Xian's sleep broke in the early morning and he saw Mishi was still hugging him. Because of crying, the marks were left behind on the face. Xian from the back of his palm touched her face and caressed it. He kept on gazing at her for an hour when Mishi's sleep broke.
She gradually opened her eyes and saw Xian was still holding her. She smiled and buried her face into his warm chest. This act of hers brought a smile on Xian's face.
"Don't you wanna go to the office?," asked Xian in his deep husky voice.
"Hmm, I want to but then I want to sleep like this too. It's more comfortable," murmured Mishi and then raised her head to look at him.
Xian giggled hearing this and then pinched her nose lovingly. "Why are you so cute? Every time you get romantic with me, the butterfly starts dancing in my stomach." Xian said with a broad smile on his lips.