I still shudder at the thought of the shadows face. It put it's mask back on before it left, but it was still the stuff of nightmares to still sit and talk to something that had too many eyes to try and focus on and no mouth to see moving when it spoke.
They would be going in to the area following the same route as was shown to them. We gave them the newest information on the movements of the Erl's armies as well. After the fact, they informed us that they were not concerned about the army for they could 'hide right under their noses and never be found'. That statement made my skin crawl and I know they saw me shudder. With that many eyes, emotions were still evident on their faces. I don't know if I offended them with my reaction or amused them, but they left soon after that.
"That was a very different experience." John side eyed me, a wary expression on his face.
"Yes, it was. I don't know how to comprehend and process all ...." I waved my hand in a circle above my head before taking a deep breath and exhaling.
"What happened when you touched it's hand?"
John pats the space next to him on the cot and I go there immediately. I wrap my arms around his waist and we lay back as comfortably as we can together.
"At first it was like tiny pin pricks that spread up my arm. It wasn't painful, but I wouldn't say it was enjoyable. Then my vision went black and I felt like I was falling."
"Is that when you were flailing your arms around?"
"Yes, because I remember the shadow gripped my hand tighter before I ended up in the memory of going on the patrol. I couldn't control what I did, but I could focus on my surrounding that I saw that I didn't catch at the time. There were very fast movements around trees and leaves, and whatever was moving was tiny. I don't think it was bugs either."
We lay there in silence and ended up falling asleep, just holding one another tightly.
Soon as daylight started to show over the horizon, John and I were already up helping set up more defensive areas and 'trap' areas for the Erl's forces. I was helping dig a hole and was down about eight feet, when one of the officers poked his head over the edge.
"Major General Sin. You're needed at your tent. Your 'friends' are here to speak with you."
The way they had emphasized on friends made me look at them hard, but still I handed my shovel over.
"Coming up!"
Ascending the ladder with the half full bucket of earth to dump out, I gradually made it up, having the officer grab the bucket before getting out of the hole. Shaking the dirt out of my hair and dusting off my clothes as we went, I asked about my 'friends.'
"So who is it exactly that is here to see me?" I ask as they hand me a bottle of water and a wet towel that they had been kind enough to get for me..
"That's what they said. You're friends. Sounded like snakes. Creepy as heck sounding. Your husband is already there talking with them, he's the one who sent for you."
"Is there anything else then, Captain?" I ask him as he continues to walk with me.
'What is this guy doing?'
"No, Major General Sin."
I stop and look at him with a suppressed smile that keeps peeking through on the corners of my mouth.
"I know the way to my tent, Captain. You're dismissed." I nod him off as he salutes and leaves.
I shake my head realizing I still had not got used to using military rank and protocols again. I continues walking, pouring half the water over my head and letting it cool me down. I was wiping my face and arms off for good measure when I walked into our tent.
"Hello, Sin. We have returned."
I was slightly taken aback by the fact that instead of two shadows, I now saw five here in the tent with John. I put the towel and bottle down and nodded, greeting them with a slight bow.
"That was quick, I didn't realize you had so many friends with you from our last meeting. So, what did you find?" I got straight to the point.
"I don't think you will like what we are about to tell you."
I recognize the voice of the one I spoke to for my last meeting and a wary caution took over me.
"Oh? Why is that?"
John stands up and sighs heavily.
"Because they want to take you back out to the spot."
Confusion is written all over my face.
"What?! Why? I don't understand. Why would you need to take me back to that area? What's going on?"
"We are not at liberty to tell you that, but all will make sense once you arrive."
"I don't think so, not without more information. I felt the pull and nullification of my powers by the dark magic in that area. It's too risky."
"We would never knowingly put you into a situation that would cause your death. We may look like what most would consider to be evil, but the saying goes, 'never judge a book by it's cover'. We may be Shadows, but we have our pride and morals."
One of the new shadows stepped forward, quick to try to defend them and convince me that I will not be harmed.
I shake my head, "It's not you that I don't trust. That feeling that comes over me in that area, I've felt before. I've lost team members and nearly lost my own life. My magic is unreachable while I am in those areas, I don't feel comfortable going back."
I clench my fists trying to control the tremble that has started to show in my finger tips. I'm trying to maintain my calm, but my anxiety is starting to creep in. John notices my fists clenching and moves to come to me. I shake my head no, making him pause with concern in his eyes.
They all exchange a look at one another but bow slightly before they start to leave.
"Wait! Are you really not going to tell us what's going on over there and if my soldiers will be safe if they end up in the area?" I ask in confusion, disbelief and with urgency as they don't stop leaving.
One pauses before leaving and I recognized the voice from the first meeting.
"No harm will come to your people. You may call us, if you change your mind."
Then they leave as well, leaving me perplexed. I sit down and give Thietian a message explaining what happened and forward it to Turk. I get a call from them both not long afterwards and after explaining myself.... again to Turk, the call is interrupted by a soldier running in breathless.
"Major General Sin! We have movement of the Erl's forces, about five miles out from the first perimeter defenses!"
"Turk..." I start before he quickly cuts me off.
"Go, I'll send the word to the main army and prepare my own troops now."
He hangs up and John is already out the tent door and shouting orders, preparing our soldiers for the oncoming battle. As I regain my train of thought, taking my second to clear my mind, I stand grabbing my gear and throwing it on quickly. I'm checking my com and visor links and picture as I am walking towards the surveillance tent.
"How the hell did they move over that kind of terrain so quick and why the hell did no one see this?!" I shout walking into the tent to see that the entire team is scrambling around doing their jobs. They stop and stand at attention.
"At ease! Someone just tell me why did we not see them moving sooner?" I look at the few closest to me and like a deer in the headlights, they just stare blank faced.
Finally some one comes up and informs me issues with the drones that fly near the rain zone. The forces are heading in the same direction as that zone. Neighboring drone patrols didn't catch the movement until recently when we got the newest video.
I thank them and tell them to get those blind areas covered and get back out and head to the front. I can hear John already up there preparing his men to start firing once the Erl's forces are in range. Granted they had enough traps and other surprises for them to go through first before they'd be in range. Majority of the traps were non-lethal, and the majority of our first initial rounds we'd be shooting were full of knock-out gas, but we had plenty of lethal rounds and surprises too.
We had drones posted on the very outskirts of the beginning of the traps and we're keeping an eye on their movements. Now that everyone was bringing more supplies to the front for when the real fighting would begin, the waiting game had begun.