broccoli and apple pie for dessert." Tom walks in and sets the trays on the table, waking John up from his nap.
"Fish? What kind?" John pokes at the white fish on his plate, before picking up a spoonful of rice.
"Tilapia. They just harvested from one of the ponds, these are the ones provided to the hospital." Tom gives a warm smile, but I can see the stress behind it.
I set the laptop to the side and ask the question I feel needs to be asked. "Tom, are you and your family getting enough food?"
Tom starts and shakes his head, "We are getting our rations, we're fine." He forces a smile and goes to leave but I stop him.
"Are there families that you know that are not getting enough?" I inquire.
Tom pauses, not looking back as he says, "Too many." He then exits the room, leaving me and John looking at the food in front of us with guilt building in our guts.
"Things are becoming worse for everyone." John utters, but picks up his fork and cuts into his fish. He chews and swallows it, not making a face like he normally would. He seems lost in his thoughts as he continues to eat.
"I appreciate you staying with me, Mary, but you're needed to finish this. Everyone needs your help. I'll still be here when you come back." John finally says, giving me an encouraging smile.
I take a bite of the apple pie, then take my plate and place it on the tray with Johns. "Eat both of these and I'll come see you tomorrow if I can." I lean down and kiss his lips softly, caressing his cheek before smiling at him. I snap from the hospital and immediately go to HQ.
I send a call to Turk on my com glasses as I walk the busy halls, people and Fae alike stopping to salute me and continue on with their work. Turk answers resembling an Oni from ancient depictions, seething in rage.
"WHO IS IT?! Oh, Sin. Where are you?" His demeanor lightens, but it's obvious that someone has pissed him off.
"HQ." I inform him, walking towards his offices. Watching several captains exiting the area in a rush, I pick up speed to Turks office.
"You heading my way then?" Turk grunts before shouting to someone to get out of his sight.
I can hear the echo of his voice down the halls over the com as I respond. "You know it. See you shortly." I see a few more captains exiting the office with papers and folders, shaking their heads and hurrying out. I walk into Turks office, to see him moving things around on a map, and muttering to himself.
"What has happened since the briefing?" I walk up to him and see where he's making changes.
"We just lost another refinery. A metal one. They've started targeting certain areas, refineries, factories, shipping docks, and airports. They're sending in people like suicide bombers." Turk covers his face and sighs, "From what's been discovered so far, it's probably the Erlking using coercion or other forms of manipulation. I just received a testimony from one of the workers at the refinery who survived. Said the guy kept saying sorry to everyone, acting weird, so he went to talk to security and was outside the building on the other side of a cinder block wall when it blew up." Turk slams his fist against the wall, taking out a good chunk of the drywall.
"We've upped the security at all remaining refineries and factories, but we need to end this!" Turk grunts and turns around to face me, strain evident in his face.
"Sounds like we need a 'Hail Mary' then." I comment, looking over the maps he was messing with. "Any word from B and them?" I ask him, noticing he was rearranging troops with magic users to be closer to the places we needed them.
"Yes, they have gathered more allies from other planets and are amassing them in the cave system. You should go there soon. How is John?" Turk sighs and plops into his chair, covering his face as he massages his temples.
I take a seat on his desk, still looking at the map, "He's eating solid food again. We got to eat fish for dinner. How bad are the rations for our people? It seems like even the compounds are hurting to supply the amount of people they are supposed to be."
Turk sighed again, "Yes, I know. It's because Thietian took a quarter of each compounds goods to appease the refugee camps, but it still barely made a dent in what they actually need. Some of the refugee camps have been able to keep a certain amount of order and are attempting to grow corn or sorghum along with other quick growing vegetables to help supply those sites, but they still need other items that we're having trouble supplying. The states released a million pounds of cheese and powdered milk for the refugee camps struggling the hardest. It's the smaller ones that have been able to band together and make something work. We are all just struggling to make it work." Turk shoves a folder on the desk, sending it flying, but I catch it before it makes a mess.
I flip open the folder and find its nothing more than status reports on provisions and needs. I set it down, wondering, "Where is Thietian, by the way? He was not present at the meeting."
Turk grumbles before snarling lightly, in response, "Directing our troops and power to battle against the graves. He's been...." Turk trails off and shakes his head, "... busy. Gone more time than he is here. His plans have been working in pushing back the graves and making progress in regaining territory but I still have my thoughts we have discussed. And before you ask, no, I've not seen Cass for quite some time."
He gives me a loaded gaze, both sorrowful and tired, but resolved in his choice to follow the queens order. What ever that order may end up resulting in.
"Well, then. I'll let you get back to work and go talk to B. I'll be back once things are wrapped up and we're ready to join our allies with the ranks." I stand up and give Turk a hug.
He tenses up as I hold him tightly, making unapproving sounds at first before releasing a sigh and relaxes into my hug.
"That's right you big lug. Even you need one of these every now and then." I chuckle squeezing him tightly.
He shrugs me off him with that and growls, "Get out of here, warugaki. (brat)"
I let him go, not wanting to push my luck, and turn to leave when he grips my hand.
"Thank you, Sin. Now, go."
As I look over my shoulder, surprised, he picks up a folder and gets to work on his computer, ignoring me.
I smile and snap out of his office and go to mine. I check in with my staff who have forwarded all my work to me lately so that I could work on it while I've been with John. After checking in on everything, I'm about to head to announce my departure to see B, but instead I'm handed a list of names and ranks by one of my aides.
"It's the causality and MIA list that we've completed thus far. I know there is a few names on the list that you would want to personally write the condolence letter to their next of kin. If you'll highlight the names of the ones you will be writing the letters to, I can hand the rest of the names over to the rest of the team that are in charge of the letters this rotation."
"Very well, I'll get these back to you as soon as I am able to. Corporal." I nod and am saluted in return before I snap away.
I appear at B's workroom, where it's busy as always. Looking at our suits that we have still yet put to use. Since Turk rescued John, at the cost of several of our informants, they were hanging ready for use and constantly had charms and other protective and useful enchantments added to them. I don't see the queen, Bavarthos, Rakara or Viekar in the room.
Catching one of the Dwarves that's walking past, I ask if he's seen any of them. I'm instructed to go to the cave system, where Vartonix dwells. I thank him and exit, going to feel the corners of the halls, trying to figure out if I could find my way around this labyrinth.
After a while, I realize something. That I am an idiot, and I am lost.
"Well, shit."