Chereads / Supernatural High (Lesbian Romance) / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11: Part 1/2

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11: Part 1/2

Fenris POV:

Pulling up in front of the Carter pack house Fenris looks at the time and saw that she made it just in time, it's 5:34PM. Quickly she texts Ray that she's here telling him to hurry over.

Fenris gets out of her car and leans against the red charger. Keeping an eye out for Duke Carter, Fenris waits for Ray. Fenris and Duke get along but like she said before Duke likes to challenge her, and even though today is a family dinner there will be no exception.

However Fenris want's to make a good impression on Mary's family. Since meeting Mary the two have talked and grown a little closer. In Fenris' mind she already considers the girl her friend and she doesn't want a bad first impression to come between their growing friendship. So she wasn't going to fight Duke and look like a troubled child to her new friends' parents.


The distinct sound of tires on gravel made Fenris turn around. There was the pack's truck, it was old and beat up but it still ran so they used it.

Ray was driving, his hand out the window waving at Fenris. She could see Mary in the passenger seat smiling at her, someone was in the back seat but Fenris couldn't see the person. She guessed it was Mary's sister.

Ray pulled the truck up next to her charger and got out going around to the passenger side to open the doors. He then turned to Fenris and smiled at her. "It's 5:45Pm Fenny. Don't you think you were cutting it a little close.

Mary had hopped out of the truck by this point and had slapped Ray in the stomach. He looked shocked and hurt causing Fenris to smile knowing Mary was on her side. "Don't be mean to her Ray. Fenris was probably just nervous about meeting so many new people." Mary said, defending her.

"Um, yeah. There was that and, something else, came up" Fenris said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

Fenris hadn't told Mary about her wings yet. She knows that she probably should have considering Mary will see them Monday at school, but not many people liked demons and she didn't want to be judged on what she was. So she had kept her mouth shut.

Mary looked at her with narrowed eyes but Fenris didn't budge, she knew that if she wanted to she could take her so the whole tough act Mary was giving her wouldn't work. "Hmm. Okay. Anyways Fenris, this is my sister Annabelle. Annabelle this is Fenris." Mary said, turning Fenris' attention to the girl who is just now getting out of the truck.

The second Fenris' eyes saw the other girl she froze. It was her. The girl that Fenris had been searching for for a week. The girl from the first day of school. Seeing her up close Fenris was amazed, with her slightly tanned skin that looked so soft. This girl was even cuter up close with her full pink lips that would have a movie star jealous, and her eyes. Those eyes so green they reminded her of nature and Fenris loved being in nature more than anything. Even her height was adorable, the top of her head came up to about Fenris' nose.

She hadn't realized she'd been staring until the girl's voice snapped her out of the trance she seemed to have been in."It's you!" the girl exclaimed. Oh God, the girl's voice was both husky and angelic.

Not knowing what to say Fenris cocked her head to the side and looked at the girl. "It's me?" she said almost like a question.

"You're the player chick who had a bunch of girls hanging off of her. I saw you on the first day. Mary described you to me and I thought you sounded like her but I can't believe you are the player girl." the girl rambled.

Fenris couldn't help getting mad at this. She wasn't a player and she hated being called one. "I am not a player." she growled, stepping closer to the short girl. "Yes I dress like one but I'm not. Those girls attach themselves to me, but I want nothing to do with them." she growled more, glaring at the girl.

Ray got between the two and quickly pushed Fenris back. "Calm down Fenny. She didn't mean anything by it and you know it. But if you keep this up you're going to scare her even more than you have already."

Fenris took a deep breath and looked over at the shorter girl. She did indeed look terrified, and Fenris was the one that caused it. Normally she doesn't care if someone is scared of her but she felt guilty that this girl was.

Hanging her head Fenris walked slowly up to the girl looking at the ground. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, I just don't like being called a player. I'm not a player by the way. I'm waiting for my mate." she said softly, slowly looking up into the girls eyes. She could see the girl relax and smile softly at her. Fenris smiled at her, without showing her fangs, "I'm Fenris and I believe Mary said your name was Annabelle, correct?"

Annabelle giggled at her and the sound had Fenris' heart beating double time. "Yes my name is Annabelle. It's nice to finally meet you Fenris. I'm sorry about the player comment, I wasn't thinking when I said it. Sorry." Annabelle said shyly, sticking out her hand to shake Fenris'.

