By morning, the battle was still raging. I was so sore and my armor had blood splattered all over it. I hadn't seen Alistor since I had left him with Rook. Something had seemed off with my mentor last night. Something was very off.
"Alistor!" I yelled. "Alistor!""
I looked all over for him. I finally headed down the catacombs to see he was fighting Rook and he was trapped.
"Rook!" I said in shock.
He looked towards me. His green eyes burned brightly. What was happening?
"Why?" I called.
"Those vermin are abominations!" he said darkly. "They shouldn't be alive!"
He kept fighting Alistor, but I could see he was more worn down than either of us was. I joined in and instead of going for the killing blow, I used the hilt of my sword to knock him unconscious. The king would have questions for him. I fell to my knees. Who could I trust anymore? My own mentor had been a turncoat. Alistor tore the hem of his shirt and used it to restrain his hands.
"You were right- the king wasn't here."
I didn't say anything. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the limp form of Rook. Why? Why out of all the turncoats, did he have to be one? I took my helmet off.
"Eve?" asked Alistor, gripping my shoulder. "Hey, Eve?"
I shrugged him off, but he wasn't having any of that. He knelt down beside me and turned my head to him. He brushed away silent tears off my cheek with his knuckles. Without a word, I fell into his arms crying. He pulled me closer wrapping his arms firmly around my waist.
"Hey," he whispered. "It's okay."
I was crying out of betrayal and also the relief that he was still alive.
"Eve?" he asked.
I buried my head against his chest. I felt the coldness of his armor against my cheek. He didn't say anything but brought his hand gently to my chin and tipped my head up and brought his mouth to mine. When he pulled away, he moved some of my hair out of my face.
"I'm here, Eve," he aid.
After a few moments, I straightened and he let me go placing my helmet back on. "Let's take him with us. Was the battle almost done?"
I nodded. Words would be my downfall right now.
"Okay. Is the king where you thought he was?"
I nodded again.
"Eve, everything will be okay."
I smiled grimly. "Aye."
He slung Rook over his back with some trouble and we began walking. Part of me snapped when I had seen him- my mentor- turn out to be the enemy. I walked in front of Alistor to protect him. I felt weak. Perhaps I should have been on bed rest still, but the kingdom needed me. My king had needed me.
I heard no more fighting just silence and I almost would have preferred the sound of swords clashing to this. The whole place seemed dead. It was eerie.
I ran into Guardian Octavian.
"The battle seems to be over," he said grimly. "What are you doing with Rook?"
I took my helmet off and looked at him sadly. "Another turncoat."
He shook his head. "I'm sorry, Eveline."
I said nothing.
"Here, I'll take you to the dungeons to put him there for now- with the others that surrendered."
"Maverick?" I asked.
"He's not down there. Everyone that is left is helping clean up the carnage."
I followed him down to the dungeons with Alistor. Once he was locked away, Alistor and I were ordered to the infirmary.