Baby just hold on tight I'm on my way-KING KAISER
Trevon's POV
Most of you may know me as the crazy ex, but I am not crazy at all. I've known Alexus all my life, We basically were grown up together. She just picked up and left me out of the blue which didn't make any sense to me. I know I have hit her a uncountable amount of times, but she deserved it. I can't have a girl that does not listen to me, That makes me look small in the relationship. No I am not sorry for kidnapping her either because I've heard that this King Kaiser nigga got plenty dough. I was and always will be Alexus one and only boyfriend ,and if this King Kaiser dude thinks he can stand in the way of that I will have no other choice then to kill him.
10 minutes later...
Wake up Alexus I said as I slapped her across her face. When she came to and opened her eyes, they where blood shot red as if she hasn't slept for days, but I knew it was from all the drugs I gave her. When she saw it was me she began to holler. "Go ahead and scream your lungs out nobody can hear you down here Alexus" I shouted at her. I had Alexus in my basement just because I knew she was going to scream when she found out it was me that kidnapped her. "DON'T HURT ME TREVON" she screamed. I wasn't going to hurt her, but I plan on taking something that was mines!
I woke up from a hard slap and instantly got weak. Why has this boy kidnapped me. My mind started to wonder. Where is king? Does he even know I'm missing? My heart can not take this. I don't want to be with you Alexus I just want something from you. Trevon said with a smirk on his face. What does he want? I don't have anything king takes care of me. I just opened my salon today so what can I have? We have been together for three years Alexus and your still a virgin I HOPE! He spitted. I'm still a virgin for everyone that doesn't know. After Trevon started hitting on me I knew for a fact I didn't want to give myself to him. Every time it would come down to do it I would tell him I'm on my monthly. He started to take off my clothes. What am I going to do? I do not want to lose my virginity to this man. No Trevon you don't have to do this, this isn't going to solve anything please stop! I shouted. "SHUT UP ALEXUS YOU'VE MADE ME WAIT THREE YEARS I'M NOT WAITING ANY LONGER" he screamed. I closed my eyes.
STAY TUNEDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!