*R-18 Violence *
I had done my research, scoped out the area, watched and had the routine down of workings of the house where I was to take the Turkish mafia boss out at. Emir Kaya you sick son of a bitch, you're on borrowed time...
Right now me and the others going on the mission were getting ready. my body suit that Natalia had made me was on that had all my hidden pockets filled with different knives, picks, silencers, ammo clips and my favorite guns. Turk would be joining us but hanging back unless we needed the tank to do some damage.
John was not too happy that he was asked to stay behind. We didn't like to do anything like this apart anymore. However, we needed this to be as discreet as possible. John would be on standby if the situation got bad, but only if it did.
I had six others helping me out to make quick work of all the guards and other trash that would probably be around. All were very skilled at Kenjutsu and that could move soundlessly with out being seen. My past few years of intense training gave me the the knowledge to be on this mission.
Several other groups were also taking out some high and low profile drug dealers, mafia bosses, and extremely corrupt government officials all over the world. The lists were long and all had so much evidence that no one had any qualms about taking them out of this world.
As I painted my face to blend in with the shadows of the face wrap I would be using, John came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled at him through the mirror and laughed at the sight of my raccoon eyes that I had made.
"Please be careful, Mary." John tells me, concern in his voice.
"Yes, my little mother hen. I will be, I promise." I turn to wrap my arms around him.
"Now kiss your raccoon, hen, before she has to cover her lips up." I run my fingers through his brown hair, watching it bounce back into place as I do so.
He gives me a few pecks and lets me go, only to swing me back into his arms and kiss me deeply.
"Whoo." I breathlessly smile, fanning myself after that hot kiss.
"That'll be waiting for you when you back." He smacks my ass, making me gasp and giggle, an excited smirk filled my face.
I flashed him a devilish wink. "I'll do my best to not keep you waiting then."
I wrapped my head up hiding my face and hair well. I checked my gear one last time and tested my reach to grab my Katana on my back and my Kodachi at my waist. Seeing that I was and everything was secured comfortably to me, I joined my team members that were ready. Within minutes we were all assembled and went over the map of the grounds and blueprints of the house again.
We all had committed it to memory already and I went over it just to make sure everyone had memorized it completely. Satisfied with the answers I received from the questions I asked them to throw them off, I was ready to leave.
"Okay, in 3...2...1." I counted us down and then we snapped to the location. We were in the large trees on the property that were next to the house. Turk was located in the one by the front door who would stay there until needed.
Silently we moved through the old trees, snapping once the limbs were starting to move. I snapped to the roof of the second floor in the dark shadowed corner of the third floor. Checking to see if I noticed anyone else moving about, I was thankful for not seeing anyone from my area.
I moved down slowly and took my telescopic lens and maneuvered it to look through the window of the room I was located by. Seeing it was clear, I snapped inside and looked around. It was still quiet. Still using my telescope lens to peek under the door, I checked the hall and landing that could be seen from here. Carefully, I opened the door to see if anyone would come checking if a noise was heard. The door made no sound as I opened it farther to creep out and make my way to the bedroom across the hall.
Inside was one of Emir's men. Sleeping like a man who had no cares in the world. I took my kodachi from the scabbard and sliced his throat making him gurgle trying to breathe.
Quickly I covered his mouth and shoved the blade down through his left eye that was filled with anger and fear.
'Too bad you couldn't see my smile...' I couldn't help but think as his body went limp. I pulled my blade free and wiped it clean of the gore on the bed sheets.
'One down.' ran through my head as I made my way back out and checked on the last bedroom on this level. It had a guy and two chicks having a three way, where the women were obviously more into each other than him.
I retracted the telescopic lens back and heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I snapped into the empty bed room and used the lens to check on what was going on. It was another one of Emir's goons bringing a female with him.
'Shit' I thought... They would be coming to this room. I moved into the bathroom before they got the door and heard them walk in laughing to each other.
"Those things he did to that girl, kind of turned me on...." I heard the woman speaking.
"Yeah you like it when he makes those young sluts bleed like that?" The thug with her asked.
'Well that's going to make this a lot easier.' I thought not wanting to kill a working girl if that was what was going on. Yet, her statement signed her death notice.
