"Your big sister won't be here to save you. She's abandoned you, after all... Such naive little children..."
Tian Hua crept closer to the pile of bones with the flaming torch in one hand and the dagger in the other. As she walked by one of the piles of bones, she noticed a perfectly stone skull in the boulders With the torch in her hand, she stuck the stick into one of the empty eye socket of the skull and returned to quietly slipping into the shadows with each clumsy steps.
Willow could hear the clumsy steps inching closer as she held her breath and waited quietly in the shadows.
"Come out, come out, where ever you are..." Tian Hua called out softly with a maniacal smile on her face and the gleam of madness in her eyes shone by the light of the fire from the torch, "I've found you..."