John and I had made camp up near the hot springs just before it started to get dark. Granted at this time of year it was only dark for a few hours, but the temperature would still drop enough to make it fairly cold and frosty at our altitude.
Once camp was set up we had fun making our dinner of re-hydrated packaged slop that was supposedly pasta in marinara sauce. We both took a bite and looked at each other with disappointed faces.
It was barely palatable.....
We quickly reached for our packets of seasonings at the same time and bumped our heads together hard.
"OUCH!" I cried out.
"Jimmeny Crickets!" John clutched his head.
"Jimmeny Crickets?" I started to laugh touching the tender part of my head and looked at John who was massaging his.
"Yeah ... at least I don't call people an asshat." He stuck his tongue out at me and we both laughed at that one.
After a very lacking dinner, we went up to the hot springs and checked out the water. Laying back on the rocks that were partially submerged into perfect lounge chairs, we let the hot water relax us.
"So what do you think? Boy or girl?" John asks me, grabbing my hand that's floating in the water in between us.
I open an eye at him and mumble out, "Boy, she's had too many mood swings." I smirk closing my eyes again.
"Well I think it's a girl." John sounds sure of his assumption.
"Want to make a bet?"
"Sure, what does the winner get?" John moves closer pulling me into his lap.
I feel him aroused pressed against my back.
"What do you think the winner should get?" I smile staying relaxed keeping my eyes closed.
"Well, I already have everything I could ever want or need. So I guess we should bet who has to go without an orgasm longer?" He moves against me letting me feel him.
I chuckle, "Why are you so mean to yourself?"
I flip over to straddle him and run my fingers through his hair.
"Are you sure you want to make this bet?" I suggestively ask him.
"Yes but we can't ask until we're home." He whispers as we begin to move together.
Two days later....
We just got back to the house and look around at what's changed. There's a few pictures of Elena's family up and one of her chairs is in the living room. That looks to be it. We go to the spare room and find it's been cleared and is now taped off to be painted. Everything is laid out, rollers, stencils, paint cans, brushes, but no one has started to paint yet.
"Where do you think they are?" John asks and I just shrug.
Heading to their door, we're about to knock when a naked Cass opens the door to ask Elena if she wanted some water, then turning to see us.
@_@.... @_@
"Oh shit!" Cass jumps in fright and quickly hops back into the room.
John and I look at each other, cover our shocked open mouths to snort and burst into laughter. We're holding on to each other, keeping each other upright as we sound like hyenas laughing in the hall.
After a minute, the door opens back up with a blushing Cass in front of us.
"Well that was awkward." Cass comes out of his room in shorts. He scratches the back of his head and laughs embarrassed.
"It's fine, Cass." John pats him on the back. "It's bound to happen at least once in our lives."
I'm still struggling to regain my composure, still snorting trying to keep my laughter contained.
"Damn, Sin. It wasn't as funny as the time Lar..."
I cut Cass off, "Weren't you supposed to be getting Elena some water..... Daddy Cass?" My composure came back with the sobering moment I knew he was going to bring up.
"Oh yeah." He took off to the kitchen and John looked at me weird.
"What time is he talking about with Lar?"
"Umm... You don't remember?" I ask feeling my ears heat up.
"Oh you mean when he was in the house in San Diego and you were naked asleep?" He chuckled.
"Yep." I knocked on the door. "Elena are you decent?"
"Uno momento, per favore!" (one moment please.) Elena called out from the other side of the door.
Cass was back with her water and checked in on her as she was straightening out her dress.
"Ciao, Sin. Ciao, John." She hugs and kisses us both by the cheek.
"Hello Elena. You are glowing this morning...." John complimented her.
"Thank you, I think it's more from embarrassment though." She blushed at Cass's smile that was part grimace.
"It's fine, we were just as surprised as you two. We saw the babies room is all taped off for painting and ready but you guys haven't started yet. You want some help?" John offered.
"Actually we wanted you to help but not the way you're probably thinking." Cass gave us a mischievous grin.
"Oh how are you wanting help then?" I asked curiously.
"Well...." Cass started.
'What the hell are they thinking? How are we supposed to paint blind folded? Why are we painting blindfolded?'
I'm thinking to myself as I stand there with a roller and my eyes are covered up by a thick scarf so I can't peek. John is the same way and we're standing waiting until Cass's readies the paint trays with the paint.
"Okay, you both have paint in your trays now. We'll help you get the rollers in the paint to start with, but after that you have to remember where they are. You'll have 5 minutes to try and paint as much of your wall as you can. You have to get the most coverage and the neatest look in order to be the winner. The winner will get to remove their blindfold and see the gender first and will know the name. The loser will know the gender but has to wait till the babies born to find out the name. They also have to help me finish painting the rest of the room. You guys got it?"
"What wow really? Four months of waiting for the name? This should be good." John exclaims.
