Hearing this, Zhu Yu Han was shocked! Why would Little Gold not have reported this to her?
Zhu Yu Han sighed in dismay but decidedly shook her head, "We will talk about this later. My younger brother could've vanished after that time and never returned..."
Red figure...
Thinking this, Willow got up and said, "Can you lead us to the place where you saw this creature in?"
"Willow?" Xia Chang looked to her in bewilderment.
"Little Gold," Zhu Yu Han got up from her seat elegantly as she turned to her servant, "Please guide us to the place where you saw this person.."
"This...." Xia Chang looked to his cousin nervously.
"Please take us there." Xia Bi Min nodded in agreement.
"Understood." Little Gold nodded and led them out of the pavilion.