Fenris could feel her heart beating fast. She stuck out her own hand reaching for Annabelle's.


Freezing with her hand almost touching Annabelle',s Fenris looked over to what caused the sound.

There, on the porch of the pack house, stood Duke Carter.

Fenris dropped her hand and turned to face Duke with a blank expression. "Duke."

"Fenris. I thought I told you what would happen next time you set foot on pack territory."

"Yeah, I remember you mentioning something." Fenris said bored. She looked over at Annabelle and could see the fear in her eyes. She was scared, but why? Duke was an alpha and Fenris had already scared her, but the two were talking to each other. So why was Annabelle scared?

Duke smirked at her and walked towards her. Duke was an impressive looking man. He stood at 6'5" and was the size of most football stars. He had light hazel eyes and his short dark brown hair was always spiked on his head. His favorite feature about himself was clearly his beard. It was short and thick, but he groomed it more than he brushed his hair.

The closer Duke got to Fenris the further away Annabelle got, she was now hiding behind Mary using her as a shield. Fenris wanted to know why Annabelle was acting in such a way, but she felt she wouldn't like the answer.

"So Fenris," Duke now stood in front of her, "anything to say for yourself." he said, puffing out his giant chest.

"Yeah actually I do." Fenris paused, "I don't want to fight today, and if you start anything I'll tell Lily."

Duke's eyes went wide at what she said. He hadn't been expecting her to pull the 'Lily' card on him. "You'd tell my mate on me?"

"This time, yes, I would." she stated with a nod.

Duke looked like a kicked puppy with an imaginary tail between his legs. "That's not fair." Duke whined. It was rare moments like these where Fenris was able to see where Ray got his childishness from.

Fenris rolled her eyes at the alpha, "Maybe not, but I don't care. I'm not going to get my clothes dirty." she huffed at him.

"Come on, not even a little wrestle." Duke begged.

Fenris looked to others for help, but saw the others would be of no use. Ray was walking off most likely to find his mom, Lily. Then Mary and Annabelle were both standing next to the truck, hands over their mouths, trying not to laugh at the grown man groveling on the ground. Fenris was relieved to see that Annabelle no longer seemed scared of what was happening.

Turning back to Duke Fenris shook her head, "No Duke. Maybe tomorrow but not today."

Before Duke could beg one more time a powerful female voice stopped him. "Duke Carter! You better not be getting into a fight!" Walking out of the house was the luna herself. Standing at 5'4" with long blonde hair and striking grey eyes, Lily Carter was a terrifying sight. The luna might be small compared to her alpha, but don't be mistaken, if her and Duke ended up in a fight Fenris would put her money on Lily.

Duke stod ramrod straight and looked at the approaching woman with wide eyes. "W-What. Me get in a fight n-no. I-I wouldn't do that." he stammered out.

"Don't you lie to me Duke, or you'll be sleeping on the couch for a week." Lily warned him.

Duke hung his head and walked up to her, "I'm sorry honey." he said kissing her cheek.

Lily rolled her eyes playfully at him. No matter how much he aggravated her she was never able to stay mad at him for long. Lily turned her attention to Fenris and the other two girls. "Hello Fenris dear, it's good to see you again so soon." Lily said, giving Fenris a hug which she returned.

"Hello Lily."

"And you two," Lily said, turning to the sisters. "I don't think I know you two."

Mary stepped forward with Annabelle behind her. "I'm so sorry luna. My name is Mary and this is my sister Annabelle." Mary said, putting out her hand to shake the luna's. Annabelle behind her gave a shy wave and hello. The sight made Fenris' heart melt. [How is this girl so adorable? It shouldn't be possible that a girl can be so cute.]

"Mary? As in Ray's Mary?" the luna asked, to which Mary simply nodded her head. Lily stared at Mary causing the girl to move around nervously.

Lily startled Mary by throwing her arms around her. "Oh I'm so happy my baby boy has found his mate." Lily unwrapped her arms from around Mary and grabbed her face, "And you're such a pretty thing too. I'm so happy to have another daughter." Lily beamed at Mary.

