Losing myself to indescribable rage was scary enough for me but knowing that I tried hurting Xander was worse and I knew I wanted to make the most of the time we had together against the unforeseeable but hopeful future we had.
"Nothing could ever make me deny you", those were his words to me. Spoken with love in his eyes as he caressed my face with his hand. "Waiting is never hard when I know I have a lifetime with you. I love you Asha".
I couldn't stop smiling when I heard him repeat those three words to me again. I was so happy it felt like I was lit from within. No matter how shy I felt before, his words gave me strength and boldness enough to say, "Then I want you to take me Xander. Take me and make me yours in every sense of the word".
I knew in my heart the moment I said those words to Xander I would forever remember this day. I really am lucky to have him as my mate and as nervous as I was I knew it would only be him for me the rest of my days.