Chereads / Level One Isn't Weak! / Chapter 321 - The Transaction

Chapter 321 - The Transaction

Before Felix or Tiffany could realize Adam's plans, he departed with the prisoners.

"Are you sure this is alright?" [Asil]

"Positive. You're uh… gonna have to lead the way though." [Adam]

Asil's face went blank.

"What?" [Asil]

Adam handed her a map marked with black ink.

"That's the meeting spot. Since I'm unfamiliar with demon territory, it falls to you to guide us." [Adam]

Asil was speechless.

"You're letting your prisoner guide you." [Asil]

"Yes." [Adam]

"...You're a very strange person. You know that?" [Asil]

"Person? Not human? Seems like you're warming up to me." [Adam]

Asil smiled.

"I say "person" because you're unique. Human and demon alike, you're a bit different." [Asil]

("Was that a compliment or an insult?") [Adam]

Asil was getting more playful and daring by the day.

"From the looks of it, it's going to take a few days to get to our location." [Asil]

"Can't we just fly?" [Adam]

"You can't fly. You're human." [Asil]

As she spoke, her fellow demons murmured amongst themselves. Eventually, one approached her.

"Captain, this human is capable of flight." [Demon Soldier]

"Huh?" [Asil]

There was no hiding her shock. Humans capable of flight were not unheard of, but they were only mages; and Adam was no mage.

"I never knew you could fly." [Asil]

"I just never needed to fly when we fought." [Adam]

"Ah…" [Asil]

She looked down feeling a mix of embarrassment and shame.

"Of course… I'm too weak for you to need to fly." [Asil]

"W-wait, I meant that I didn't fly because I like fighting on the ground. In fact, I excel in it." [Adam]

"Really?" [Asil]

"Really really!" [Adam]

It was an odd sight to see a human consoling a demon. Asil immediately collected herself before clearing her throat.

"In any case, let's set off!" [Asil]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

As they soared through the sky, Adam and Asil traded curious looks at how they flew. Asil had used wind magic to substitute for her missing wing while Adam was controlling compressed air to keep himself afloat.

"What magic are you using?" [Asil]

"It's not magic." [Adam]

"Oh, so it's a skill?" [Asil]

"If you're talking about something like your |Windless Slash|, then no." [Adam]

"Interesting." [Asil]

"Captain! Transfer site is up ahead!" [Demon Soldier]

After just six hours of flight, they covered three days worth of traveling on foot. It was like passing by those forests and grassy plains were a memory of the past. Now, they arrived at a desert wasteland. From above, they could see a group of armored demons awaiting their arrival. They were equipped with silver halberds and silver armor. Their shine in the sun made it hard to miss.

"All soldiers, prepare to land!" [Asil]

Adam and the prisoners descended, landing before the armored demons. Among them, one of the larger ones came forward.

"Introduce yourselves." [Large Demon]

"Astos, Hero of Metus. I've come to complete our deal." [Adam]

"Hmph." [Large Demon]

The large demon made it very obvious he didn't want to speak with Adam. However, he couldn't ignore orders from above.

"The supplies you've requested are over there." [Large Demon]

He aimed a thumb over to a pile of wooden crates.

"May I check them?" [Adam]

As soon as those words passed his lips, the large demon grew hostile.

"You dare question our integrity?!" [Large Demon]

Unflinching, Adam crossed his arms.

"Of course. I don't want to get swindled." [Adam]

The large demon gripped his halberd.

"You can clearly see that the crates have been prepared. As for us, you don't see us requesting to check whether or not you've brought your end of the deal." [Large Demon]

Adam raised a brow.

("Is this guy stupid?") [Adam]

"You can clearly see the prisoners. They don't have contents to be checked so the situation is clearly different." [Adam]

The large demon came closer, allowing his height to cast a shadow over Adam.

"You have quite the guts, human. Provoking us as if you have multiple lives. If you hadn't noticed, you're alone. Did you think you'd make it out alive?" [Large Demon]

Adam didn't even blink at his intimidation.

"Right back at you. If you haven't noticed, I'm alone. Maybe there's a reason for it? Maybe let's say… I'm strong enough?" [Adam]

"Bold words or a pink skinned pile of flesh!" [Large Demon]

Just as the Large Demon was about to make a move, Asil stepped in.

"Calm down, Ritross." [Asil]

("They know each other?") [Adam]

Staring down at Asil, the Large Demon exhaled through his nostrils.

"...Asil. Are you defending a human right now?" [Ritross]

"I am defending someone who should be respected." [Asil]

"Respected?" [Ritross]

He glanced at Adam before returning his gaze to Asil.

"He is a hero. Hero's are nothing more than murderers." [Ritross]

Ritross pushed Asil aside, but she stepped in again.

"Astos is not like those other heroes! He's the one who asked the humans to spare us!" [Asil]

Ritross froze.

"...Is this true?" [Ritross]

He looked at the other prisoners who then nodded.

"...Hmph. Even if one human is tolerable, the others are not the same. Let's leave." [Ritross]

He motioned to the prisoners, who then moved to the armored demons' side. The only strange part is that Asil didn't move.

"What are you doing?" [Ritross]

"Astos has yet to check the crates." [Asil]

Ritross' expression showed shock and twisted into anger.

"You would trust a human more than me?!" [Ritross]

"Not a human. Just this individual." [Asil]

Glared daggers at Adam before calming himself.

"Fine. Human, go check the crates." [Ritross]

"Thanks." [Adam]

Ritross looked perplexed to hear that. Not that Adam would notice since he was opening up the wooden crates.

"Hm… Food, crop seeds, steel ingots, miscellaneous tools… Alright, I guess that's it!" [Adam]

Turning back, he gave the demons a thumbs up.

"All accounted for!" [Adam]

"Of course it is. Never question us again." [Ritross]

Motioning to his men, they flew. That is, other than Asil.

"...You're not going with them?" [Adam]

"I just wanted to thank you." [Asil]

She approached him and held his hand.

"Thank you, Astos. Truly." [Asil]

"No problem." [Adam]

Heartfelt moments like these had Adam unsure of what to do.

"Well, I better catch up now. I'll see you around." [Asil]

Before taking off like the others, Asil kissed Adam on the cheek.

"Wha-?!" [Adam]

Stunned by the sudden affection, Adam was speechless as he watched Asil fly off into the distance.

("...And she said she wouldn't fall for me.") [Adam]

Putting that aside, he had another problem ahead of him.

("Now how am I going to move all these supplies back?") [Adam]