Akron felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand. On reflex he shouted, then jumped from the tree. His hands busy pulling out his weapons, two extendable truncheons made from Schalter, a pure metal found in the Declayen mountains. Performing a roll, Akron quickly got to his feet, but found that the person who appeared was a girl who, though pretty, had a peculiar scent about her. Curious, Akron continued to stare at the girl who stumbled into view.
Eurios had no eyes for the new person who appeared but what she brought with her. This girl was the same girl who had "saved" them before. Her face looked clean, though smattered with a few dirt stains, the uniform she wore look new. Looking at it he frowned, then turning to look at the smaller student who walked towards them he noticed that their uniformed suits looked similar.