Chereads / Supernatural High (Lesbian Romance) / Chapter 20 - Chapter 18: Fenris

Chapter 20 - Chapter 18: Fenris

Five hours of fast continuous flying and Fenris was finally in the same state as her parents. Her parents lived in a house somewhere in the northern Rocky Mountains, seperated from most of the town but not all the way.

Fenris' parents were sort of like supernatural historians, they loved learning about everything having to do with werewolves and demons. So she had some hope that they would be able to help her in her mission to get Annabelle back.

However Fenris' parents prefer being around humans, she personally didn't know why. Supernaturals can never be themselves around humans, all one had to do was look at history.

The salem witch trials really started because some priest saw a mated pair of a air elemental and a witch, the two realized they were mates and started having sex in the woods. The priest was so shocked by the event of the two levitating and the air becoming a storm he said they were devil worshippers there to kill and corrupt, and we all know how that ended.

Even the mention of something supernatural and humans go crazy. Humans used to drill holes in their heads so a demon could enter or leave their body, how crazy is that. So Fenris never understood why her supernatural parents lived near humans. They even left their pack and clan to live closer, because wolves and demons who love being in their truest form could never live close to humans.

Another ten minutes of flying and Fenris saw her parents house come into view, surrounded by trees she almost missed it. Getting closer Fenris folded her wings and dropped, falling a few thousand feet she broke the tree canopy before she unfurled her wings she landed with a loud thud, shaking some of the trees nearby.

Slowly she shook off some of the falling leaves and straightened out her clothes. She knew the second she came close to the house her father had smelled her, and because he hadn't seen her since she was twelve she doubted he would remember her scent.

Just like she thought she heard three sets of feet start running for her from the direction of her parents house. One of the three jumped and the sound of wings appeared, the other two quickly became two sets of four paws. [Looks like it's a big happy family reunion.]

As her family got closer she got ready to fight them knowing by the sound of the growls they had no clue who she was. The first to emerge from the bushes was a small light grey wolf, running at her and growling blindly, it was her twelve year old brother Jonah.

She waited for Jonah to get closer to her before she grabbed his front paw and flung him into a tree, ultimately knocking the wind out of him. Most would think she would hesitate to do this to her brother, but she didn't, because she didn't like him. It wasn't because he got to live with their parents or that he was only one supernatural so he could hide. No, Fenris didn't like her brother because he was a spoiled little brat who had never heard the word no and thought he was the biggest baddest wolf around.

Finally Fenris' parents broke through the bushes, her mom immediately flying over to help her son while her dad, a big dark grey wolf with black markings, stood his ground facing her. Rolling her eyes Fenris extended her wings and showed her fangs, hoping her father would recognize at least those features of herself. The act seemed to only further his anger, instead of seeing his daughter he only saw a threat. He continued to stare her down now circling her looking for a weak spot, clearly not recognizing his own daughter.

Fenris heard her mother shuffling behind her, trying to sneak up on her. This was starting to get annoying, she had thought her parents would recognize her physically because, come on, there are not many who look like her. [I guess I see how much they truly care for me.]

While she had been listening to her mother Fenris noticed her father ran and had jumped at her, so she dropped and rolled before his claws got a hold of her. He went sailing above her, right towards her mother. He crashed into the ground in front of her and tumbled into her mother's legs, causing her mother to fall on top of her father.

Not wanting to prolong this any further Fenris finally spoke, "Is that anyway to treat your daughter after not seeing her in what, six years now."

That statement caused her three family members to stop and stare at her. Fenris' mother pushed her husband off of her and got up. "Fenris?" she asked, taking a step towards her.

"Hello mother." Fenris said with a sarcastic smirk.

Fenris' mother covered her mouth with her hand, a small tear leaving her eye. Both her father and brother went behind a tree, emerging seconds later back in their human form pulling up black sweatpants. Jonah quickly walked off back in the direction they all came from.

"Fenris? That's really you?" Her father asked, slightly disheveled. He had a look of disbelief as he walked up to his wife and stood in front of Fenris.

"Unless you know another hybrid type with wings and red eyes." Being around her parents always brought out her sarcasm.

"Fenris not that we aren't happy to see you, cause we are, but, what are you doing here?" her mother asked, confusion evident in her tone.

Fenris sighed and thought of everything that's happened to her in only one week of school. "I found my mate, and she's beautiful."

Her mother's eyes lit up at that statement and had her squealing. "Fenris I'm so happy for you. Did you bring her? Is she here? Is she a wolf? You should have called us, we wouldn't have had to go through all this." her mother scowled at her.

"No I didn't bring her and yes she's a wolf." A tear slipped out of Fenris' eyes, "She feels the mate bond but doesn't have her mark, so she says we aren't mates." more tears slipped out. "I have a theory on why she doesn't have her mark, but you guys know more about the history between wolves and demons. So, I need your help in trying to prove to her that we are meant for each other."

Her parents walked over to her and brought her into a hug, pulling back her father looked her in the eyes. "Of course we'll help you Fenris. Let's go back to the house and we can see if your theory makes sense."

He wrapped his arms around her and her mother and they all walked back to the house together.