I can feel the smug smile in his words and his confidence that he'll win this for sure. I smile smugly to myself as well. This should be fun.
"We got it Cass. This sounds like fun. Let's paint!"
I feel Elena come up behind me and help me dip the roller into the tray and helps me get the roller heavy with paint. She takes a step back and I hear the crinkle of the plastic that down to protect the floor.
"Okay. Ready? Set? Paint!"
Cass shouts and I hear John rushing to paint. I carefully find the paint tray and push it against the wall so I can find it again. I hear Elena's giggles and I'm not sure if it's because of me or John's antics cause I can hear him moving about like crazy.
I put the roller to the wall and slowly go from the top and move over until I find the corner and begin rolling it up and down not pressing until I feel the roller not wanting to stick to the wall and paint. Once I'm pressing continuously and hear the 'tch, tch tch' sound, I find the tray and load up the roller to head back to the corner. I then move two steps down from the corner and do the same thing taking a step closer to the middle this time when I have to start pressing harder.
I'm making my forth trip to the tray when Cass calls out '1 minute left!'
I hear John's frantic scramble trying to find the paint tray still as the roller hits the plastic on the floor time and time again. Cass and Elena are both laughing.
I speed up my movements as well now just trying to cover more of the wall as quickly as possible.
"Times Up! Put your rollers down!" Cass laughs out. "Now no peeking! Elena, will you please inspect the walls?"
We put our rollers down and I hear Elena's foot steps on the plastic as she inspects the walls. She's laughing over by John as she walks towards me. She remains quiet and walks away.
"The winner is Sin!" She exclaims.
"YES!" I shout and remove the blindfold.
...It's blue a grayish pastel blue with green undertones...
'It's a boy! Looks like I won two times in a row'
I start to snicker as I take in my paint job.... It's terrible but considering I was blindfolded ... It's not bad. I turn around and see Johns wall and immediately snort with laughter.
It's crisscrossed and patchy with areas that barely have any paint and others with huge globs from the roller.
"Can he remove his blindfold? I've got to see his face for this." I chuckle and they agree.
John removes his blindfold and starts, "What? How bad did we do....?" He stops and looks at his masterpiece of a wall. "Well, I uh... " He turns and looks at my wall.
"What the hell is this?! Did you cheat and peek or something?" John throws a hand up in disbelief and we all start laughing.
"No I did not cheat. I just pushed the tray against the wall so I could find it easier and worked from the corner out. You know slow and steady can win the race." I smile smugly. "Looks like I'm two for two now." I chuckle.
"DAMN IT!" John cries out annoyed but laughing.
Elena grabs my hand and takes me to their room. "We're naming him... Johnathan Marco..." She smiles proudly at me.
I'm shocked for a few seconds before warmth invades and spreads across my body. I begin to tear up slightly.
"Oh, you two.... That's .... oh that's beautiful, he'll love it." I reach out and give her a quick hug and quickly suck up my tears. Clearing my throat and straightening up my face I smile at Elena.
"Okay now I get to go be all smug about it." We both chuckle and walk back into the babies room and watch as John and Cass are already starting to paint talking between themselves.
I hold Elena back and listen to them talking.
"So you lost a bet with Sin? HA! You'll never learn will you?" Cass laughed as he started rolling the paint on my wall getting everything even.
"Hey even when I lose, I win with her. So I don't mind one bit. That's something you should always try and remember. Lets the little things go, focus on the bigger picture. She wants you to do something and you're tired? Just do it, you'll spend more energy arguing then if you just take care of it. When you're in a foul mood say something, take some time and space to calm down so things don't escalate. Number one thing to remember are these simple statements; I'm sorry, Thank you, You're right, and you're amazing. Those four simple statements can help you if you dug yourself into a hole. Humility in a relationship can turn it into something wonderful as long as you both are able to practice it."
"Yeah I know. It's just remembering it in the heat of the moment sometimes. So what did you guys bet?" Cass says and notices us.
Raising my fingers to my lips, I have him keep quiet about us standing there.
"Torture... She's going to absolutely torture me." John sounds so disappointed.
I make an appalled face and Cass see's it and smiles.
"Torture you how?" Cass asks loading up his paint roller.
"She's going to see how long I can go with having an orgasm...." John says quietly.
Elena covers her mouth, wide eyed at me as I shrug keeping my mouth sealed, tightly pressing my lips together as I look pointedly away.
"Dear god, can you guys take another back packing trip for that please?" Cass remarks looking mortified between us, making me and Elena start laughing.
John pokes his head out and sees us. "How long have you two been standing there?"
"Long enough to know how blue you're going to be later!" Elena laughs as John turns red.
"Hey you said it, don't give me that look!" I laugh as John gives me a look of disapproval.
"Aye, so do you at least like the name they picked out?" John changes the topic.
"Oh I do." I flash a devious smile with my reply. "That I do."