Chereads / Level One Isn't Weak! / Chapter 323 - Metus Aflame

Chapter 323 - Metus Aflame

Adam arrived at Metus to find it burnt to the ground. It was occupied with a rather large group of soldiers, probably numbering within the hundreds. The villagers who lived there were seen to be huddled together and tied up. From just a glance, Adam could see that they've received some rough treatment here and there.

("...It's all because of me.") [Adam]

"Up there! Someone's in the sky!" [Soldier]

("Ah, I've been spotted.") [Adam]

Seeing that the enemy was now aware of his presence, Adam readied himself to charge in. However, the introduction of their leader stopped him.

"Hero of Metus! Come down and greet me!" [???]

A man who wore decorated clothing and was lightly armored called out to Adam.

"I am Mirimoore Reid! Hero of Legosa! Come down now!" [???]

He motioned to one of the soldiers, who then aimed a sword at the helpless villagers.

"They're very direct with the hostage usage." [Astos]

"I'm surprised they have the gall to call themselves heroes." [Krino]

Adam descended before the hero, allowing himself to be surrounded in an instant.

"You must be either incredibly brave, or incredibly stupid to have come down so easily." [Mirimoore]

Upon closer inspection, the hero Mirimoore looked a lot stranger in person. He had red hair with eyes of different colors. One gold and one black. Other than that, he was equipped with very flashy clothing designed with bright colors and powerful beasts. Most importantly, his choice of weapon was that of a silver gilded rapier.

"Your business lies with me. Why do you treat the villagers like this?" [Adam]

Mirimoore ignored the question.

"I've heard of you from Tearsman. He came back beaten, broken, and incapable of wielding a now split weapon. Care to apologize? We lost a Supreme Hero because of you." [Mirimoore]

Adam remained silent.

"The strong silent type, hm? Or maybe it's that pride of yours." [Mirimoore]

He motioned to one of his soldiers.

"Kill one." [Mirimoore]

Adam's eyes widened as he saw a soldier raise his sword.

"Implode!" [Adam]

Blasting through his encirclement, Adam made it to the soldier and slammed him into the dirt.

("Such speed!") [Mirimoore]

"He's attacking!" [Panicked Soldier]

"Target the villagers first! Put him on the defensive!" [Mirimoore]

("Despicable bastard.") [Adam]

Running a chant in his head, Adam summoned Krino with a bolt of lightning.

"He can use lightning magic! Mages seal his magic!" [Mirimoore]

Some kind of transparent dome solidified over the entire village. However, Adam felt no changes.

("What should I do? How can I defend the villagers against so many people?!") [Adam]

As his thoughts were in turmoil, Astos spoke.

"Adam, you must choose. Kill them all, or fail to protect the villagers." [Astos]

("...Is it not unavoidable?") [Adam]

He received no answer.

("I see.") [Adam]

Gripping his sword, Adam steeled his resolve. Quick as lightning, and fierce as thunder, Adam tore through a row of soldiers.

"Eek!" [Terrified Soldier]

Blood splattered on Adam, but he didn't have the time to care.

"Do not falter! It's only one man!" [Mirimoore]

Another wave of soldiers pushed forward, gritting their teeth with fear in their eyes.

"I'm sorry." [Adam]

With another swift slice, they fell.

"Sir, he's unfazed!" [Anxious Soldier]

"I can see that! Mages! Fire at will!" [Mirimoore]

The soldiers retreated as a volley of magic flew overhead. Fire, water, earth, poison, and more spells zoomed towards Adam.

"Compression." [Adam]

Utilizing his ability, he caught the spells and sent them back.

"How did he…?" [Mirimoore]

It wasn't the fact that Adam was capable of returning the spells that shook Mirimoore, it was the fact that it was an unknown ability. No spell or skill Mirimoore had ever seen had this kind of versatility.

"Sir! The mage division is heavily injured!" [Soldier]

"Tell them to heal up and focus on support! All able men, follow my lead!" [Mirimoore]

He drew his rapier to lead the charge, causing his men to rally forward.

"They're all grouped up. You know what to do." [Krino]

Creating a sheath out of lightning, Adam took a drawing stance.

("That stance! Isn't that one of the demon captains-") [Mirimoore]

"|Blinding Slash Arts: Single Point Draw|." [Adam]

Within a fraction of a second, over a hundred men fell. Mirimoore dropped, his torso no longer connected to his lower body.

"This… cannot be…!" [Mirimoore]

Mirimoore was perplexed. His magic eye of gold should've fended off any magic, and his eye of dark should've fended off any physical attack. In the end, neither worked. 

("This feeling… Did I die?") [Mirimoore]

Flames emerged from his body, rebuilding him anew.

("He's… reviving?") [Adam]

"Ugh… I heard from Tearsman that your strength was great, but I never imagined it would be this much." [Mirimoore]

Adam approached the hero, stabbing the ground beside Mirimoore's head.

"Mirimoore. I don't wish for any more unnecessary deaths. Leave now and I won't chase." [Adam]

"Why should I do that? Do you think I fear death?" [Mirimoore]

"Maybe not you, but how about your men?" [Adam]

He picked the hero up and faced him toward the soldiers. The feeling that Mirimoore could read from their eyes was undoubtedly fear.

"...It is their honor to die for the Temple!" [Mirimoore]

"So be it." [Adam]

Adam ran his sword straight through the hero's heart, allowing him to strike even greater fear into his foes.

("Will he come back to life again?") [Adam]

Adam waited for Mirimoore to move, but nothing happened. Seeing that, Adam turned his attention to the remaining forces frozen in fear.

"Hear me, soldiers of the Temple! Lay down your arms and return from whence you came! Heed my words, that will be my only warning." [Adam]

Many soldiers glanced at each other with confusion. Even so, they all dropped their weapons once they heard others were surrendering. Within moments, they were leaving in an organized manner, too afraid to even bury their allies.

"Great speech there. I didn't know you were so well versed in words." [Krino]

"..." [Adam]

Once he could see they were gone, Adam exhaled shakily. His hands trembled as he stared at his bloodstained hands.

("I… I killed so many people…") [Adam]

It was strange to him. He had buried a number of people in the desert. Compared to that, it should be simple.

"E-Excuse me…" [???]

Adam snapped back to reality, almost forgetting that the villagers were still there.

"A-Ah, sorry. I'll free you now." [Adam]

He cut the rope tying the villagers, leading to them thanking him.

"Thank you, kind hero." [Frightened Villager]

From the looks of it, even the people Adam saved feared him.

"Wait, aren't you…?" [???]

There was the village's elder. The one who gave Adam the map.

"You… You brought them here! It's your fault! Our homes! Our future!" [Elder]

He tried to attack Adam, but tripped over a corpse.

"Ack!" [Elder]

Some of the villagers rushed to help him, some covering him with their bodies.

"P-Please forgive him! He's old and senile! He doesn't know what he's talking about!" [Frightened Villager]

Adam stared at them with remorse. Even if he saved them at the present, it doesn't change the troubles he brought and would bring.

("Even if I'm scorned, I will help them. I must take responsibility. For that, I need to cut the problem from the roots.") [Adam]

As the villagers watched Adam expecting retaliation, he responded with a question.

"...May I ask where Temple headquarters is located?" [Adam]

There was silence. Silence not of fear, but of shock.

"It's… far. Th-that way." [Trembling Villager]

"Thank you." [Adam]

Using Implode, Adam launched himself into the sky and departed.