"Keep your hands to yourself, student Vikov."
With those words, Wong tugged me towards him so that I could be free of the burning sensation on my shoulders. I felt puzzled by this because normally heat did not bother this body, only colder temperatures.
However, it seems that student Vikov had an ability that could possibly injure me. That was something that I could not accept.
"Are you ok, Jie?"
I nodded, still deep in thought.
"Look, Jie, concerning what you had said, I have no problem wearing a mask if it will make you happy. I also have your lunch ready. Wincu has the tea prepared and Cehn said he will bring a few snacks along."
"Mm … OK."
Soon the lecturer had finished her speech, and we were then dismissed, with the information given that we would be heading out to the swamp in one month but we were to please stock up on what we would need.
A month to not be filled with fear.