Chereads / My Favorite Sin / Chapter 22 - 22 Should I

Chapter 22 - 22 Should I

We make it the jail where we are to be 'detained' and do the whole booking process before we're thrown in different cells. A familiar face comes to get me out and take me to talk to someone. As soon as I'm put in the empty room he spins me around pushes me against the wall and kisses me deeply. 'OH MY'.

"Did you miss me, John?" Seductively I whisper against his lips and caress them with my own before he's kissing me again, this time much more gently.

"What do you think? I already talked to Rivera and I just wanted to make sure you remember who's kiss was better." He still has me pressed against the wall, if there were no cameras in here I'd tell him to take me now and show him one way how I could never forget the man I love.

"Jealous baby? That's so unlike you, John, I do not bare my heart and soul to anyone through a kiss and faked relationships. You know this." I wince as I notice the cuffs are starting to cut into me.

He backs off and takes them off for me rubbing the mark as it disappears. "Yeah I know, but Rivera told me 'Alex' likes you and there might be a connection to Ortiz. There's definitely one to Panama with the operation that he wasn't going to wait for you. I know what you're thinking. You're going to go deeper under and I don't know when I'll get to see you and hold you again if you do." He looks worried and I know what he's thinking.

"Even when I do go deeper in, you are still the only one that has my heart and soul. That's not ever going to change." sincerely I gaze into his eyes that are pained looking at me.

"I guess I know how you feel now about the Viola case. Even though we know, it's rough to think of someone else other than ourselves touching each other, we have to cope when it's from the job. I just don't want you to feel or be violated in any way. I'm supposed to protect you and when I can't ... I feel like utter shit." John says quietly to me before clearing his throat of the emotion trying to choke him.

This is the part that's the hardest for us, when our job sometimes requires us to be able to make certain self sacrifices of morals for the 'greater good' that may arise. We do our best to avoid these outcomes, but sometimes that's what we have to do in order to take out the bigger target. The Viola case was when we were engaged, that was rough and I would get so angry about it. He'd come home for one night a week if I was lucky and he'd be scrubbing his body trying to feel clean after what that sick woman was constantly doing.

She was a human trafficker that specialized in all areas of the sickest of minds. She also had her own thing for BDSM and the marks on his body would enrage me with what I could see. That's why after the mission was successful he had to go talk to the psychiatrist which was the beginning of her infatuation with what she couldn't have, my soon to be husband.

John doesn't wish the same to happen to me just because, ever since I was first gifted I've been violated too many times to count for the sake of 'the mission'. I knew the risks though when I agreed and I do my best to avoid them at all costs.

"Don't worry honey, I'll do my best to not have something progress to that." I give him a reassuring squeeze of the hand and he looks down defeated.

"Come on they're waiting for us in the conference room." He tugs on my hand and leads me to it.

Inside the conference room is a large table and chairs with a large screen on one wall with a podium off to it's side. The rest of my team and the cooperating agencies officers are already seated at the table.

"Hey everyone, I'm guessing we're ready to go over this briefing and decide on what are next few steps should be?" I get yeahs, nods, and other noises of agreement from everyone so I dim the lights and start the briefing. We go over all our previous information, the new intel, and then me and Rivera add in the the opportunities we could explore if I go deeper undercover. We discuss the dangers, the possible issues that could arise and more. We don't want things to seem too convenient either and make it obvious that we're trying to get closer to them.

"What if Rivera ends up with a warrant for his arrest? We could 'book' him and then technically you'd be free to hang out with Alex but you know, make it like you're trying to be faithful to him. Then you are able to get close and still have a way out if it seems like it's getting out of hand."

Pete one of the officers from the DEA team throws out his suggestion. When it seems to get some approval he adds, "We can't have you there any longer than 2 months straight, other wise your tattoos will fade away and you'll be found out regardless."

"There's one more thing to add to this." John piques everyone's interest, "If Ortiz is a part of this operation, and for what ever reason he and she end up in the same room, he's going to recognize her and everything is ruined and she's caught unless we have evidence to send in a strike team. So we'd have to have a strike team ready at any minute, especially with the type and amount of man power this guy seems to have. A couple of guys as back up wouldn't work in this situation and as good as her disguise is, it will not fool Ortiz. That INL officer is not stupid and she's pissed him off enough that he will take any opportunity he can to get his hands on her."

Oh, my dear John. My heart aches and is annoyed at the same time.

"John, that's a risk with any mission. I understand what you're concerns are and I think we should discuss some of those at home." He gives me the look that says he's angry, so I turn and continue.

"However, he is right. We can't have strike teams ready 24/7 and a few guys hanging around as back up will not be enough. However, if we can get 100 % utter proof of Ortiz involvement, Rivera you remember the tracker down in Panama?" I've got an idea....but should I?

"Yeah, the one for the jets?"

"Yes, do you know how quickly if one of those is activated they can arrive?"

John stands up, "No, I don't think that's a good idea."

Rivera looks between us and I nod for him to continue, "About 2-4 hours depending on where they take off from and as long as they get a clear from their commanding officer."

John gives Rivera a pointed look and Rivera defends himself, "Hey man, it's a last resort option, any other way more of our guys lives will be lost. At least with Sin it's different and not permanent. I don't want her to get hurt too, but that's our jobs. We take the hits that shield our nation. Sin has taken more hits then anyone in the history of man and she's willing to take more, she's a damn Hero. That's what her gift is for anyways."

"I know what her gift is for." Johns face is stone as he mutters. He's about to lose his self control.

"Okay, we will take an hour break, go get some food and see if you can think of some other avenues. Also, if any of this leaks out in any way shape or form... I don't think I need to finish that now do I?"

Everyone nods in agreement and take off, one of the DEA officers stays back, George, who has something to say. "I know you guys need sometime so I'll make this quick. The guy from your car accident John, the one that hit you with the van?"

John gives him a nod, he's got his attention.

"We found a couple boxes of blow in corn starch boxes at his place. In one of the boxes was a clean note. It said 'take out the man, make her suffer' typed out and that was it. If the police had not brought the K-9 unit with them to check out the place, it would never would have been found. The guy died from the bleeding on his brain from the accident yesterday. So we can't question on the notes origins but with everything else going on, we can't help but speculate the possibility. I'll see you two in an hour."George nods heading out the door.

As soon as it shuts, John is locking the door. He's livid at me right now for the suggestion of blowing myself up to take out the target. He takes a deep breath and is holding the breath before releasing it.

"Mary, Why would you offer yourself up as target practice like that? Knowing what it will do to me and you?" He asks taking a few steps forward toward me.

I take a step back out of instinct when I feel such an intimidating atmosphere.

"John, it's a last resort option. I wouldn't use it except for if Ortiz got a hold of me." I step back again as he moves forward. "I don't want to hurt you John, I know it's a scary thought, even knowing I'll come back it terrifies the shit out of me. But what else can I do except take the hit? I'm coming back, but if I let others take the hit instead, they won't come back."

I step forward this time, "I'll always come back for you John." I move closer to him. "I can't let someone else take my place knowing that'd I would be sending them to their death."

He moves forward and wraps his arms around me pulling me close, "You can't save everyone, we knew the risks when we signed up for the job."

"Exactly John, but if I can take the hit that would end up saving you, I will endure it everyday." I run my fingers through his hair and we end up on the floor in a desperate display of intimacy and passion, rolling under the table to avoid the cameras taking a peek.

"Sin, I don't want you to save me, for once I want to be the one who saves you."