I heard them starting to get intimate and she tells him to wait, she'll be right back. She's heading for my door so I step to the side and ready my kodachi. She walks in pulling the door shut.
Before she can scream, I shove my hand in her mouth and the kodachi through her chest. Confusion and shock fade from her eyes as she slides down the wall.
I snap out into the room and the thug looks shocked but I'm able to slice his throat before he can get a sound of warning out.
Now I'm making my way to the third bedroom, putting my kodachi away and pulling out my Katana. Checking the situation of the room, I see the girls are on top of him facing each other. I snap in and drive my blade straight through both girls and remove my kodachi to stab the thug.
He's mumbling something in Turkish when he notices the glint of my blade in the low light.
He mumbles loudly trying to move the dead girl off his face as I stab him. He moved and I got him in the gut and a cry of pain escapes him. I pull my blade from his gut and quickly do a stab to his chest, nicking a rib with my blade before it slides through to his lungs. I yank it out rapidly as he makes another cry.
This time I simply grab his hair and slice his throat.
'Damn it!' I think, this one was too messy. I remove my Katana from the two dead girls and check the landing for company.
Nothing. Maybe I got lucky and they didn't hear anything or confused it for another carnal sound?
I quietly move out and make my way down the hall to the landing. I stay low and listen for any sounds of someone possibly coming up the stairs. I know that two of my colleagues are working on anyone on the second floor, then the other two were working on the ground floor. Not hearing anyone on the stairs I made my way down slowly to where I could see down the stairs and seeing it was clear snapped down and checked my surroundings. No one was walking around and remembering the blue prints I know a small hall closet is near by I spot it and snap to it.
Inside I find the cleaning equipment the maids would use to clean the place. I'm straddling a vacuum cleaner and a carpet cleaner is riding my ass.
'Oh if John could see this right now.'
I think exasperated as I use my telescopic lens to check the hallway. When I see one of my men's do his step out I flick the lens to catch the light and catch his eye.
He shows me three fingers and I snap out of that closet after snapping the carpet cleaner and vacuum home. I know I'll get some questions about that later but..... *mental shoulder shrug*
My team member is scoping out the next room as I scope the last one on this side of the floor. We look at each other and he raises one finger and lays his hand flat.
One person sleeping. I respond with the same and we nod and snap in and quickly execute the the sleeping targets.
We snap across the the floor and our other team member is finishing up his rooms. He raises one hand and we know that he had 5 people as well on his side.
It's been a full house so far tonight. We start to work our way downstairs checking for guards and thugs doing walks of the grounds and don't see any inside. From what I had seen from my surveillance of the place, this was normal except for directly around Emir. He has at least ten personal guards to handle any issues that may require their presence.
Not seeing any of them we know that they must be located in the basement of the house. Recalling what that woman had said earlier..... It sounded like torture and rape were being put on as a show down there. We see one of our guys come out of kitchen, carefully treading and we flick our lens at him. He doesn't see it at first, but after a few more flicks he finally snaps up to us. He raises his hands and see he had 3 and that was it.
We are looking for our other team member and don't see them. We make our way down stairs and carefully check on his side of the ground floor. We come across his dead body on top of another thugs corpse. We check to see what happened and see the thug had a knife as well and had stabbed him just below the breast bone at an upward angle. At the cost of our members life he took him out with his Sai in his kidney and throat. We snap our members body back to the house and head for the basement.
The basement has one way in and one way out. Before we open the door I have them wait and snap Turk inside to us and tell him to follow us.
We check the door and find it to be locked. Three of us start snapping to the bodies we left and start looking for keys. I snapped right up to the man and woman I had killed when they had just arrived at the room. Searching the man I found some keys and immediately went back downstairs looking at the keys and door. Checking the keys first and making sure we were going with the best educated guess. A long door key silver, just like the lock, that had words stamped on the side. I was guessing 'DO NOT DUPLICATE' or along those lines like we had back in the states.
I slide the key in and it stops halfway. Damn it.
I pull it out and go with the next best guess.
What the hell. All the long keys were not fitting in all the way so, naturally I had to switch it up to the short keys. The fifth short, silver one I tried finally worked. I unlocked it and stuck it, after I wrapped them up tightly, into my boot pocket.
I checked for everyone being ready and turned the knob to open the door.