"Another daughter?" Fenris looked confused, "Unless I've missed something you only have one child and that's Ray. Right?" she questioned.

Duke wrapped his arm around Fenris' shoulders as Lily walked up to her. "Yes Fenris, another daughter." the luna said cupping Fenris' cheeks gently. "Fenris I have known you since you were six years old. I have kissed your wounds better, bathed you when you were a mess, I even gave you the sex talk when you were 13. Fenris," she continued, grabbing Duke's hand, "we may not be your biological parents, but we helped raise you. I have seen you at your lowest and when you were at your highest. You are our child. Okay?"

Fenris could feel the tears building up in her eyes to the point that if she talked they would spill over. So she just nodded her head and hugged the luna tightly with Duke putting his arms around both.

Annabelle's POV:

Annabelle watched the emotional encounter between Fenris and the alphas. She could tell that everything the luna had said meant a lot to Fenris by the way the other girl had her head tucked into Lily's neck.

Fenris. Annabelle was shocked when the player looking girl from the first day of school actually did turn out to be her. Fenris was the most beautiful girl Annabelle had ever seen. With her slightly square jaw and her thick eyebrows with what looked like a scar going through the left one that gave her a badass vibe. Her smooth tan skin had Annabelle wanting Fenris to touch her and feel that skin against her own. Her slightly pink lips, Annabelle wanted to kiss her and see if they were as soft as they looked. When Annabelle finally saw Fenris' eyes she had been captivated, they were the most beautiful colors both bright gold and crimson red. Her eyes seemed to match beautifully with her long black hair, the contrast made it look like her eyes glowed.

Being so caught up in Fenris' looks Annabelle had stupidly called Fenris a player. Though she didn't know the other girl would react in such a way, she shouldn't have called her that to her face.

She had been scared earlier by Fenris' response to Annabelle calling her a player. Scratch that, she had been beyond terrified. Annabelle could feel the power Fenris had inside her, rolling off her and hitting Annabelle like a warning. She had been positive that Fenris would hit her, slap her, do something to show her not to call her a player. So when Ray had taken her away Annabelle nearly ran away with joy, but she hadn't, mainly because Mary had held onto her arm to prevent her from doing just that.

But when Fenris had walked back up to Annabelle and looked like a scolded puppy Annabelle couldn't help but giggle. Here was this badass sexy girl who just a second ago looked like she would hurt her, and now she had her head down and was slowly looking up at her. Fenris, who had probably never been called this, looked cute. When Fenris heard her giggle Annabelle could see the figurative tail wagging.

However not even a minute later the alpha of the Carter pack came out of the pack house. Annabelle had known she would have to meet the alpha couple, but she wasn't prepared for not only how big Duke was but also for how powerful he was. His presence started to bring back bad memories of her old alpha and alpha heir. Both had liked to push her around and put her down, the alpha would even use her as a training dummy for the warriors because she couldn't fight back in her human or wolf form, though she tried in wolf form she never could.

Hearing the alpha beg for a fight not only calmed Annabelle's nerves but had her laughing at his childishness, though her and Mary tried to hide it. Then when the luna had come out Annabelle saw how caring and loving the alphas were. The scene that just unfolded in front of her confirmed that.

"Now," Lily said, turning back to Annabelle and Mary, "Where are your parents? I would love to meet them." Just as Lily finished speaking they could all hear tires coming up the drive. The car parked and the people inside got out.

"There they are Luna, let me introduce you." Mary said, walking with the luna over to the sisters parents.

"Thank you dear, and please call me Lily. You are my son's mate after all." Lily chuckled.

"Hey." said a voice behind Annabelle, causing her to jump. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, again." Fenris stated, rubbing the back of her neck.

"It's okay Fenris. I just didn't hear you come up."

Fenris nodded her head and looked around. "Would you, um, would you want to sit with me during dinner?" she asked, looking at Annabelle with what she thought was hope in her eyes.

Annabelle smiled at Fenris, [Aww that is so cute and sweet.] "I'd love to Fenris. Lead the way."

Fenris beamed at her and started walking to the house asking Annabelle all about her day and how school was going.

[Maybe this dinner won't be so bad.] Annabelle thought watching Fenris with a smile on her face as the girl told her about one of her classes.