I love you more than you could possibly understand, Dad. You'll be a bright star in paradise, and no matter how far away you feel right now, heaven is always closer. I know this isn't the end of my relationship with you, Dad, therefore I can't bring myself to say goodbye. You'll soon be with God, and for that I rejoice. Now is the time to separate ways temporarily. Your embrace gave me courage and strength, and I'll never forget it. You were a dear buddy of mine. I am proud to call you my dad since you have always been proud of me. You are constantly with me, at the centre of my being, and I would do anything to be able to hold you again. When I go back to the last time I held your hand, I also remember the look in your eyes. If I could change the past, I wouldn't have abandoned you. It was as if the world had stopped turning and my heart had stopped beating when I heard the news of your passing.
I hope this is all a dream.